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Chattanooga Express

Usa   Woolybully65 owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-02-11 10:01:23 (ID: 100181259) Report Abuse
We managed a beast of a DL with a 4.5 talent rating, and he can nestle in Special Teams for a while, so I can boost his tackling. We have too many DLs though. They say defences win championships though.

Then we picked another DL, but only because he has a 49.2 intelligence rating, so clearly was a linebacker in waiting with a nice Sure Tackler speciality. Really pleased to get him so low in the draft. He's gone to special teams to hone his tackling

Finally we got a tight end. Bit of a gamble as he wasn't the biggest or fastest. Gamble paid off as neither are maxed so I can develop the physical side first. He can go to special teams first as well.

All told a bit of an improvement. Just need to make sure wages don't get too crazy and I can replace my full backs and tight ends on the roster within the next couple of seasons.

Hope I can stay behind Davy Cockett's Vols and make the play offs again. I made money again last season. Having the money to donate to the media centre is a blessing.

Good luck all


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posted: 2024-02-11 10:06:26 (ID: 100181260)  Edits found: 2 Report Abuse
Olband wrote:
Ok so there were several surprises this week. I think I better stop making predictions and enjoy seeing how the season will turn out!

Yes Ol the Season up in the clouds { Elite} have you and BoaTek looking like what did we leave.. I asked a lot of team owners to reply and add to Fire Forum.. Not to kill the RZA game but to bring a new view on things, ie the Draft or playbook or coaching item.. etc, about the squad they have.. as Joe wrote, the 4thQ in the message below... This Season could be amazing.

So to reward Panthers- they came along to the party and took the My low team chem, new players, are going to be part of Gunn Season.. { Note my idea of all Gunn YA or Draft players is well on course} at time of message we have 29 ready for Season56.. with 5 more YA out of contract this end of Season

Last edited on 2024-02-11 10:10:58 by G4ngsta

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Joined: 2023-05-26/S51
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posted: 2024-02-11 10:10:07 (ID: 100181261) Report Abuse
Glass Joe wrote:
What an insane 4th quarter comeback by Abracalabria
tough 4thQ
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Missouri Misery


