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posted: 2015-10-27 04:21:25 (ID: 100061835) Report Abuse
luv this league
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Konjarnik HighTowers


Joined: 2014-11-06/S14
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posted: 2015-10-27 21:20:10 (ID: 100061865) Report Abuse
hi guys, good to be back here
hope i'll stay longer than last time
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posted: 2015-10-28 05:45:53 (ID: 100061879) Report Abuse
Hmmm, this will my sixth season in the same division with Verona, Poznan, and Kaunas.
I guess the standings will be similar to the previous 5 seasons.
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posted: 2015-10-28 06:16:52 (ID: 100061881) Report Abuse
got the QB i wanted. by midseason i'll know if he's got a rocket-arm or a noodle-arm...
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posted: 2015-10-28 07:24:59 (ID: 100061886) Report Abuse
JohnnyAce wrote:
got the QB i wanted. by midseason i'll know if he's got a rocket-arm or a noodle-arm...

was my 1st pick overall too.
I thought, who is so insane, except me, to pick a QB during draft

the 2nd I had instead, seems decent anyway.
no caps so I hope will be at least 40 speed and 45 strength.
but too bad teamwork 38
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posted: 2015-10-28 11:55:19 (ID: 100061896) Report Abuse
JohnnyAce wrote:
got the QB i wanted. by midseason i'll know if he's got a rocket-arm or a noodle-arm...

I'm so confused. You drafted a DL...

- - -

I got the #3 player on my draft board. No clue how he fell down to me considering a ton of other DL players went before him.
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Social Distance Runners

Germany   Buziano owns a supporter account

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posted: 2015-10-28 16:53:14 (ID: 100061926) Report Abuse
I got a totally useless guy. Even in the third round I would have wondered what he was doing in this draft. Well, two more rounds with very low expectations from my side
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posted: 2015-10-28 16:57:28 (ID: 100061927) Report Abuse
Very happy with this round i had my #2
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posted: 2015-10-28 18:00:43 (ID: 100061936) Report Abuse
Sea Devil's 1.1 Draft Grades
Presented by: WorpeX

Hello Everyone! You all know me by now, the Chichester Chimera manager. I put way too much thought into drafting players for this game so I thought i'd use that knowledge and analyze everyones round 1 draft picks for this season. I have done this previously in season 16 and I think a few of you enjoyed it so I thought i'd do it again.

I hope that you enjoy my analysis and that it helps players make better decisions when drafting!

Grading scale is A being the best F being the worst.

