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posted: 2022-01-02 16:04:54 (ID: 100163714)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
topcat33 wrote:
So if you get promoted to the Elite, it's play-offs or relegation,with no chance of a 'holding' season to give you a chance to build.

It can be playoff AND relegation.

That’s why it is generally adviced to be well prepared before promoting in the Elite. Rien ne sert de courir, il faut partir à point.

Last edited on 2022-01-02 16:05:11 by Kanar

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Sydney Sea Eagles

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posted: 2022-01-06 10:06:33 (ID: 100163842)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Recap Season 45
Money in the bank: 332,084,136 (Elite avarage: 294 millions)
Player on senior roster: 58
Weekly wages Players: 4,018,754 (Elite avarage: 5.5 millions)
Weekly wages Coaches: 1,026,907 (Elite avarage: 1.7 millions)
Team overall rating: 79.9%

Senior roster - End of season 45

Last edited on 2022-01-06 10:07:47 by Shadow

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Sydney Sea Eagles

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posted: 2022-03-30 08:46:28 (ID: 100166417)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Recap Season 46
2nd time Claymore 1 champion. A strong season with just two losses came to an end. During the season the Saker Falcons had been the main contender in our league, we lost the first matchup, but could win the next two games including the divisional playoffs. This opened the path back to Elite. Honestly I didn't intend to get back to Elite as I don't see myself spending the time, which is required to be successful at this level.
Our Supercup season ended in playoff round 2 against the Black Dragons, which had beaten us already two seasons ago. It has been a quite have defeat against one of the legends in the monarchs region. Even if the team is playing League 1 for some time now, they know how to play this game and have one of the best pass defense strategies of all teams.

Money in the bank: 390,602,236 (League 1 average: 299 millions / Elite avarage: 263 millions)
Player on senior roster: 62
Weekly wages Players: 4,112,684 (League 1 average: 3.57 millions / Elite avarage: 5.17 millions)
Weekly wages Coaches: 1,072,701 (League 1 average: 1.32 millions / Elite avarage: 1.81 millions)
Team overall rating: 82.2%

The roster development is progressing pretty well and also the bankroll is building up further. We even made a first small profit on the transfer market this season. Due to our new Elite adventure I had to adjust the strategy again, getting 5 cheap veterans players to improve the quality of the team. Generally the team should have Elite quality, but our new franchise QB with A skills just at 40 may be the big questionmark.

I failed to reduce the roster size this season and there are 62 players on the roster now, which is too much to give everyone the required playing time to gain enough experience. It is quite hard for me to sell players, which I really like and have developed already for a couple of seasons. But I have to sell at least 8 players at the beginning of the season. Probably on the positions were my starters will play some more years and the backups are nearly ready to start.

Senior roster - End of season 46

Last edited on 2022-03-30 08:46:56 by Shadow

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Sydney Sea Eagles

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posted: 2022-04-02 19:01:24 (ID: 100166461) Report Abuse
How shall I continue with this project? Do you want any specific topics to be covered more?

Please send me your thoughts via PN
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2022-04-02 20:37:48 (ID: 100166462) Report Abuse
would love to see your take on overspending for possible success
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Sydney Sea Eagles

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posted: 2022-04-03 19:16:11 (ID: 100166481)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
I don't want to start a discussion on the economy and overspending in this thread, but let me try to give a summary of my view on this topic.

There are always to sides of it. Personally I think overspending is quite healthy for the game in most cases as there is too much money in the game from my point of view. On the other hand it is a waste of money, so I will try to make a small profit each season.

I see two critial points in overspending:
1) Overspending on player transfers, which are sold by other human managers. You can argue, it isn't overspending, because two players are willing to pay the money for this player. But there are a few transfers each season, which look a bit crazy.
Generally you can get very good players for little money. I have hired players for 69 millions in 4 seasons. The franchise QB was my top transfer with 5.3 millions at the end.
With my current bankroll I would be fine to spend about 50 millions for one of these really rare special players like a franchise QB, but there is no need to spend more than 4-5 millions or even less on a very good starter. Especially promising youngsters are being quite often paid very high from my point of view.

2) No one should push his team to the edge, so that it gets in financial trouble. Some players do this by purpose and this is fine from my point of view. They have saved the money in previous season and the economical system allows this as we don't have a salary cap. I am pretty sure we will have a perfect example with the Helsinki Gangsters soon. They are probably one of the richest teams and build a very young team since a few seasons.
But most teams get in trouble, because they are unexperienced and take some bad decissions. I can just advise everyone to have an eye on the finances. Don't get into bidding wars initially. Don't sign veterans on the transfer market, which are highly trained. They are cheap, because the salary is high. Put your own salary limits. Mine is still 180.000 per player with very few exceptions like the starting QB. Don't think a few top star players are improving the performance of the team heavily. I would say, if you have your starters trained up to 42 points on the A skills (with the exception of the starting QB, which I push as much as possible), your team should be able to win any game. There is not a big difference in performance of 42 or 50 skill player based on my experience. Physicals and traits don't cost money and are more important.

