2011-10-29 21:03
Hey, some of you might have seen this already, there are some changes on the forums and the visibility options.
From now you will see only forums that you subscribed to - your forums. You can subscribe to a forum by visiting your Settings area under Front office. There you will find a list of available forums. Just tick the box behind each forum you want to get notified on new posts.
When you enter the forums by Forum / Forums only the subscribed forums are visible. You can switch the view to "All forums" by using the button on top. The same button brings you back to the view "Your Forums".
Please notice: we added a forum per region. This means each region (Galaxy, Monarchs, Admirals and so on) will have an own forum, where you could read or post previews of upcoming games, maybe discussions about standings and statistics, or even some good Trash Talk by your next opponent.
Tags: News