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posted: 2020-03-25 04:02:11 (ID: 100147778) Report Abuse
Alright, you asked for it (well, at least @Osta9er did), so here's Badgers' Brutal Power Rankings for Week 4. I'll try to channel some of my inner passive-aggressiveness, being a Minnesotan, and get in some pretty good burns that on the outside seem completely harmless.

Without further ado:

1. Lyon Eagles, 4-0, + 1. This week sees a change in the top of the Fire rankings, as the Eagles lay a beatdown on the Pitcairn Bounty Mutineers. Strength of schedule, it really does matter. Perhaps bitterness from that choke in last season's conference championship game has Meitheisman motivated to not let that happen again.

2. Fargo Knights, 4-0, - 1. A blowout win ensures that the Knights do not fall farther than one spot, but the Boars are no team to worry about. Would've been more fitting if the Knights had only scored 23 points though, if ya know what I mean .

3. Neuseen Buccaneers, 3-0, - - . A bye week helps this team as its two star OL are injured. Or could it be? Corona-V?

4. Misawa, 4-0, - - . A bigger win against Schönspieler than BoneCrushers ensures that Misawa keeps its spot at #4. It's okay, there's no need to cry, the Olympics will happen next year, @Tokyo2020. Shhhhh, it's okay.

5. BoneCrushers, 4-0, - - . Oof, they only beat Schönspieler by 35. That's only 5 TDs! You can put that up in a single quarter against a bot team. Maybe you should be more like Misawa and drop 60 on 'em next time. Might get ya a higher spot in the Power Rankings.

6. Green Bay Hackers, 4-0, - - . A solid win and little challenge from spots 7-11 ensure that the Hackers stay in that 6th spot in the rankings. But man, I hate it when I don't get a pick-6 against a division rival. Really leaves a dark spot on the game.

7.Sacko Del Toros, 2-1, + 1. Is it possible for a team to move up in the rankings on a bye week? It's controversial, but I think it's the right ranking. @CaseyL has been doing some nice things over there in the NC South, and a less-than-convincing win by the Blues today gives them that little boost up to the 7th spot.

8. Maykop Blues, 3-1, - 1. Russian bears are my favorite things. Especially when they're angry and running straight at you. I just hope that @alexshan84's YA player Ivan Gorbunov doesn't come running after my players like a bear later in his career. We've already had one Ivan the Terrible. We don't need another one.

9. TigerCats, 2-2, - - . I better not say anything bad about skeetz's team, or I might have some angry kittens chasing me. A good ol' bot bashing always raises morale.

10. Hainaut Gamecocks, 4-0, - - . We'll see if this is the season that they make a deep playoff run. We've been waiting. And waiting. And waiting. And waiting.

11. Pitcairn Bounty Mutineers, 3-1, - - . A blowout loss to the Eagles is a reminder that this is not the team that it used to be. These guys remain on the outside looking into the top 10, instead of most pirates, who just barge their way into anything they want to without warning and taking everything for themselves. Just saying.

12. Bluebombs, 3-1, + 3. A win in an area of the rankings where lots of losses happened bumps them up big time. It's early in the season, though, and once bankruptcy hits they'll be wishing for a full stadium so the fans get a bigger explosion when they blow it up.

13. BETIS SANPOL, 2-2, + 1. It will be interesting to see what this team does in this and the next couple seasons. They have the potential to make a splash, but will need to make some splashy moves for that to happen.

14. San Antonio Storm, 1-3, - 2. Don't give up on @Sverngolld just yet. He took Fire 1 by storm (no pun intended) when he promoted in Season 33, and you never know, he could make a turn around. I never give up on the Green Bay Packers, so why should I give up on these guys?

15. Carbon Bay Razor Sharks, 2-2, + 3. An impressive win on the road against the Gamblers today has these guys on the rise. The Baby Sharks continue to impress. This guy is our next up-and-coming manager, I can feel it.

16. RiverCity Gamblers, 3-1, - 3. What did I say? The Gamblers would fall back to earth, and it didn't even take a division rival to make that happen. This team is generally on the rise but has a ways to go. It'll take more than a lucky roll of the dice to make some noise this season. This ain't Vegas, son, gotta have a little more than luck to be successful here.

17. Andorran Castellers, 1-3, - - . They may have lost, but only by 14 to the Blues. I'll give them credit for making things a little interesting for alexshan84.

18. Arsago Seprio Boars, 1-3, - 2. Nothing worth changing the order happened from here down (except for the Acorns-Dolphins matchup), so the order will look familiar from here on out. No surprise that the Boars fell to the Knights.

