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Constanta Ravens

Romania   Radu91 owns a supporter account   Radu91 acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2024-02-14 07:11:30 (ID: 100181350) Report Abuse
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Sheffield Wednesday


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posted: 2024-02-14 13:33:02 (ID: 100181371) Report Abuse
Biggest Matchups in Game Day 2

Prediction - Ducks 14-31 Traders
Result - Ducks 22-20 Traders

My first prediction and whoops - i got this entirely wrong. The Ducks were down 20-10 going into the Final Quarter but scored 12 unanswered points to shock the Traders. The game winning Field Goal scored with just 10 seconds on the clock.

Prediction Record 0-1

Prediction - Prediction Tigers 38-7 Sailors
Result - Tigers 25-34 Sailors

Its a good job im not betting on these games, as another prediction went horribly wrong. The Sailors must have some coach as they turned the form book and the Team Rating on its head.

fyi - Rating overall at just 60.6 for the Sailors whilst the Tigers have a 80 Rating

Prediction Record 0-2

Prediction - Mad Dogs 21-17 Packers
Result - Mad Dogs 69-10 Packers

I may have predicted a Mad-Dogs win but not to this extent. The dogs ran riot with 647 Total Offensive Yards

Prediction Record 1-2

Prediction - Vamosahi 31-28 Devons Warriors
Result - Vamosahi 42-21 Devons Warriors

The Spanish Giants come good in a dominant display. A very even game stats wise, but Vamosahi had the killer touch

Prediction Record 2-2

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Sheffield Wednesday


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posted: 2024-02-14 14:22:18 (ID: 100181375)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Biggest Matchups Game Day 3

Devons Warriors (1-1) @ Glasgow Tigers (1-1)

The biggest game of the round sees the Warriors head to Bonnie Scotland to take on the Glasgow Tigers.

The Tigers and Warriors have met just once before in Season 51 - The Tigers taking the Conference Championship 28-26. The Warriors are coming off a tough defeat against Vamosahi, whilst the Tigers were shocked by Constanta Sailors in Round 2. This leaves both with 1-1 Records. Despite the Tigers defeat in their last game i still fancy them to beat the Warriors.

Prediction Warriors 14-21 Tigers

Michigan Weasel Traders (0-2) @ Chicago Cubs (0-2)

Both sides have had difficult starts to Season 55, and neither will want to drop to a 0-3 start. The Cubs have been around since Season 25 and have faced off with the Traders 8 times since Season 51, losing all of them. The most recent meeting was a 40-7 Traders Victory. I predict a similar scoreline

Prediction Traders 40-3 Cubs

Konjarnik High Towers (0-2) @ Dirty Ducks (1-1)

The once mighty High Towers arein rebuild mode, im sure in readiness for another assault on Elite. They have started Season 55 with 2 defeats to Devon Warriors and Svalbard Saints. They will have little concern over those and head to the Ducks knowing another Defeat is likely. The Ducks fresh from a shock victory over The Traders shouldnt have too many problems in Game Week 3.

It is the first League Meeting between the two sides, who have met just once before in the Super Cup. A 34-10 High Towers Victory played out, but that was a very different Towers side.

Prediction Konjarnik High Towers 14-41 Dirty Ducks

Geneva Lions @ Aratana Hajimari

The Lions are new to RZA having joined just over a season a go. They have built well and look to be positioning into contenders for the future. They have started S55 well with 2 wins from 2.

The Artists formally known as The Ghost of Bautzen have also begun the season 2-0 and were members of The Elite as recently as Season 49. A seasoned veteran i foresee nothing but a win for the newly named Hajimari.

This is the first meeting between the two teams. Lets hope its not the last.

Prediction - Lions 7-35 Hajimari

Last edited on 2024-02-14 14:30:20 by butchpt6

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Constanta Ravens

Romania   Radu91 owns a supporter account   Radu91 acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2024-02-17 17:19:45 (ID: 100181494) Report Abuse
Week 3 is done and here you have the TOP 3 surprises.

1. -
2. -
3. -
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Sheffield Wednesday


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posted: 2024-02-18 21:05:54 (ID: 100181525) Report Abuse
Biggest Matchups Game Day 3

Prediction Warriors 14-21 Tigers
Result Warriors 28-38 Tigers

The Warriors were set for the upset right up until the 4th Quarter after establishing a 28-24 lead at the end of the 3rd. The Tigers scored 2 unanswered Touchdowns in the 4th to take victory

Prediction Record 1-0

Prediction Traders 40-3 Cubs
Traders 70-14 Cubs

The Traders finally got their season up and running in impressive style against The Cubs who are now 0-3

Prediction Record 2-0

Prediction Konjarnik High Towers 14-41 Dirty Ducks
High Towers 13-45 Ducks

I was almost bang on with this result, missing a perfect prediction by just 5 total points. The High Towers start the season 0-3 whilst the Ducks move to 2-1

Prediction Record 3-0

Prediction - Lions 7-35 Hajimari
Lions 10-51 Hajimari

Damions team impressive in a summary dismantling of the Geneva Lions. The German based Japanese side sit proudly atop of the AC West at 3-0 whilst the Lions suffer their first defeat of the season.

