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Main / Friendly Cups / Tortellino Cup: enlistment time Search Forum
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Quokkas on steroids

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2023-11-29 17:48:10 (ID: 100179192) Report Abuse
and right now we have snow ...

sorry for being off-topic
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Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin

England   lions1934 owns a supporter account

Joined: 2013-05-02/S08
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posted: 2023-11-29 18:05:37 (ID: 100179193) Report Abuse
pete wrote:
and right now we have snow ...

sorry for being off-topic

Yes, let's get back to the whisky. Looks lovely.
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posted: 2023-12-20 10:59:06 (ID: 100179651) Report Abuse
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posted: 2023-12-21 11:30:10 (ID: 100179678)  Edits found: 2 Report Abuse
Scores and Standing

Group 1
The Pinellas Pikes (1126) @ Niceville Norsemen (958): 59-27
Hard-fought match, at least for the 1st downs gained (36 vs 32) and the yards gained (567 vs 523).
4 interceptions for Niceville, one in each quarter, while only one interception for Pinella, which demonstrates the good PC of the offence.
Niceville leads a good 1st quarter, closing with a 10 to 7 lead, thanks to a nice 67-yard big play pass.
Interception is not fully exploited by the Nosemen: from own 25 find themselves on the opposite 42 and once again give up possession of the ball to the Pikes who end the quarter on attack and a few yards from the touchdown with which they will open the 2nd quarter.
In the second quarter Pinella makes his experience count and scores 21 points.
The third quarter opens with teams scoring points at every possession, but it is always the Pikes who score another interception and 17 points.
In the fourth quarter Pinella concedes just one fieldgoal to the Norsemen, while scoring 2 touchdowns.
Niceville has a bad taste in his mouth looking at the score which doesn't express all the good work done. Pinella for his part has expressed good playing potential.

BW Roadrunners (563) @ Motol Ducks (824): 40-31
Match decided in the first half. The Ducks lead the game by 1st down (37v s 21) and by yards gained (484 vs 408) but are unable to finalize the created opportunities.
The guests' first TD occurred on an interception return, but the home team was not intimidated and turned the tide of the match in the first half thanks to a TD and an interception that brought Motol to the 33 opponents and paved the way for the second TD.
In the second quarter the guests do not stand by and watch, allowing the home team only 1 FG, while they switch to an air attack that allows the Roadrunners to score 2 TDs and 2 FGs, taking the lead at halftime (27-17).
In the third and fourth quarter the two teams study each other, scoring almost alternately.
Great performance of Roadrunners.

Group 2
Bretzfeld Bandits (1105) @ Social Distance Runners (1058): 28-52
Two expert managers competing in the game, with similar stats for 1st down (32 vs 26 for the Bandits) and yards gained (475 vs 438 for the Runners).
In the first quarter, Social Distance scores a TD and 3 interceptions which create a gap that is difficult to fill, closing the score of the quarter at 28 to 0.
The second quarter begins with a TD from the guests who seem to have found their game, but the SDR manage to contain the scoring.
3rd quarter start with the Bandits still seem to be in the locker room, leaving the Social Distance Runners the chance to score another 2 TDs; while in the 4th quarter the roles are reversed: SDC lead 52 to 14, perhaps now aware of the impossible task of the guests in overturning the result, they leave the field to the opponents by conceding 2 TD which brings the final score to 52-28 for the home team.

Neptunes (722) @ Ipso Facto(710): 14-51
The Ipso Facto coach demonstrates on the field that the 710 ELO points earned in a short time are no coincidence.
There is no game: Ipso Facto leads on all statistics: 1st down (32 vs 8), yards (540 vs 261), ..... scoring on every possession, leaving the Neptunes with only two big plays which make the defeat a little less bitter. Bad evening for the Neptunes CEO who consoles himself with pizza and beer

Last edited on 2023-12-21 11:31:07 by Stigma71

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posted: 2024-01-18 13:41:37 (ID: 100180293)  Edits found: 2 Report Abuse
Congratulations to The Pinellas Pike, winner of the trophy Friendly Cup Tortellino Cup. They had beated Ipso Facto in the final game.
The real heros of the match were the kikers: They scored 23/35 points!
I apologize to you but during the Christmas holidays I got sick and had to move house. For this reason the reporting of the event was not of the desired quality. I'll check back in the next edition!

Thanks a lot to everyone! Next try is to have a huge event!

Last edited on 2024-01-18 13:45:20 by Stigma71

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