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posted: 2018-11-04 22:37:58 (ID: 100134214) Report Abuse
jack6 wrote:
LarryBuns wrote:
I seen this after a guy challenged me, told me to look. OK, I have 2 - 3 rating guys, also I made Junior by adding seats and a fanshop { keep fans happy} I would like to share with you this.{ also others} You take a 'new'BOT team.. so players are all over with skills - I look at them and change player skill. ie[ LB has a 20 point in passing, so I make him a QB] thoughts!!

First read manual and my guide then start acting.
Fanshop for example is a waste of money right now, but the invest is not as bad as it was seasons ago, without the media center.
Concentrate on the stadium and money will come in fast, then start building your team and higher coaches, after your stadium is quite big, like 60.000 to 80.000.

With the current Transfer market I think it would be easiest and best to switch early to HR mode and start buying or better offer contracts to Free Agents, also when you have 60.000 to 80.000+.
But never overspend, so max initial asked price if you buy them and if that is not enough, look for another guy.
Look for young guys and look for guys with good physicals.[/quote- - ] I made all team players with better rating stars,ie- RB- 3 but 2.5 on most other skills.. I have only BOT teams to play in Division .. SOOO -spent cash on seats ..a HC and sled..
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Orono Ancient Snappers

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posted: 2022-07-31 14:22:07 (ID: 100168325) Report Abuse
Jack, I've got 2 more questions regarding coaches.

1. Basic coaches

The following are excerpts from the Coaches section of the manual:

"1A": "Having a Coach at 50% is like having no "advanced Coach", and only advanced Coaches can help you with your team"
1B: "For every AC hired, the remaining CPs are split equally to all positions without an AC. "

Let me elaborate on where my doubts are. Suppose I hire the 100 CP AC (and no other AC's hired). That leaves me with 450 CP. 450 / (11-1) = 45.
My understanding of 1B is that I will now has one AC with 100 CP and 10 basic coaches with 45 CP each. According to 1A though, CP of basic coaches don't matter.
So my understanding is also, that a drop from 50 to 45 in this model situation does not affect at all the 10 groups without an AC.

Hence my question (only to make sure I am not missing anything):
Q1: Are these numbers for basic AC's of any importance at all?

Because they don't even help evaluate how many CP's I can still get in the form of advanced ones - the engine itself provides this information itself.
I am pretty sure the answer to my Q is: NO. They don't have any importance at all. Probably they are a leftover from one of the earlier versions of the game. But I prefer to ask, before several times already I was certain something in RZA was of little or no importance, only to later find out that I was wrong - I just missed some other piece of information (or I failed to plug it in the right place, so to speak).

2. Controlling the overall CP of the AC's

In chapter 05 of your excellent guide, you say:
2A: "(...) the use CP for that calculation is influenced by the EXP (...)".

My first impression was, that since coaches gain EXP every game, their CP might grow as well, potentially leading to a big problem with the total CP of all AC's.
But then I thought, if that was the case, you would write something about how to deal with it, for sure.

And I now think:

2B: The crucial part of 2A is "for that calculation". The CP itself will not change. What will change, is its effective equivalent, i.e. how much of a formal CP value will be really used.

In other words, if the sum of CP of all my AC's was not higher than 550 at the time of getting them from the market, I can be certain I will not get into trouble of exceeding 550 (and the penalty incurred for that) with that set of AC's.

Q2: Am I right about 2B?

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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2022-07-31 17:22:59 (ID: 100168329) Report Abuse
jpnwrt wrote:
Jack, I've got 2 more questions regarding coaches.

1. Basic coaches

The following are excerpts from the Coaches section of the manual:

"1A": "Having a Coach at 50% is like having no "advanced Coach", and only advanced Coaches can help you with your team"
1B: "For every AC hired, the remaining CPs are split equally to all positions without an AC. "

Let me elaborate on where my doubts are. Suppose I hire the 100 CP AC (and no other AC's hired). That leaves me with 450 CP. 450 / (11-1) = 45.
My understanding of 1B is that I will now has one AC with 100 CP and 10 basic coaches with 45 CP each. According to 1A though, CP of basic coaches don't matter.
So my understanding is also, that a drop from 50 to 45 in this model situation does not affect at all the 10 groups without an AC.

Hence my question (only to make sure I am not missing anything):
Q1: Are these numbers for basic AC's of any importance at all?

