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Germany   Chrill owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-06-04 19:03:18 (ID: 100174463)  Edits found: 12 Report Abuse
Welcome, Beginners of RZA, to the Bootcamp Friendly Cup!

Football is a very complex game, and Redzone Action features a lot of possibilities to shape and form a team as well as a whole franchise. It is impossible to understand everything all at once, even if you approach this game fast and furious. It is not a game to reach goals fast, but there are great jumps of improvement possible within a season. And we would want to show you how you can make sure that you're set up for the foreseeable future without hitting all too hard bumps, maybe even more quickly find the joy that this game provides when you're winning.

This offer, of course, aims for the Newbie-Managers in their first or second season, teams that are just finding their footing in this game. Over the course of the 6 weeks that the Bootcamp will run I’ll provide answers to all questions that the games of this Cup bring up here in the Forum. I will write some short memos here about things that are good to know about RZA as well, all of course inside the realms of possibilities of what I learned over the course of the 5 seasons that the SEA LIONS are operating. Maybe we even chat while the games are being played, which can be pretty nice.

We’ll play a Friendly Cup of 8 teams in 2 Groups on Sunday. As I’m the Organisator of this Cup I have to play with/against at least three of you in the Group Round (#unfair), so we’ll play in „Power-Mode“, meaning that all the players on the field will have the same skillset („all Skills set to 40 at game time“). So it’ll be about Playbook and the Form that you’re players have at Kick-Off, which will be helpful to get a hint or two where you can work on to get better.

Football is a very complex game. But if you follow a certain structure it is possible to quickly sail smoothly on the strong waves that the first 200 days of RZA will bring. And we’ll be happy to help you find that structure. Because this game is a lot of fun when you're able to keep up with everyone else

Here you can see how the first Bootcamp from Season 52 played out —> RZA Bootcamp S52 Overview

Here is what happend in Season 53 —> RZA Bootcamp S53 Overview

And here are the results of Season 57 —> RZA Bootcamp S57 Overview

Last edited on 2024-09-16 06:16:44 by Chrill

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Leadhills Wonderers

Scotland   JohnHW owns a supporter account

Joined: 2023-03-15/S51
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posted: 2023-06-07 19:45:17 (ID: 100174572) Report Abuse
Thanks Chrill,

All help appreciated!

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Social Distance Runners

Germany   Buziano owns a supporter account

Joined: 2013-05-07/S08
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posted: 2023-06-08 11:42:55 (ID: 100174588) Report Abuse
Chill asked me if I could help a but with advice here in this thread. I will gladly do so.

First and most important advice would be on the finances. Finances can make or break a team. It's very frustrating when you see your team improve and then a new season starts and salaries go berserk.

To get ahead with finances, I recommend :

1. Build your stadium to maximum capacity of 144000

2. Training : train strength and speed until you see it red (maximum value). All other skills try to balance them. The higher the best two skills, the higher the individual salary. Example QB with high salary. His vision and passing are at 50. His weekly salary mounts to $ 633,302. Rule of thumb, if the two best skills go over 40, the salary will hit $ 100,000. and then it amounts exponentially fast.

3. Coaches : The CP influences the salary. My head coach has a CP of 75 for example. His wage is at $275,002. Compare this to a Coach with CP of 98. His weekly wage is $ 1,084,615. Also important, none of the specialty coaches will benefit from a higher CP than the head coach. So if my head coach has a CP of 75, it will be a waste of money to have a QB or WR coach with a CP of 88 as the value will be artificially downsized to 75 as well.

If you have questions about this, please just ask and I will try my best to answer

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Germany   Chrill owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-06-08 12:42:41 (ID: 100174594)  Edits found: 3 Report Abuse
Thank you, Buziano You're right, this game is a lot about financial security and good economics.

Therefore another point for the participants to watch out for:

Mediacenter – After the first 168 Days

When you looked up the Mediacenter-Subpage I guess many of you have seen that they pledged their full amount of 50.000.000 and may have never wondered what this is about. It happens automatically for the first 168 Days of your existence as RZA-Manager, and you get a weekly revenue of good money from this institution.

On Day 169 you will drop out of the Mediacenter-Payment.

For us it was Week 19 of S50, and it hurts to see a lot of money waning away. But resist the itch to directly pledge yourselves, and do some math first. It may be that you throw away a lot of money when it's too late in the season and you're way better off just trying to gather as much money as you can to be prepared.

When the SEA LIONS dropped out of the Mediacenter-Payment it was, as mentioned, Week 19. We'd gotten $2,5 Mio weekly by then, that went away. Would we then have pledged fully, we'd have given the Mediacenter $50 Mio again. They'd be gone. And we'd gotten back $2,5 Mio weekly for the rest of the season. Which is 24 weeks long. Which would have been 5 times 2,5 Mio -> $12,5 Mio. For an investment of $50 Mio. So we'd lost $37,5 Mio. Poof.