19. Novosibirsk Lions, 1-2, - - . A bye week would be cold in Russia for a little bit longer still. Just cuddle up to the bears to keep warm and they'll be fine.

20. The TITANS, 2-2, - - . A win against a bot is good, it's a win, but a 43-0 outing shows that this team has a long ways to go.

21. Dolphins Pisa, 1-3, + 3. The first win of the season has them soaring in the clouds of the bottom of the league. Yeah, that's about all I have to say about them.

22. Venice Winged Lions, 1-3, - - . This guy seems to be genuinely interested in the game, I hope all of the veteran managers can get to know him because I have the feeling that he's going to stick around for a while.

23. GLADIATORI ROMA, 2-2, - - . Today they proved that they're still in for a good bot bashing every now and then. To think that they were in Elite in Season 33 is almost saddening.

24. Bonaval Acorns, 1-3, - 3. @j_airo, ¿oye cómo va? Look like not so well, if you ask me. Maybe they'll get on track eventually.

25. neroverde, 0-4, - - . I don't even know what to say about this guy. There's bot teams that are doing better than 0-4. I guess that's all I need to say.

26. Schönspieler, 2-2, - - . Oof. Nuff said.

And there's your Week 4 Power Rankings! If I got too cheesy, feel free to let me know. If I'm dishin' out brutality I should be able to take brutality.
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posted: 2020-03-25 06:06:59 (ID: 100147779) Report Abuse
Oooh, I don't like being top of this ranking, now watch me lose to Fargo on Saturday
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posted: 2020-03-25 09:36:25 (ID: 100147789) Report Abuse
badgers wrote:
25. neroverde, 0-4, - - . I don't even know what to say about this guy. There's bot teams that are doing better than 0-4. I guess that's all I need to say.

My Supercup opponents next Monday. I hope this locker room material doesn't launch an angry comeback.
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posted: 2020-03-25 11:08:07 (ID: 100147792) Report Abuse
badgers wrote:
I just hope that @alexshan84's YA player Ivan Gorbunov doesn't come running after my players like a bear later in his career.

No worries, he's gonna be an O-lineman
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posted: 2020-03-25 16:02:42 (ID: 100147801) Report Abuse
alexshans84 wrote:
badgers wrote:
I just hope that @alexshan84's YA player Ivan Gorbunov doesn't come running after my players like a bear later in his career.

No worries, he's gonna be an O-lineman

And my D-Line could be looking more and more like pancakes by the time this guy is in his prime .
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posted: 2020-03-25 18:13:55 (ID: 100147807) Report Abuse
Dude thank you for writing something like this. It really helps brand new guys as well as guys that have a few seasons under their belts but may not know all the teams completely get a better understanding of the who's who" in a funny way.

Not to mention something like this would be a little time consuming so no one should be complaining about it unless they are prepared to compile their own Power Rankings. And just like I thought your Rankings is already drawing attention from other leagues adding more commrodery Which is just overall good for the game

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Space Kraken

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posted: 2020-03-25 18:46:13 (ID: 100147812) Report Abuse
Osta9er wrote:
And just like I thought your Rankings is already drawing attention from other leagues adding more commrodery Which is just overall good for the game

Checking in from Monarchs, I think it's great.
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posted: 2020-03-28 15:56:56 (ID: 100147948)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Well I made a major mistake today. Really irritated at myself for because I knew better. I refined my playbook from start to finish. I had to do it in a couple installments. Somewhere I got brain tired and when I came to put the last part of the lines in I put them under my "original" playbook .

But it gets bettter... For some reason I totally thought the defensive book from previous playbooks would transfer with it. And sitting here watching my team get thrashed running 5-2 ALL DAY and not a single thing else , on a guy who just so happens to run shotgun and pass almost every play. Lol So I will be fixing this tonight. I hate that my mistake couldnt have been learned on a less important game but oh well lesson learned .

Last edited on 2020-03-29 09:59:57 by Osta9er

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posted: 2020-03-28 22:43:17 (ID: 100147964) Report Abuse
We have all had to learn that lesson the hard way. It will get better, no worries
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posted: 2020-03-29 04:41:11 (ID: 100147965) Report Abuse
It's time again for Badgers' Brutal Power Rankings!

Week 5:

1. Lyon Eagles, 5-0, - - . Do I really need to say anything? A convincing 7 point victory against the Fargo Knights solidifies their hold on the throne of Fire 1. Every dynasty ends at some point though.