Joined: 2020-05-11/S38
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posted: 2024-02-12 16:45:09 (ID: 100181277) Report Abuse
Since talking draft currently seems to be en vogue in our forum, I thought I'd share a few thoughts about it.
I had the rare privilege to have a #1 pick this time, thanks to my premature appearance in Elite last season. Alas that there wasn't a clear superman pick, but I did well enough in the draft. All 3 of my picks are potential standouts later once developed, depending on how high a couple physical stats can still be developed. None of them will be a starter for me this season though, which brings me to my first point: The draft in RZA is mostly there to help developing teams. Once you've been around a while, the available players seem less shiny. Being that as it is, here's what I tend to look for in the draft:
First off, physicals are key. Specifically: INT,STR,SPE,TW. These stats are always key, but I especially look for them in the draft. Two reasons: One, players' salaries are not increased for having high values here. Who doesn't like free? Two, other skills can be trained. STR and SPE are often maxed for drafted players, (though not always,) and INT and TW are static, so getting these high are invaluable. For my first round pick, I try to get a player with as high of STR and SPE as I can. For later rounds, I might take a chance on a player if one of those stats aren't high if INT and TW are high or if they have traits I like, since sometimes the STR or SPE isn't capped and I may be able to develop it still higher. I got lucky this draft and got exactly that.
Other items:
I used to be bigger on Talent, so that I could get players with high skills. The problem is you can't afford your entire roster to have players with 48 or 50 on their skills. The huge salaries will kill you financially, so I've cooled off on talent and hardly pay attention to it, unless I know it's a player I want to try to max.
I have gotten more fond of Experience. This is a stat which can be gained, but it's slow, and a player with good exp will increase performance, even with skills that aren't as high. The downside is that is also increases the salary, but I feel it's a worthwhile tradeoff.
Traits: I will pay some attention to certain traits. Except for linemen, I always like Track Star. I want fast players on offense and defense. I like the blocking traits for OL and Slippery is nice for skill players. A lot of veteran managers like Fearsome, so it's probably very good to have, and I tend to agree; you want to put pressure on the QB as much as possible in this game. I like the turnover traits for def, even though I'm not sure it's the most effective traits to have. I also like Slippery for DL and LB and all def can use Sure Tackler, esp CBs. One thing you want to avoid in this game is CBs who miss tackles.
Other skills: I don't really care what these are in the draft, since they're all trainable.
Keep in mind that you don't have to keep drafted players in their positions, but you do want to consider the skills they already have trained if you're thinking of making a drastic change.
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Joined: 2023-05-26/S51
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posted: 2024-02-12 22:56:39 (ID: 100181287) Report Abuse
Olband wrote:
Since talking draft currently seems to be en vogue in our forum, I thought I'd share a few thoughts about it.
I had the rare privilege to have a #1 pick this time, thanks to my premature appearance in Elite last season. Alas that there wasn't a clear superman pick, but I did well enough in the draft. All 3 of my picks are potential standouts later once developed, depending on how high a couple physical stats can still be developed. None of them will be a starter for me this season though, which brings me to my first point: The draft in RZA is mostly there to help developing teams. Once you've been around a while, the available players seem less shiny. Being that as it is, here's what I tend to look for in the draft:
First off, physicals are key. Specifically: INT,STR,SPE,TW. These stats are always key, but I especially look for them in the draft. Two reasons: One, players' salaries are not increased for having high values here. Who doesn't like free? Two, other skills can be trained. STR and SPE are often maxed for drafted players, (though not always,) and INT and TW are static, so getting these high are invaluable. For my first round pick, I try to get a player with as high of STR and SPE as I can. For later rounds, I might take a chance on a player if one of those stats aren't high if INT and TW are high or if they have traits I like, since sometimes the STR or SPE isn't capped and I may be able to develop it still higher. I got lucky this draft and got exactly that.
Other items:
I used to be bigger on Talent, so that I could get players with high skills. The problem is you can't afford your entire roster to have players with 48 or 50 on their skills. The huge salaries will kill you financially, so I've cooled off on talent and hardly pay attention to it, unless I know it's a player I want to try to max.
I have gotten more fond of Experience. This is a stat which can be gained, but it's slow, and a player with good exp will increase performance, even with skills that aren't as high. The downside is that is also increases the salary, but I feel it's a worthwhile tradeoff.
Traits: I will pay some attention to certain traits. Except for linemen, I always like Track Star. I want fast players on offense and defense. I like the blocking traits for OL and Slippery is nice for skill players. A lot of veteran managers like Fearsome, so it's probably very good to have, and I tend to agree; you want to put pressure on the QB as much as possible in this game. I like the turnover traits for def, even though I'm not sure it's the most effective traits to have. I also like Slippery for DL and LB and all def can use Sure Tackler, esp CBs. One thing you want to avoid in this game is CBs who miss tackles.
Other skills: I don't really care what these are in the draft, since they're all trainable.
Keep in mind that you don't have to keep drafted players in their positions, but you do want to consider the skills they already have trained if you're thinking of making a drastic change.
nice - I did look at my Draft player, I found a player with over 30 skill in carrying - KR- so I changed him to a RB.. But I go for other skills, with a what do I need. so most 2nd round picks are an OL. with blocking high with strong arms
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Tennessee Frontiersmen


Joined: 2022-12-03/S49
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posted: 2024-02-13 04:49:43 (ID: 100181291) Report Abuse
Last Season the the Panthers were undefeated and on their way to that 16-0 season they stopped by the Frontierbowl and got the victory on the road by less than a touchdown. This year we meet early in the season and the Frontiersmen are looking to march onto Panther Field and even the score.
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posted: 2024-02-13 15:06:38 (ID: 100181321) Report Abuse
another match same 1stQ- lost TD then an interception 14 -0, 6 mins into game.. - Dolphs
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Niceville Norsemen

Usa   BoaTek owns a supporter account

Joined: 2021-10-31/S45
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posted: 2024-02-14 02:17:56 (ID: 100181345) Report Abuse
Ok, ok. Some things have changed since I kicked rocks around here. I guess my top ten will be a lot more fun this season. I mean why not? I have no clue what I am talking about 90% of the time, so why should this be different? Let's get into some controversy.