It was the way I did describe it, but I think since then did Peter make some small changes and does the visual representation that way. Overall, Basic AC does not matter, they do train all the same with the slow speed they have. So, no they don't matter.
I always wanted to u p d a t e the guide or say, review it, but can't find the time.
jpnwrt wrote:
Because they don't even help evaluate how many CP's I can still get in the form of advanced ones - the engine itself provides this information itself.
I am pretty sure the answer to my Q is: NO. They don't have any importance at all. Probably they are a leftover from one of the earlier versions of the game. But I prefer to ask, before several times already I was certain something in RZA was of little or no importance, only to later find out that I was wrong - I just missed some other piece of information (or I failed to plug it in the right place, so to speak).

2. Controlling the overall CP of the AC's

In chapter 05 of your excellent guide, you say:
2A: "(...) the use CP for that calculation is influenced by the EXP (...)".

My first impression was, that since coaches gain EXP every game, their CP might grow as well, potentially leading to a big problem with the total CP of all AC's.
But then I thought, if that was the case, you would write something about how to deal with it, for sure.

And I now think:

2B: The crucial part of 2A is "for that calculation". The CP itself will not change. What will change, is its effective equivalent, i.e. how much of a formal CP value will be really used.

In other words, if the sum of CP of all my AC's was not higher than 550 at the time of getting them from the market, I can be certain I will not get into trouble of exceeding 550 (and the penalty incurred for that) with that set of AC's.

Q2: Am I right about 2B?

Yes, CP of a coach does never change, also his CON value does never.
Only his EXP does change and by that you get
- during calculations more CP AFTER the calculation
- to pay more wage, since he demands more for more EXP. But that is not THAT much, only the sum of all can over the season increase quite a bit.

Regarding calculations, for every aspect the coach has influence on, so gameday, training and ya-extra-training-points per training the CP of each coach is taken and then with some random magic you get a variation of that CP, depended on CON, EXP and the random factor.
I did descibe that a bit.
So for the same player you get on one day 0.5 progress, the next time 0.4 and the next 0.6, because each calculation the CP used for training progress was slightly different.

For the HIRE of a coach this has no effect, just try to spend all 550 points.
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Orono Ancient Snappers

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posted: 2022-07-31 18:13:27 (ID: 100168331)  Edits found: 2 Report Abuse
Thanks, as always, for the right to the point answer (and prompt, despite so many ppl posting questions to you!).

Testing your patience, another thing. Skill points gained per training.

Quoted from the manual:
"Skill points = The percentage out of (random 25:40 + Teamwork + AC-CP-Formula)/2 / 100"

Based on the above, my player with 40 TMW and with no AC / no facility, training 90% physical (speed) should gain between 0.3 and 0.4 per training. But in fact he's already twiced gained 0.6.

I looked up the table in the chapter 04 of your guide:

Age physical multiplier non-physical multiplier
16 2.20 1.60
17 2.17 1.56
18 2.14 1.52
19 2.11 1.48

The player mentioned above is 19yrs old, so now (multiplying 0.3-0.4 by 2.11) I get between 0.6 and 0.8.
I understand of course, that the multipliers in your guide are your speculation, but more or less now I get the numbers in the right ballpark.

So my primary question is basically just asking for the confirmation - is that how the estimation of skills gains should be done?

But I also have a secondary question, which is about that "16" at the top of the table.
Do players aged 16 still come to the academy from time to time? Or is it something that has changed since your guide was published?
The youngest I got in the 3 youth pulls so far is 17. In the draft board the youngest players listed are 18 yrs old (and I'm not even sure if they are 18 yrs old now, or they will be 18 years old at the time of the draft).

Thank you in advance for the answers to my newbie questions. Hopefully I'm getting to the point when I'll have fewer of them.

Though you never know. Some famous scientist is told to have said: each new discovery in science, creates 2 new important questions

Last edited on 2022-07-31 18:15:31 by jpnwrt

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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2022-08-01 05:39:09 (ID: 100168336) Report Abuse
jpnwrt wrote:
Thanks, as always, for the right to the point answer (and prompt, despite so many ppl posting questions to you!).

Testing your patience, another thing. Skill points gained per training.

Quoted from the manual:
"Skill points = The percentage out of (random 25:40 + Teamwork + AC-CP-Formula)/2 / 100"

Based on the above, my player with 40 TMW and with no AC / no facility, training 90% physical (speed) should gain between 0.3 and 0.4 per training. But in fact he's already twiced gained 0.6.