2. Neuseen Buccaneers, 4-0, +1. These guys look fit enough to get back to Elite next season, holding my Hackers to only 10 points today. Short only of Tom -G.O.A.T-, this squad is dangerous.

3. Fargo Knights, 4-1, -1. Today's matchup against Lyon was a slightly different story than the divisional playoffs of last season, but also showed who truly dominates this league. The cavalry need a little extra motivating, timnd, or this will continue to be a familiar sight.

4. Misawa, 5-0, - - . These guys continue to have a strong start to the season. Division 1 isn't all cheesecake and popcorn, though. There will be challenges that they will have to face if they want to get back to Elite.

5. BoneCrushers, 5-0, - - . Bot bashing is a good way to keep a stable condition in the rankings. Hopefully his players' bones don't get crushed so he can make a challenge in the playoffs this season.

6. Green Bay Hackers, 4-1, - - . The Toros' win against the Gamblers isn't enough to counter my loss to the Buccaneers, imo. The Hack Attack wasn't strong enough today, and shows just how far we have to go to make a push towards Elite.

7. Sacko Del Toros, 3-1, - - . This team is becoming impressive, but wouldn't be close to taking down the big bulls in a bullfight. Toro, toro,
¡ven aquí! More like, ¡ahh, toro, don't hurt me!

8.Maykop Blues, 4-1, - - . This team is on the rise. Whether it is this season or next, expect a deep playoff run soon.

9. TigerCats, 3-2, - - . I can't tell yet if these guys are going to be soft kittens or menacing tigers. They certainly aren't as scary as when they first came down from Elite into my division a few seasons ago.

10. Pitcairn Bounty Mutineers, 3-1, +1. A surprising loss by the Gamecocks has the Mutineers breathing the first breaths of top 10 air this season. It will be a fight to keep that spot, as 11-15 are nipping at their heels.

11. Bluebombs, 4-1, +1. An impressive record for a less-than-impressive team. The Bluebirds have some ground to make up before they will be viable contenders.

12. Hainaut Gamecocks, 4-1, -2. What happened @alcdam12? The Lions looked more like Incredible Hulks today. Are your chickens out of season? 'Cause they ain't producing.

13. BETIS SANPOL, 2-2, - - . A bye week and crazy stuff happening in the places to come ensures that these guys keep their spot in the rankings. How long they can keep it is the question.

14. San Antonio Storm, 2-3, - - . A win today and past success keeps the Storm at the #14 spot (and keeps me from calling them the Puffy Clouds).

15. Andorran Castellers, 2-3, +2. This is where the madness begins. If we can't have true March Madness, we might as well have some madness in this game. One of the few wins in this part of the rankings leads to a surge by the Castellers,

16. The TITANS, 3-2, +4. Beating the Baby Sharks jumps these guys up significantly. If the Greek gods are tame, this team will continue to succeed.

17. Novosibirsk Lions, 2-2, +2. Destroying the Gamecocks is huge in terms of progress for this team. The Lions are starting to roar.

18.RiverCity Gamblers, 3-2, -2. The gambling didn't work today. Maybe trying something else will help. Pete's alcoholics seem to have quite a bit of success...

19. Carbon Bay Razor Sharks, 2-3, -4. The Baby Sharks really did look like baby sharks today. A little bit of growing will be necessary before I'll start calling them the Razor Sharks.

20. Arsago Seprio Boars, 1-4, -2. What are Seprio Boars anyway? So far it looks like they're couch potatoes.

21. Dolphins Pisa, 2-3, - - . Orange and light blue team colors? I haven't seen stuff that ugly since the Tampa Bay Buccaneers old uniforms.

22. Venice Winged Lions, 1-4, - - . The road will be long, but if you fly over it you can get there faster.

23. GLADIATORI ROMA, 3-2, - - . I think this team's gladiators are all dying, because they're not doing much else.

24. Bonaval Acorns, 1-4, - - . A loss to Misawa is understandable, but it won't get you any higher in the rankings.

25. neroverde, 0-5, - - . History is the single thing that is keeping me from putting these guys below Schönspieler, and if Schönspieler can build a little bit, neroverde will become the bottom of our league.

26. Schönspieler, 2-3, - - . Ah, the neutral Swiss. Gotta love their passiveness.

There's your week 5 power rankings!

P.S. I have decided to only do this bashing on Saturdays after games because it's just too much work. I will still do Power Rankings on Tuesdays, but they will just be bare bones.
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