All the top ten teams are undefeated at this point, which makes some of this a little easier, but a disclaimer first. For these very unscientific rankings, I use strength of opponents, division strength, ELO, manager experience, team ratings, record, offensive and defensive league rankings, what little I know about the teams, playbook complexity, and a little bit of wisdom from the very clever staff at my local Waffle House, while I sip on my morning brew. If you disagree with anything I say, I would love to hear your point of view, so fire away!

#10 Copenhagen Chargers - I have no clue who this is, but they are taking care of business. They sport a 12:1 TD ratio and had a solid showing against the Acorns. Oh, and they are 2-0. For that, they are now on my radar.

#9 Tennessee Frontiersmen - These guys will end up near the top of the rankings when the smoke clears, but off to a great start. They have the #1 passing offense in Fire right now. The passing defense is not terrible either.

#8 Idaho Idlers - The Idlers are up ten touchdowns to one in two games. They travel to see the Reapers next. Let's see if they can keep that fantastic TD ratio intact.

#7 BW Roadrunners - These guys are taking care of business and winning the games that they should. And armed with the number 2 passing offense in the league, they should win a lot of games this season.

#6 IONS - No disrespect meant here at all, but what a surprise. This is not the same IONS team I remember. Sitting in control of the AC East, these guys may give the Idlers all they can handle in the division race.

#5 CardiacJackets - Listen, this seems wrong to me. These guys should be MUCH higher, if not number 1! These are the Jackets after all! And I think that speaks volumes about the teams at the top of the list. Great game against the STEELERS (more on them later) and I expect this team to be climbing the rankings soon.

#4 Mustangs - Solid team, but may have lost a step this season. We'll see. Look, all I am saying is that my team never could match the offensive output the Mustangs are quite consistant at, until this season. With that said, these guys are no joke. They will be handing out tail whippings all season long for absolutely free.

#3 Niceville Norsemen - Top 3? That seems a bit biased. So I checked my math. Division leader. Check. Top 3 offense or defense? Check. Best TD ratio? Close enough. ELO over 1000? Ehhhhhh. So yeah. Number 3.

#2 Chattanooga Express - Ok. Here is where I sense some eye rolling, but hear me out. They currently lead their division and have the #1 rushing offense AND the #1 rushing defense. They have outscored their opponents 112 to 3 so far this season. This team passes the eye test folks.

#1 Champ Chompers - Twenty one touchdowns in two games. One hundred fifty three points. Was the competition up to it? Maybe not, but that's not easy to do against bots! Chompers is firmly in control of the AC North for the time being and it is going to be interesting to see if this firepower display continues on through the season. Great job Golrath.

Parting thoughts:

What a tough start to the season for the STEELERS. Having to play two of the strongest teams in the league back-to-back just cannot get any worse. This may be one of the strongest 0-2 teams ever. Looking forward to seeing them climb back in this thing, and they will.

Let's go crack some heads!

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Missouri Misery


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posted: 2024-02-14 12:57:09 (ID: 100181369) Report Abuse
Thanks for the fun run-down. My only comment is there's no adjustment for strength of schedule, which means as the season unfolds, there will be some changes here, as you suggested with Steelers. But gratz to the teams that are on the list for now, having done what's necessary so far.

And since you just had to put the bit about Ions giving the Idlers a run this season, I
l'll throw the gauntlet down right now. In 6 days, the Ions home fans will be leaving the stadium early in disgust and disappointment.
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Champ Chompers

Usa   Golrath owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-02-14 13:50:27 (ID: 100181373) Report Abuse
Oh boy, here we go again, the Chompers rated highly in this list, the performance anxiety will start to show through halfway into the season again

But for real, great write-up as usual, and once again me apologizing on not being super active here. Work is just such a huge timesink and it doesn't seem to be letting up anytime soon.

But, a great kickoff to the season, and best of luck to everyone for the rest of the games!
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