I looked up the table in the chapter 04 of your guide:

Age physical multiplier non-physical multiplier
16 2.20 1.60
17 2.17 1.56
18 2.14 1.52
19 2.11 1.48

The player mentioned above is 19yrs old, so now (multiplying 0.3-0.4 by 2.11) I get between 0.6 and 0.8.
I understand of course, that the multipliers in your guide are your speculation, but more or less now I get the numbers in the right ballpark.

So my primary question is basically just asking for the confirmation - is that how the estimation of skills gains should be done?

In principle you got it right.
The table is a very rough table, since gaining hard facts are disturbed by 2 random calculations, one for the coaches and one of the training gain itself.
Before Peter did change the training the gains were equal, regardless the age.
So I had a good feeling over the gains in the past and after the change the gains did fit rougly into the matrix.
As far as I know, nobody did try to dig deeper.
Be aware that physical conditions are tougher to tackle, since the are shown as %.
jpnwrt wrote:
But I also have a secondary question, which is about that "16" at the top of the table.
Do players aged 16 still come to the academy from time to time? Or is it something that has changed since your guide was published?
The youngest I got in the 3 youth pulls so far is 17. In the draft board the youngest players listed are 18 yrs old (and I'm not even sure if they are 18 yrs old now, or they will be 18 years old at the time of the draft).

Thank you in advance for the answers to my newbie questions. Hopefully I'm getting to the point when I'll have fewer of them.

Though you never know. Some famous scientist is told to have said: each new discovery in science, creates 2 new important questions

The youth pulls do come in age between 16 and 20. Randomly and it also depends on your YA-level. Not regarding the age itself, but about the amount of kids you can s e l e c t from. The more you can s e l e c t of, the higher the chance to have a 16 year old.
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Orono Ancient Snappers

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posted: 2022-08-01 06:38:35 (ID: 100168337)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Thank you for both


I've decided to follow the best of all worlds coaching path for a few seasons (probably 4-5). The high CP AC-DL (amended with Video and Wind facilities), combined with extra points from 7-8 other coaches, should allow to have a reasonably well trained team by then (high CP AC-DL will allow fast progress of all physicals, while the other coaches will help with all non-physical skills not covered by AC-DL, except probably kicking/punting, but if I don't get a very young kicker with very good potential from the academy/draft, there's always a market to search for developed players and K/P have the advantage of very few players I'd really need to buy).

This will correspond with the time the lone high CP AC will retire (the one I am bidding for is aged 58), so that's when I will likely switch to the all level path (although possibly in the variant with only 9 AC's - in order to allow some preference to the positions which will best correspond to the team's strengths and weaknesses by then). By then I hope to have reasonably stable finances and filled reasonably well all positions, so I will need fewer youth players, which in turn will mean both - more extra points per each of these young players, and compensating lower physical training (because of lower leading CP in this model) with facilities corresponding to these players' positions.

Any comments welcome, but I primarily write for Jack6 to see to what extent I've learned from the guide this thread takes the name after ).

Last edited on 2022-08-01 06:41:55 by jpnwrt

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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2022-08-01 09:11:12 (ID: 100168338) Report Abuse
All fine.

But be aware that so far from my exp the ACs start retiring very early, mine usually did age 60 (damn suckers).

Be also aware that you will swim in money, once you have the stadium build and the roster is still small and low skilled.

So to get the roster skill set up fast and to get rid of those not-so-good-players it's worth to look on the transfer market. There MIGHT be some gems to find.

Depended on the roster strategy, you need 2 to 5 YA-players per season to sustain the roster over the seasons.

Have fun.
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Gilets Jaunés


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posted: 2022-12-24 13:58:21 (ID: 100171150) Report Abuse
Hi there,

I had a previous team some time ago, that went on to have a little bit of success but was badly started.

I wanted to ask about players : I'm not going to make the same mistake ( buy guys with ~40 skills) but i wanted to know if selling my players with good physicals (>40/40 STR/SPD with no or yellow caps) would be a good idea, because there are many players with good physicals already on the market. What do you think guys ?
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2022-12-24 20:05:27 (ID: 100171157) Report Abuse
If you are not desperately in need of money, I would no sell uncapped players.
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Constanta Sailors


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posted: 2022-12-24 21:20:15 (ID: 100171160) Report Abuse
It depends on the age and TW/Int too.... i would not sell uncapped youth academy players with good TW/Int but i would sell older ones as soos as i get a better player from TM/Draft/YA .... Jack's Guide is explaining much better what to do
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