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posted: 2023-11-29 02:47:04 (ID: 100179165) Report Abuse
Welp, I just watched a game between myself and birney that ended with a score of 9 to 7...

Defense wins Championships?
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2023-11-29 09:56:03 (ID: 100179170) Report Abuse
TigerTail42 wrote:
Welp, I just watched a game between myself and birney that ended with a score of 9 to 7...

Defense wins Championships?

Maybe both offenses were just busy doing other things?
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posted: 2023-11-30 00:53:31 (ID: 100179224) Report Abuse
I had 500+ yards of Offense...
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2023-11-30 07:19:03 (ID: 100179225) Report Abuse
TigerTail42 wrote:
I had 500+ yards of Offense...

Right, but obviously your offense did not like the opponents red zone too much.
Just for curiosity, you don't trust your kicker on a 52-yard-FG-try? You had twice that position and punted.
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2023-12-08 13:50:43 (ID: 100179425)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
I thought about taking a different view on the season remaining.
After 6 gamedays most teams did already set at least a note on competitor, hopeful or not-my-year.
I did s e l e c t the top 8 teams from the AC and top 9 teams from the NC to look at their coming games and which are the crucial ones.


Black Dragons
They have 3 crucial games left, only the Snapper game might ruin the next division title, but since the 1st game was already a landslide win for the Dragons, likely they will win the division again. The other 2 games will only decide on the seating. With the Dragons being the favorite in all games, they will likely end at #1 inside the conference.

They have 5 crucial games left. The Rabbits game will decide the division. But with the big difference in team strength, this is likely Doves division. The other games will determine the playoff seating as #2 to #4. Right now I expect them to lose at least 1 more on the games, but that might be enough to finish at #2, but #3 or #4 is possible.

I did identify 6 crucial games, which is based on the fact that the team has a quite weak level of strength. Even the weekenders, who did not make the list, since they are already out of competition, will likely give the Xtc a hard time in January. With 2 games left against the direct and only division rival Blue Devils and several other games against stronger teams, I think the team will not win the division and will drop fast. Could be they do make the playoffs, thanks to the already harvested wins and likely 4+ more wins coming against BOT teams. But right now they do look like getting the short end of the stick against Snappers and Titans.

Ruhrpott Miners
Also 6 crucial games left, they have to play twice the division rival Titans and will very likely win both. The remaining games will decide the playoff seating between #2 and #4, but right now I would expect them to get to #3.

Orono Ancient Snappers
With 5 crucial games, the Snappers have a tough road ahead of them to stay in the playoff hunt. Underdog basically in all of those games, it's still likely the remaining games will give them enough wins at least to get a playoff spot. #5 or #6 is possible.

Blue Devils
I found 5 crucial games, 2 of those against Xtc to get the division crown, of the rest only the Crabs game will likely be a challenge. So, the team will likely rise like a rocket and might even get the #2 seat. I don't think they will drop further than #3.

Hopping Rabbits
The team has a lot of BOT games, which might help him to get into the playoffs. I found 5 crucial games, not including the Black Dragons game, since that will be sure loss, but including the not on the list Meerkats and Fire Dragons. Those 5 games will likely be also all losses, maybe 1-2 win, thanks to the weak state of the Rabbits. Overall I think the Rabbits will not make the playoffs.

Monterey Titans 1AFC
With 5 crucial games, but 4 of those against stronger teams, the team will have a hard time to get into the playoffs. Who of the Snappers, Titans and Xtcs will at the end get #5 or #6 is wide open.


Baltimore Blue Crabs
Realistically they have 4 crucial games left, 2 against the Sfniner08 for the division crown. This will be quite open, likely a small edge towards the Sfniner08. If the Crabs win the division, they might get #1 or #2 spot. If not, #5 is I think save.

Leverkusen Leopards
I see 5 games left, which will decide the seating for the playoffs. In all my team is favored, especially in the 2 division games. It's very likely my team will get the division title, and then the other 3 games will decide, whether it is #1 or #2 inside the conference.
More losses are possible, sure, but not likely and the other contenders need to be better at the 1st step.

The 2 games against Caplit e salama will very likely decide the division and KAFakofers are not favored in those. 4 more crucial games will either send the team into the off-season as playoff team at #6 or they will miss the playoffs. For this, the games against Panthers and Bruisers will be the key. I expect the team to miss the playoffs.

For this team (almost) every game is a playoff match and they are not favored in many of those. I have 8 games they have to watch and those include 3 teams, which are not on the list here. My guess is, they will lose at least 6 games, which should be too much for a playoff spot.

The team has one of the weaker schedule of all teams, with only 3 crucial games and one of those is against Xtc, way weaker than they are. The 2 remaining games are against the Crabs and those will determine the division title. A split or a winning sweep will give them the division and then likely #1 or #2. A losing sweep will send them to #5.

Paxtang Black Panthers
I did count 6 crucial games for the Panthers, but realistically only 4 matter. 3 of those are against division rivals and will determine the playoff fate. The game against my team will be hard for them, the 2 games against the Bruisers will set up the seatings for sure. My pick the Bruisers will overcome the Panthers and will get the #6 spot, which would mean, the Panthers will miss the playoffs, like in season 52.

Burnaby Bruisers
Only 4 crucial games, 2 of those against the Panthers. In the other 2 I see them at 1-1. They will likely get more wins than the Panthers and then get the #6 seat.

