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Main / Admirals / Admirals 2.2 Season 4 Search Forum
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posted: 2012-07-25 04:36:42 (ID: 49083) Report Abuse
________mov ravens-vs-Strasbourg Blues
Passing yards___1941__2145
Passing TD_______18__19
Rushing yards__13239__10567
Rushing TD______182__125

Well in this one coming up lets see who got what advage.

The passing game between these two teams are so close no one has a clear

The running game is clearly in the ravens favor has they have almost 2672 more yards ,57 TDs, and 1092 pancakes than Strasbourg Blues.

But on the other hand both the teams defense our among the best in the league.
But which D will force more turn over will be key in this game.

And with home field advantage going to Strasbourg Blues

This game will be a close one.

On this one is Mov Ravens over Strasbourg Blues
But anything could happen in this one

Last edited on 2012-07-25 04:40:39 by andrew2scott2

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posted: 2012-07-25 10:35:27 (ID: 49115) Report Abuse
secretseeker wrote:
Speedbumps won the superbowl last season. It says a lot about the level in 1.1 that he's coming back for relegation.

Next season all leagues below 1.1 will have the incomes reduced, so it might best if you tried to advance.

dont losing teams though also get lesser attendances so therefore less income? in a league where wins will likey be at a premium i may well be better off having a winning record (hopefully!) in a lower limit league than a losing record (likley 0-16, 1-15) on a sliding scale but max limit league?
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posted: 2012-07-26 17:04:59 (ID: 49353) Report Abuse
I forgot about that fact. Damn, maybe ill have to think twice about trying to advance to 1.1 . Seems that i might not be ready yet anyway.
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posted: 2012-07-26 17:29:14 (ID: 49363) Report Abuse
Well if youre not sure if youre not ready i know as sure as eggs are eggs im not!

Im even more sure that im probably gonna chuck the game after reading this thread

Discussion Thread

I will get no pleasure out of it, but i dont see the point of even trying to get there this season.

This was my first season - joined literally two days before the draft (nice timing!) and it took me at least 4 weeks to find my feet - fortunately (i think) i was still unbeaten and in pole position of the division - i had a pretty soft schedule so the playoffs came easily and then had a good win over Watertown before being put in my place by Strasbourg - my team is good but needs depth and im still raw with the playbook - i think it fair to say ive overachieved this season.

I dont like meaning to lose - i probably would do if i didnt try - maybe this time next season it would be hugely different - but im struggling to see good reason why not to stay in 2.2 for Season 5.

Last edited on 2012-07-26 17:30:35 by MTS1972

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posted: 2012-07-27 00:05:34 (ID: 49429) Report Abuse
the loss of attendance on a losing streak will be less than the losses playing a division lower plus you will draft a lot higher next season in 1.1.

the teams are there for a reason take the opportunity it might not happen again. How good does it need to look to take the shot? id rather get smashed every week playing a live bod than beating up bot after bot

Last edited on 2012-07-27 00:05:51 by bwadders76

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posted: 2012-07-27 07:11:05 (ID: 49436) Report Abuse
bwadders76 wrote:
the loss of attendance on a losing streak will be less than the losses playing a division lower plus you will draft a lot higher next season in 1.1.

the teams are there for a reason take the opportunity it might not happen again. How good does it need to look to take the shot? id rather get smashed every week playing a live bod than beating up bot after bot

Show me text that proves your opening paragraph, as from what i can see 1) the numbers havent been finalised as yet and 2) theres nowhere that says it will be introduced for the start of season 5 even if they are.

Also, you make out like 2.2 is just you and Bots. It isnt - why else was nothing decided until the last games of the regular season had been played? I havent looked but id guess there are BOTS in every league, and even after the flush, our division will be as competative as it just has been. There are plenty of managed teams, ranging from experienced to new. Is that also not the case throughout the game?

I have no fear of losing every game - it wouldnt stop me playing - i just happen to think the level im at currently is the right one for my length of time in the game.
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posted: 2012-07-27 10:56:33 (ID: 49457) Report Abuse
MTS1972 wrote:
bwadders76 wrote:
the loss of attendance on a losing streak will be less than the losses playing a division lower plus you will draft a lot higher next season in 1.1.

the teams are there for a reason take the opportunity it might not happen again. How good does it need to look to take the shot? id rather get smashed every week playing a live bod than beating up bot after bot

Show me text that proves your opening paragraph, as from what i can see 1) the numbers havent been finalised as yet and 2) theres nowhere that says it will be introduced for the start of season 5 even if they are.

Also, you make out like 2.2 is just you and Bots. It isnt - why else was nothing decided until the last games of the regular season had been played? I havent looked but id guess there are BOTS in every league, and even after the flush, our division will be as competative as it just has been. There are plenty of managed teams, ranging from experienced to new. Is that also not the case throughout the game?

I have no fear of losing every game - it wouldnt stop me playing - i just happen to think the level im at currently is the right one for my length of time in the game.

come on man winning that game would be a shock even playing to win!(no insult intended) and if you do win then you wont go 0-16 but you will be fighting for survival but you could survive! you won't know unless you try
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posted: 2012-07-27 11:35:27 (ID: 49459) Report Abuse
will say again - I have no fear of losing every game - it wouldnt stop me playing - i just happen to think the level im at currently is the right one for my length of time in the game.

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posted: 2012-07-27 18:40:57 (ID: 49492) Report Abuse
MTS1972 wrote:
bwadders76 wrote:
the loss of attendance on a losing streak will be less than the losses playing a division lower plus you will draft a lot higher next season in 1.1.

the teams are there for a reason take the opportunity it might not happen again. How good does it need to look to take the shot? id rather get smashed every week playing a live bod than beating up bot after bot

Show me text that proves your opening paragraph, as from what i can see 1) the numbers havent been finalised as yet and 2) theres nowhere that says it will be introduced for the start of season 5 even if they are.

Also, you make out like 2.2 is just you and Bots. It isnt - why else was nothing decided until the last games of the regular season had been played? I havent looked but id guess there are BOTS in every league, and even after the flush, our division will be as competative as it just has been. There are plenty of managed teams, ranging from experienced to new. Is that also not the case throughout the game?

I have no fear of losing every game - it wouldnt stop me playing - i just happen to think the level im at currently is the right one for my length of time in the game.

Chill buddy its a long way down from that high horse even on the saturated grounds around the river trent

I will look through the forum when I am back from the public house but from what I have read I believe that an 0-16 side in 1.1 with a maxed out stadium will make more from ticket income than a 16-0 side in 2.1 / 2.2. Although I admit it is one of the grey areas of the game and can get confused quickly.

I know the league isnt full of bots but I would rather play in a league with very few if any bots than sometimes almost a dozen.

Am I ready to be promotoed? No otherwise I would be playing tomorrow night but I wouldn't throw the promotion relegation game either. If someone else would then that is their choice just as it would be their choice to pick a RB in the draft over a WR. I wasn't being critical of your choice just saying that in your position I would go hell for leather tomorrow and if I got beat then hats off to the winner.
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posted: 2012-07-27 20:14:11 (ID: 49508) Report Abuse
we would all rather play in a league full of managed teams rather than any Bots - but thats no ones fault and as said, i dont think there is a league throughout the game who doesnt have one Bot team in - it just makes a nonsense of your comment 'a league full of Bots'.

im in the game for the long haul and in no rush and knowing my competative nature im unlikely to deliberately throw the game - i just dont think ill be wounded if we lose!
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