2012-01-29 14:31
As a result of our poll, the majority of our users voted for penalties when a player is playing out of his position.
We activated this new feature for friendly games, and at season rollover to season 3 we will activate it for all players.
This means, if you are playing a player out of his position, he will act worse. Behind the scenes the skills get lowered.
There are some exceptions, where it is allowed to play a player out of his position:
1.) as long as the player is within his "position switching period"
2.) playing Kickers as Punter or Punters as Kicker
3.) playing EVERY guy as Gunner or Kick returner
The penalty itself is low enough not to screw your complete gameplay, but high enough to turn Trophies into a dream without a chance to get them. This means, a 40 catching Linebacker will act better than a 20 catching Widereceiver, as example, but the linebacker can't compete with a 40 catching Widereceiver.
Have fun on testing this feature...active within minutes after this post. The manual will be changed - during the coming days.
Tags: News