ELO score: 1416
- Rank global: 2
- Rank in league: 2
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2022-06-14 17:12:21 - Wadenbeisser return to EliteReport Abuse
After promoting to SD1 after 1 season (expected), the former Wadenbeisser team was able to advance as a team to be able to promote to Elite (completely unexpected) with less than 2 seasons of total experience.
Way too early, hopefully the team can hold their own in Elite
2022-01-24 16:27:41 - The return of the Anklebiter.Report Abuse
After a relocation just a couple of kms to the south a former GM/HC whose name was lost decided to give it a new try in RZA. Rumors exist that his old team had some success, so the expectations for the new team are quite high to be competitive within a short timespan.