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Main / Dragons / Power Ranking - Dragons 1 - Season 47 Search Forum
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Rio Thunder


Joined: 2019-01-16/S32
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posted: 2022-06-06 17:36:24 (ID: 100167556) Report Abuse
From the Manual:

- relaxed (factor 0.8)
lowers all trainable skills
Free to play Friendlies: lowers PC hit and experience gain
Official games: lowers morale gain, PC hit and experience gain
There is no play intensity related change of experience and PC on Friendly cup games or Friendly games you have to pay Credits for

- normal (factor 1.0)
trainable skills stay
Free to play Friendlies: PC hit and experience gain stay
Official games: morale gain, PC hit and experience gain on official games stay

- match of the year (factor 1.02-1.05)
raises all trainable skills
Free to play Friendlies: raises PC hit and experience gain
Official games: raises morale boost, PC hit and experience gain on official games
There is no play intensity related change of experience and PC on Friendly cup games or Friendly games you have to pay Credits for
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Joined: 2021-10-20/S44
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posted: 2022-06-06 17:40:43 (ID: 100167558) Report Abuse
Even after using MOTY it doesn't take that much to recover. Unless you use use it super late in the season. With facilities it took me like 4 weeks last year to recover.

linkleo911 wrote:
Playing relaxed is no good at any moment as (if I remember it correctly) it lowers your experience gain. I suppose it is only "ok" if you know you are much weaker than an opponent and you need to regain some PC (specially after playing MOTY recently).
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Pizti Beltzak

Europe   popopotamo owns a supporter account

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posted: 2022-06-06 20:47:36 (ID: 100167571) Report Abuse
sfniner08 wrote:
How about for next season we just add a column showing the number of times MOTY was used for and against a team. As for relaxed mode I would include it in the bot column.

Great idea, and easy to implement

I'll add columns for number of "Normal", "vs. Bot", "Relaxed opponent" and "MOTY opponent" games. And will affect the SoS of each team.

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Pizti Beltzak

Europe   popopotamo owns a supporter account

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posted: 2022-06-09 17:15:00 (ID: 100167608) Report Abuse
Well, after Wildcard week, it looks like the Power Ranking is pretty accurate .

In all four games the highest ranked team in the PR won:

- Budapest Janitors (#14) 10, Sfniner08 (#11) 17.
- Jackalopes (#5) 27, Mülheim Seahawks (#13) 24.
- Oldtown Rooks (#8) 30, Nottingham Outlaws (#9) 10.
- Paladins (#3) 20, Turigtian Esports Club (#24) 14

Good luck to all in the divisionals and enjoy!
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Joined: 2021-10-20/S44
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posted: 2022-06-09 18:48:27 (ID: 100167609) Report Abuse
If the power rankings hold up then the AC conference championship game will be:

Guns & Roses/Panthers (although Panthers are 2nd, Paladins are 3rd)

The NC championship game should be:


And the Championship game should be:

Guns & Roses/Steelers with GR winning it all.

It will be interesting to see if it follows the rankings.
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posted: 2022-06-09 20:37:06 (ID: 100167611) Report Abuse
sfniner08 wrote:
If the power rankings hold up then the AC conference championship game will be:

Guns & Roses/Panthers (although Panthers are 2nd, Paladins are 3rd)

The NC championship game should be:


And the Championship game should be:

Guns & Roses/Steelers with GR winning it all.

It will be interesting to see if it follows the rankings.

That would be great for me but i predict a Bowl with Guns&Roses and Werewolves involved
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