Prediction Record 4-0
Overall for the season 6-2
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Sheffield Wednesday


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posted: 2024-02-18 21:29:26 (ID: 100181528) Report Abuse
Biggest Matchups Game Day 4

Constanta Ravens (3-0) @ Vamosahi (3-0)

A big sexy tie to start us off on Game Day 4 as two huge Bowl Contenders go head to head in a divisional tie. Vamosahi moved to the AC East at the beginning of this season - a move that could spark a nice little rivalry between Radu and Vamos. Both have started the season undefeated and both have similar squad strength.

Just 3 meetings between these two sides in the past. In Season 52 Vamosahi inflicted heavy defeats on the Ravens, however the Ravens found victory in Season 54 by a singular point.

This one will be close

Prediction - Ravens 28-31 Vamosahi

Dirty Ducks (2-1) @ Sheffield Wednesday (2-1)

The Ducks have recovered from their shock defeat to Svalbard Saints in GameDay 1, finding wins against the Traders and High Towers to recover to 2-1.

Wednesday took an expected opening day loss to Hajimari before stomping 2 BOTS to also be 2-1.

Wednesdays defence has looked porous, whilst the offence has shown a weakness in terms of turnovers. The Ducks are now the stronger team on paper and i dont think home advantage will save Wednesday.

No previous Meetings between these two sides, The Ducks should have this one

Prediction - Ducks 38-14 Wednesday

Kamloops Maddogs (3-0) @ Glasgow Tigers (2-1)

Its been a easy start to life in the Sea Devils for MadDogs owner Blitz 56, smashing his way to 309 points in his first 3 games, 69 of those against St Paulis Packers. For the Tigers its been a tough start to the season, having games against three of the Sea Devils toughest teams in the Corsairs, Sailors and Warriors. To be currently 2-1 is testimony to the strength of the Tigers squad.

A fourth game against a talented Mad Dogs side ensures the difficult start continues for Scorchio and his Tigers team.

Season 53 saw the only previous meeting between these two sides, a Super Cup tie that ended 46-3 to the Tigers. I foresee that the Mad Dogs strong start stumbles here

Prediction - MadDogs 28-38 Tigers

Geneva Lions (2-1) @ Michigan Weasel Traders (1-2)

The Lions have started strongly this season whilst the Traders have found the going rough. With that said i strongly believe both sides will be 2-2 by the end of Game Day 4.

This is the first meeting between the two sides.

Prediction - Lions 14-24 Traders

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Constanta Ravens

Romania   Radu91 owns a supporter account   Radu91 acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2024-02-20 17:52:29 (ID: 100181567) Report Abuse
Week 4 has finished and the bye weeks have started and here you have the TOP 3 surprises.

1. Dirty Ducks vs Sheffield Wednesday : 31:21
2. Constanta Ravens vs vamosahi : 35:17
3. -
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St Pauli Packers


Joined: 2020-04-05/S38
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posted: 2024-02-22 12:42:47 (ID: 100181682)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Do any of you have any experience with experience? What do you have to do to get a star? 30 games as a starter? 1 season replacement player? a lambeau leap and 2 table smashes?

Last edited on 2024-02-22 12:46:37 by hmpf22

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Constanta Ravens

Romania   Radu91 owns a supporter account   Radu91 acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2024-02-22 12:53:22 (ID: 100181683) Report Abuse
hmpf22 wrote:
Do any of you have any experience with experience? What do you have to do to get a star? 30 games as a starter? 1 season replacement player? a lambeau leap and 2 table smahes?

No Torben, it's not about the game, it's about the number of plays he has in a game/season.
The number of plays in a game count for that player to get a half a star almost each season. I never had a player gain 1 star in a season, never.
The number of plays in a League, SuperCup or Champ of Champions game are more important and have higher value than a Friendly Game.
The number of plays required by every position is different and i don't know the numbers of plays required to get that half a star.
And in the YA Academy it's easy, they get half a star each season, (if you have Premium Academy) they still get only half a star each season, but they are getting it more quickly.

For reserve players is the same. If he plays only in special team (as example), then perhaps he will get a half a star in perhaps 2 season, maybe 3, depending on the number of plays.
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Usa   JohnnyAce owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-02-22 15:41:18 (ID: 100181686) Report Abuse
I've had some experience experiencing experience. In my experience, it's been quite an experience.
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