Additional: When analyzing draft prospects I only look at stats that are out of the managers control. Stats like: Age, Intelligence, Teamwork, Traits, Physicals (due to caps) and Experience are highly prioritized. Non-physicals are completely ignored since they can be trained by the manager.
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#1 Cool-Runnings
LB - Zane Faison (Changed to Wolfram Stein)
Some draft seasons don't have a player who is a clear-cut #1. In this draft, there was - Zane Faison. Hard to not pick a player who has almost perfect physicals and 50 intelligence while still being a pretty young age.
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#2 Belconnen Barbarians
OL - Mark Leakona
This wasn't a strong draft class for OL players. I really only expected one of them to be a 1st round pick and it wasn't this player. While I can see Mark Leakona being a decent player, his low intelligence and teamwork make this a bad pick at #2. There are just too many better options to pick this early in the draft.
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#3 NY Giants
FB - Vuai Turay
This is just an awful pick. When you've got a high draft pick you can't blow it on a 22yo FB with low physicals, medicore intelligence and only 2* of experience. Especially when there are far far better FBs on the board.
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#4 Hebridean Academicals
TE - Agica Jovic (Changed to Harris Harris)
Great pick overall here. Almost no way this guy wont work out for you. 19yo, great physicals and great natural stats. Even if hes capped or you dont need him you can sell him for some serious cash on the TM. Solid pick.
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#5 Shizuoka Tigers
QB - Maarifa Kone (Changed to Nobuo Fumihiko)
Quality QBs are cheap on the TM. Unless there is a stud QB in the draft board, you shouldn't be drafting them #5 overall. This guy isn't a stud. Doesn't have 50intelligence, only 1.5*xp and low strength. He could work out in the long term since his speed is pretty good and hes only 19 but really just a risky pick overall. No traits either.
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#6 Gdansk Redskins
SF - Wakur Habib
I overlooked this guy in my draft board but after seeing him go #6 overall, I can see why he was taken in round 1. This guy will be the fastest player on the field in every single game you play. 50speed and Track Star. The rest of his stats are fairly unimpressive though.
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#7 NOtown MYST1CS
QB - Tak-Sin Suprija (Changed to DL - Olen Hendrix
Took me forever to figure out who the heck the Mysics drafted here since the name and position was changed. DL is one of the hardest positions to train since they need so many non-physical abilities - of which, this player doesn't have since was a QB draftee. Hes a project and a half but at least his natural stats are off the charts - 50int, great TW and only 19. A bit of cap luck can turn this guy into a monster... 3 or 4 seasons from now.
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#8 Seattle Seahawks
LB - Bradford Sulzmann
In a LB rich draft class, one of the worst ones was picked at #8. There are better LBs still on the board in round 2 then this guy.
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#9 КАФ Инђија Индианс
OL - Rafaa Khaleel
I was really hoping this guy would fall down to me and not get taken early since at first glance, he isn't so impressive. However, he was taken at #9 and for good reason. His Strength is already good enough to start him and his teamwork is great. Hes young, so lots of time to train up his agility still and OL are one of the few positions where experience isn't so hard to train so that 1.5* isn't as daunting.
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#10 Kaunas Hurricane
DL - Finley Ziadie
Classic "I didn't set my draft order" draft pick here. There is a player with better natural stats and the same physicals thats 4 years younger still on the draft board. You can't take this guy at #10 overall.
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#11 SH Cougars
RB - Mauro Vargas
See above. Adam Jansen is still on the board. Hes 3 years younger and BETTER. Not to forget the top RB prospect of the draft, Aapi Kelo, is still on the board at #11.
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#12 Schrodingers Cats
WR - Rune Bos (Changed to Cyril Hutchings)
Whew, finally. A pick I can agree with! Tough draft class for WR but if you need one and you need one to start right now Rune Bos was the #1 choice. Less risky then Darrel Lehman (who has a Slippary trait with much lower speed) but I don't think Rune has quite the upside. My only real issue here is that there are some incredible defensive players still on the board that i'd take over him.
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#13 Java Waterboys
SF - Faraji Boro (Changed to CB - Ananda Klinpraneet)
As a SF, this guy was fairly middle of the road since his intelligence is mediocre and hes already 22yo. As a CB however, he is a much more interesting prospect. He can make better use of his Long Reach trait and his high speed now. The move is still questionable though, if you wanted a CB why not take the best one in this draft? See below for more on that guy.
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#14 Vienna Cardinals
CB - Ambroży Sakál
And the steal of the draft goes to Vienna Cardinals! I can't figure out how this guy dropped out of the top 5 let alone the top 10! 20yo, 50 intelligence, 50 speed and 40TW to easily train up his rather low strength. Vienna must be stoked to see him drop this low!
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#15 SV Furpach
QB - Frank Lange
The only thing good about this pick is that hes young enough for you to sell and potentially make some money. Otherwise, its a waste of a draft pick. Bad intelligence, bad physicals.
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#16 Devon Warriors
LB - Uhuru Okeke
Draft LBs are monsters. I think Devon drafted a great long term gem here. While he doesn't have much going his way in physicals right now, he makes up for that with a double 50 in INT and TW. Not to mention hes very young so there is tons of time to train him up. Even if strength or speed caps early, you can still use him somewhere - SF/CB/LB... he can do it all on defense.
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#17 Drac's Legions
LB - Djadi Jaber (Changed to Mckinley Hannah)
I had this guy at #12 right below Uhuru on my draft board. His physicals are better then Uhuru but a year older and a tiny bit less intelligent. Still a solid pick, could perhaps be even better then the LB drafted one spot higher.