Last edited on 2022-04-03 19:19:57 by Shadow

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Sydney Sea Eagles

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posted: 2022-06-29 12:38:35 (ID: 100167846)  Edits found: 2 Report Abuse
Recap Season 47
Another very successful season. I expected a tough race with the Wildcats for the 2nd place in the division and relegation to League 1 at the end, but the team managed to win our Elite division the first time. They reached the divisional playoffs and the Champ of Champs semi-final. Just the supercup doesn't seem to be our tournament with another 2nd round loss. All playoff losses were pretty close against ELO Top10 Teams, so just the icing on the cake was missing.
I don't expect similar success next season with a tough schedule and the Lions and Yorkies returning to our Elite division. It seems likely to go back to League 1 at season end. Nevertheless it will be the target to avoid a loosing record and to advance to Supercup playoff round 3 the first time.

Money in the bank: 443,504,665 (Elite avarage: 282,446,364 millions)
Player on senior roster: 55
Weekly wages Players: 4,619,698 (Elite avarage: 5,645,785 millions)
Weekly wages Coaches: 1,090,429 (Elite avarage: 1,715,216 millions)
Team overall rating: 85.6%

Due to the success we made a profit of 52.9 millions (CoC 21.3, SC PO 10.7 and League PO 11.8). This included also a first bigger transfer profit of 15 millions. Even if we will still have a decent Elite payroll, the annual wages will go up by about 12 millions. So another transfer profit will be required to break even at the end of the season, assuming there will be no playoff income.

The roster has Elite strength in the meantime and it is more about keeping the level. Five starters have left the team at season end, but also 5 veteran players could be aquired from the market and 5 youngsters joined from the youth academy. AS there will be just 3 players out of the youth academy next season and 8 players will leave the team, I am intending to increase my roster size to 58 players this season.

Let's have a few more words on overspending. The weakly wages can give an indication about team success, but more important is the talent rating. Most times both go hand in hand, but there are teams, that have overspend based on their talent rating and others, like the Wildcats, manage to have constantly a high ratings with average salaries. I will try to achieve the same.
Looking at the talent ranking, there are also teams, which are over- or underperforming, but generally it gives a better indication about team strenght. I believe a team rating above 82 will give you all opportunities in the playoffs and it isn't necessary to have the highest rating, even if it may increase slightly your chances to win a single game. More importantly you need to have the key positions filled with the right players. Have a look at my roster to see, what is important from point of view.

Senior roster - End of season 47

From my point of view the all-time-best manager is back in the game with his new franchise KMN Mandalorians. I can just recommend to have a look, how he is building the team.

Last edited on 2022-06-29 12:39:58 by Shadow

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Sydney Sea Eagles

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posted: 2022-08-19 05:27:48 (ID: 100168562) Report Abuse
Front office -> Facilities
Our ELO score is at 1115 now and the team has suffered the first two bigger moral hits this season, so I have started the construction of the players lounge and swimming pool to bring up the moral quicker at playoff time.
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Sydney Sea Eagles

Australia   Shadow owns a supporter account

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posted: 2022-09-27 05:40:44 (ID: 100169753) Report Abuse
Recap Season 48
The team managed to reach the targets again. First time qualification to the round of the last 16 in the supercup tournament and even the Elite playoffs in a very tough division.

Money in the bank: 464,335,419 (Elite avarage: 293,552,305 millions)
Player on senior roster: 60
Weekly wages Players: 5,295,315 (Elite avarage: 5,671,158 millions)
Weekly wages Coaches: 1,150,140 (Elite avarage: 1,647,208 millions)
Team overall rating: 85.4%

At the end we had a profit of 18.1 millions with a small profit from the transfer market. I decided not to push the bankroll anymore. The target for the new season is to break even and push the players on some key positions a bit higher. The new interal salary cap is 225,000 now.

We will be hit quite heavily on retirements end of season 49. 10 players will leave including 4 starting OLer. I have bought already a strong OT, which is our most expensive transfer in team history. But I have also sold some players to trim down the roster to 60 players, so the transfer balance is currently even.

Senior roster - End of season 48

A very interesting change regarding veteran players in currently being introduced, which makes the game more interesting from my point of view. I will explore this and share my toughts on it next season.
Additionally I am intending to do some more coverage on playbook design.

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Morior Invictus

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posted: 2023-02-20 15:09:39 (ID: 100172312) Report Abuse
Shadow wrote:
5) Front office -> Stadium:
I used the 25 Mio. start bonus in the bot league to fully build both stadium areas at the end zones.

How do you get a 25 million start bonus ??
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