Home of Tennessee Frontiersmen (ID: 3065)

Owned by johnstadt (Last logged in on 2024-07-26 20:03:32 )

Joined the game: 2022-12-03 / S49

Manager rank is Top Manager

Sponsored by Milton Motels

League: Fire 1 NC East

ELO score: 864 - Rank global: 86 - Rank in league: 9

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Team chemistry:
94 %
100 %
Physical condition:
100 %
Financial situation:
Managers tactical talent:
Leaguedown Champ of Champsunknown Supercupdown Supercup Playoffsunknown
76.1 %
70.4 %
  Avg Age Seniors: 25.5
Pass Defense:
81.6 %
  Rush Defense:
81.0 %
  Weekly wages Players $ 3,608,399
Special Team:
81.4 %
77.8 %
  Weekly wages Coaches $ 2,545,982
Stadium: The Frontier Bowl (capacity: 144300)
Home Away
Trophy room
Hide Trophies won by johnstadt (6)
Season 56Friendly Cup The Fire Within
Season 55Winner Fire 1 NC East
Season 54Winner Fire 1 NC East
Season 53Winner Fire 1 NC East
Season 52Winner Fire 1 NC East
Season 51Winner Fire 1 NC East
Show Trophies won by previous team owners (17)
Record (current season)
Game type Won Lost
Champ of Champions00
Friendly Cup00
Trophy summary
Division Champion in seasons: 51, 52, 53, 54, 55
Friendly Cups won in seasons: 56
Top 5 releases show all

2023-05-30 18:00:21 - Is this the year the Frontiersmen make a run for the Bowl?Report Abuse

Is this the year the Frontiersmen make a run for the Bowl?
Season fifty-one was the first full season under Head Coach Alex Kyle and the impact was felt immediately. Putting in place a whole new coaching staff, changing the team strategy, and trusting in an unproven quarterback in Kirk Kurtz. Kyle took a six-and-ten team in season 50 to the playoffs finishing with a ten-and-six record with one post-season victory all on coaching and a young quarterback. While Coach Kyle admits there are still a lot of holes on both offense and defense Kirk has already cemented himself as one of the top quarterbacks in all of football and that was without any standouts on his receiving team. Now with the signing of rookie sensation wide receiver Lemuel McKnight can the Frontiersmen make a run for the Bowl?

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