You can look up here, at the bottom of the page, how many days you're already with us. And then do a bit of calculation what to do next. Is the Investment in a very good OL for $2,5 Mio and a weekly wage of $250.000 really nessassary now? It can be very much money once you hit Day 169. Your goal should, of course, be to be able to pledge fully coming next season roll-over. But therefore you'll have to have a lot of money by the end of the season. You'd not be the first who has to sell all the players after the second season... Watch out

Last edited on 2023-06-12 08:44:29 by Chrill

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Germany   Chrill owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-06-08 15:13:54 (ID: 100174597) Report Abuse
And we're full, woohoo

The first RZA Bootcamp Friendly Cup starts on 18th of June

Awesome! More on that in the coming days.
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Social Distance Runners

Germany   Buziano owns a supporter account

Joined: 2013-05-07/S08
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posted: 2023-06-08 17:27:37 (ID: 100174599) Report Abuse
Excellent, have fun everyone !
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Germany   Chrill owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-06-09 13:18:59 (ID: 100174617) Report Abuse
These are the participants (in brackets: record last season):

Lusaka Antilopes by eroman, joined the Admirals League in S51 (4–12)
Juggernauts by Base26, joined the Fire League by the end of S51 (none)
Ubernoobers by jmax47, joined the Admirals League in S50 (4–12)
Leadhills Wonderers by JohnHW, joined the Galaxy League in S51 (6–10)
Derby Rams by Ciccioaw, joined the Claymore League by the end of S51 (none)
Córdoba Kalifas by Rengifo01, joined the Sea Devils League in S50 (6–10)
Outlaws by Cage77, joined the Thunder-League by the end of S51 (none)

Good to have you
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Germany   Chrill owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-06-09 16:03:57 (ID: 100174621)  Edits found: 2 Report Abuse
And we're set. We do have three managers who just joined this great game as well as those who already played (nearly) a full season. These Sophomores are in the first group since they have a little experience already.
The Rookies will play against the host, sadly, but at least on of them will be moving on to the next round. And the SEA LIONS will not play the most intricate playbook in the group stage of this cup, more likely play a very basic Offensive and Defensive Playbook. Because there's a lot to learn by just keeping it simple

So the group setting played out like this:

Group 1 – The Sophomores

Córdoba Kalifas
Leadhills Wonderers
Lusaka Antilopes

Group 2 – The Rookies (and the Host)

Derby Rams

Good luck to everyone

Last edited on 2023-06-09 16:06:50 by Chrill

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posted: 2023-06-10 03:10:33 (ID: 100174633) Report Abuse
Hello Everyone!

Many thanks to Chrill for setting this up

I'm looking forward to this Friendly Cup!

Also looking for advice on how to start developing a playbook. I've been putting it off, because it seems time consuming and a bit overwhelming.

Chrill or Buziano or any of the other teams have thoughts on where to start?

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Germany   Chrill owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-06-10 10:34:56 (ID: 100174638)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
jmax47 wrote:
Also looking for advice on how to start developing a playbook. I've been putting it off, because it seems time consuming and a bit overwhelming.

This will of course be a major topic in the coming 6 weeks. It is a time-consuming one, yes, and the overwhelming part can't be ignored, too. It's as well a (I'd even go as far as to say "THE") big competitive aspect of this game that Pete has set up. It can go very deep, but we can start right now with something easy.

Since you have a supporter account you can set up multiple playbooks.
So add one called "Basic". You now have a blank playbook with two "pages", one for the Offense and one for the Defense.

On Offense add the following line:

Any quarter - any Down - any Yards to go - any distance to the goalline - any score - any time - I-Formation - Rush - all directions

You will now Rush from I-Formation on any occasion in the game. Yes, even on 4th and very long.

Since you don't want to Rush on 4th and very long, though, you add two more lines:

Any quarter - 4th Down - any yards to go - any distance to the goalline - any score - any time - I-Formation - Punt - all directions (formation and direction doesn't mean anything when punting or kicking)

Any quarter - 4th Down - any yards to go - less than 35 yards to the goalline - any score - any time - I-Formation - Field Goal - all directions

Now it is important to sort the lines correctly, because the engine "reads" your playbook at game time from top to bottom. Therefore you need to sort the more concretely formulated lines above those which are more general.

The three offensive rules should then be sorted like this:

Fieldgoal (because of the rule is regarding Down AND Distance)
Punt (because the rule is regarding Down)
General Rule

To defend that add the following line in the Defense section:

Any Quarter - Any Down - Any Yards to go - any score - any time - on I-Formation - use pass formation 3-4-4 - use rush formation 4-4-3 - prefer rush - blitz LB 0% - blitz SF 0%

You could now play a (quite boring) scrimmage game and see what happens. And then go from there to add some plays

Last edited on 2023-06-10 10:36:18 by Chrill

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