Caplit e salama
There are only 2 games which matter from the 5 crucial games. The division games against KAFakofers. Caplit is 2 games behind the division leader right now and they need the wins to leap frog the team and win the division. The other 3 games will determine the playoff seatings, which will be likely #3 or #4.

Fighting Frankonian
With only 4 crucial games the Frankonians can win the division and get a good playoff seat. 2 of those games are against Trnje, which is much weaker then them. The birney's weekenders game, with them not on the list, might determine the #3 or #4 spot. But likely the team will end up at #4.

The games:

9th December
Black Dragons @ Doves
Xtc @ Monterey Titans 1AFC
Paxtang Black Panthers @ KAFakofers
birney's weekenders @ Trnje

12th December
Xtc @ Sfniner08
Leverkusen Leopards @ Ruhrpott Miners
Southern Meerkats @ Hopping Rabbits

16th December
Doves @ Orono Ancient Snappers
Monterey Titans 1AFC @ Ruhrpott Miners
Hopping Rabbits @ Fire Dragons
KAFakofers @ Caplit e salama

19th December
Blue Devils @ Xtc
Orono Ancient Snappers @ Caplit e salama
Fighting Frankonian @ Trnje
Paxtang Black Panthers @ Burnaby Bruisers
EDIT: This is the last with teams on bye week

23rd December
Ruhrpott Miners @ Black Dragons
Blue Devils @ Hopping Rabbits
Trnje @ Doves
KAFakofers @ Burnaby Bruisers
Caplit e salama @ Paxtang Black Panthers

26th December
Doves @ Ruhrpott Miners
KAFakofers @ Orono Ancient Snappers
Monterey Titans 1AFC @ Leverkusen Leopards
Baltimore Blue Crabs @ Trnje
Fighting Frankonian @ birney's weekenders

30th December
Black Dragons @ Orono Ancient Snappers
Blue Devils @ Baltimore Blue Crabs
Caplit e salama @ KAFakofers
Trnje @ Fire Dragons

2nd January
Doves @ Hopping Rabbits
Ruhrpott Miners @ Xtc
Orono Ancient Snappers @ Blue Devils
Baltimore Blue Crabs @ Sfniner08
Leverkusen Leopards @ Burnaby Bruisers

6th January
Monterey Titans 1AFC @ Paxtang Black Panthers
Caplit e salama @ Leverkusen Leopards
Trnje @ Fighting Frankonian

9th January
birney's weekenders @ Xtc
Hopping Rabbits @ Trnje
Fighting Frankonian @ Baltimore Blue Crabs
Leverkusen Leopards @ KAFakofers
Burnaby Bruisers @ Paxtang Black Panthers

13th January
Xtc @ Blue Devils
Ruhrpott Miners @ Monterey Titans 1AFC
Sfniner08 @ Baltimore Blue Crabs
Paxtang Black Panthers @ Leverkusen Leopards
Trnje @ Southern Meerkats

Still a lot of games.

Last edited on 2023-12-12 09:36:50 by jack6

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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2023-12-09 18:13:34 (ID: 100179441) Report Abuse
jack6 wrote:
The games:

9th December
Black Dragons @ Doves
Xtc @ Monterey Titans 1AFC
Paxtang Black Panthers @ KAFakofers
birney's weekenders @ Trnje

Black Dragons did burn the Doves (as expected).
Titans smashed Xtc (as expected).
Panthers bite of a big chunck of KAFakofers (as expected).
Weekenders did send the Trnje some weekend greetings and went home with a win (as expected).

By that did Xtc lose the division lead. I don't think they will regain it.
Trnje still holds on to the division lead, but will lose that soon.
And KAFakofers did also lose some grip on the division lead, but do hang on for now.

Beside that only the AC Conference seat got a big shake up, but of course that's not for long.
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posted: 2023-12-13 04:11:10 (ID: 100179509) Report Abuse
jack you are correct that I have a soft schedule. There are only 3 (probably 2) games that I am in danger of losing. So at worst I'll be 13-3 but I think I'll end up about 15-1. The NC comes down to 4 teams. You, Paxtang, Blue Crabs, and myself. I'd say that you are probably the favorite to win the NC. The other 3 have a chance but it will take some game planning. Good luck!
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2023-12-13 07:29:29 (ID: 100179510) Report Abuse
Congratulation on the win, torakrid.

2 missed field goal by my kicker were too much in this game.
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2023-12-13 07:40:52 (ID: 100179512) Report Abuse
jack6 wrote:
12th December
Xtc @ Sfniner08
Leverkusen Leopards @ Ruhrpott Miners
Southern Meerkats @ Hopping Rabbits

Sfniners did withstand the drugs and won. (as expected)
Miners did burry the Leopards on a late field goal. (upset)
Rabbits did show their teeth to the Meerkats and did bit through the game. (upset, but that game was as open as it could be)

Big win for the Miners on the playoff spots, Leopards on the other hand did lose some grip on the hunt for #1 seat.
The rest has almost no effect compared to my predictions.
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Ruhrpott Miners

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posted: 2023-12-13 13:42:33 (ID: 100179519) Report Abuse
jack6 wrote:
Congratulation on the win, torakrid.

2 missed field goal by my kicker were too much in this game.


That was the famous saying, you can win one game out of ten. I was the lucky winner.

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