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#18 New German Cheeseheads
FB - Baakir Chahine
Solid picking here for the Cheeseheads. By far the best FB in the draft. Good physicals and still young. 3* xp and good TW to boot. Intelligence is on the lower side but hes a FB, he doesn't really need it.
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#19 Kasztelan Poznań
SF - Adetokunbo Mbanefo
There are 2 safeties that are round 1 talent in this draft. This was the younger of the 2. I had him going #20 on my board due to his age, good speed and high teamwork/intelligence. His strength needs major work but thats actually not a bad thing. Its low enough now that you dont have to worry about it being capped and will certainly be trainable to a much higher number.
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#20 San Diego Chargers
KR - Makini Onwuatuegwu
Talk about hidden draft gems! This is probably the first time i've ever seen a KR worth selecting in the first round. 19yo, max speed, 3* exp and good teamwork. I'm curious to know how the chargers make use of him as he has potential to play in multiple different positions. I guess it'll hinge on how high you can get that low strength number.
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#21 Venice Panthers
RB - Adam Jansen
The pick that SH Cougars should have made and Venice gets to profit from! Young, very high speed, great INT/TW. Needs some work on the experience and strength department but over all a quality pick, although, a better RB is still on the board...
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#22 S.V. Montagnars
RB - Aapi Kelo (Changed to Marc Renault)
I actually had this guy going #6 overall. Hes older but as long as older players are immediate starters that is not a bad thing. Lucky for S.V., he is an immediate starter! Near perfect physicals and teamwork combined with 2.5* of experience. Literally no risk involved with this pick - hes going to be a beast.
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#23 Tyrolean Twix's
LB - Horst Schmidt
#6 on my board was just selected and now #7 right after it thanks to Twix's picking Horst Schmidt! Another 21 year old with top notch physicals. While his intelligence is a few points below where i'd like for a LB, its passable and it also wouldn't take much work to switch this guy over to a DT or NT.
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#24 The Shoulderriding Raccoons
DL - Nicky Leakona (Changed to Toby Sturm)
The Raccoons just break a nice long streak of great picking. This guy has very little going for him besides trade market value. Low INT/TW. Sub-part physicals. 1.5* xp. Worse yet, there is a DL still on the board which is FAR superior at the same age. Funny thing is, this player didn't last a day on the Raccoons line-up. Hes already on the trade market!
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#25 Gladiators
CB - Antón Fernández
The best CB is long gone from the board, so whats left? Well, not this guy. With players like Jorge Nunez and Fuad Tuyisenge still on the board who both have higher INT with similar physicals, its a hard pick to justify. Fuad is 2 years younger while Jorge has a whole star of XP up on Anton.
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#26 Chichester Chimera
DL - Faki Toure
Faki was #3 on my list and really shouldn't have fallen this far. I'll just drop the stats and move on: 19yo, 2.5*xp, 43INT, 41TW, 46SP, 33ST.
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#27 Munich Runners
DL - Yegor Kornilov (Changed to Michael Meyer)
Big drop off in quality here between 2 DL players. Simply put though, there shouldn't be. Still on the board is a much better Stephen Coy- - - wait a second, I shouldn't give away star players not taken in round 1. Yegor is sub 40 in every stat with only 1.5*xp. He needs some cap luck to become good plus 5 seasons of training. At least hes 19!
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#28 Leeds Celtics
LB - Alfonso Ruiz
You don't become a top RZA team by being bad at drafting. Leeds Celtics has been at the top of this game forever and he doesn't fall flat here either. I had Alfonso Ruiz at #22 on my board due to his high INT and TW stats. He has draft and pray physicals though. Hope you got some good cap luck Leeds!
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#29 Firenze Fappers
RB - Pratham Srivastava (Changed to Nathaniel Franklin)
A strong RB choice here from Firenze. The only reason this player really fell this far is because of how strong this draft class was for RB with both Aapi Kelo and Adam Jansen going first. 20yo, 2.5*xp, 40INT, 47 speed is the recipe for what could be a great starting RB. He needs some work in Strength and his lowish teamwork wont do him any favors but luckily he doesn't need a whole lot of training anyway.
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#30 Idrosburghi Verona
QB - Hansjörg Schilchegger (Changed to Fulgenzio Panzeri)
I find drafting QBs to be pointless unless they're studs and have at least one trait. If they don't, why waste the draft pick? Draft quality LBs are too valuable and can't be found on the TM as easily and cheaply as mediocre draft QBs. Fulgenzio will need a lot of training until he becomes a passable QB as his physicals are low (with the added chance of potential caps), his experience is a mere 1.5* and hes already 21yo. INT isn't capped either, although its close.
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#31 Gotham City Bats
CB - Jorge Nunez (Changed to LB)
Age is the only major knock on this pick really. At 22yo, he's pretty solid with 47 speed and 43 INT out of the gate. He needs some Strength training but thats a small price to pay for a player this late in the draft.
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#32 Naprzod Marsz!
SF - Higinio Casas (Changed to Karol Monasterski)
This guy fell way further down then either I or I think Naprzod expected! I had him at #5 on my board. Hes an older player but gives you everything you want for a player at 21 years old: 3*xp, 45INT, 40TW, 44SP. His low Strength should be easily trainable within a season or two. With the 32nd pick, I don't think you could ask for anything better!
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Curious to know how your players turned out and I hope you enjoyed this write up! Remember, this is all opinion based so if you disagree with whatever I say let me know why!

Last edited on 2015-10-29 14:49:12 by WorpeX

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posted: 2015-10-28 18:16:36 (ID: 100061940) Report Abuse
worpeX thank you for your post which is seriously awesome

i drafted a QB and moved him temporarily to DL for a little training. he will be a QB.
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