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Main / Friendly Cups / International Elite Challenge Cup Series Rev 5 Search Forum
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Quokkas on steroids

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2022-02-08 14:02:12 (ID: 100165059)  Edits found: 11 Report Abuse
Oh yes!

What have Alexshans84 from Maykop, Russia (Check this out!) , JohnnyAce from New Orleans, USA (Check this out!) and Notsch from Berlin, Germany (Check this out!) in common? They won the trophy of the so called Intercontinental Elite Challenge Cup series 1, 2 and 3.

The winner of series 4 is not mentioned in the Hall of IECC Fame because he was never coming back with the mandatory story after receving his trophy.


Originally invented by the great community member MTS1972, this is a huge competition. There are some Credits to lose, but great fun to earn.

And, who can tell "I received a real trophy from an Online game!"? Not many, I suppose!

So, how do we go on with it? Yes, we run Series 5 of this wonderful competition.

This has to repeat, somehow.

So this IECC5 will run under the same conditions as the original competition was held - with some slight changes again.

We play 8 Friendly Cups (Wednesdays and Sundays, so called qualification cups). Every team is welcome. It will be power cups, and 8 teams will fight for winning these. So equal skills for all players, tactics matter. The winner and runner-up of each of these cups will enter a final competition (=finals), where 16 teams fight for this one trophy.

The winner of this final cup will receive a trophy, which will be unique to this cup. No matter if it goes to Antarctica, China or Australia - we will make sure it travels well!

Taking part will consume Credits, as usual. If we found one team per cup having not enough Credits, he might receive the missing Credits from The winner and runner-up of each qualification cup will receive his Credits for the achievement, as mentioned on the cup page. On top the winner of each qualification cup will receive 3 months of the Supporter account for free!

Each winner and runner-up will take part in the finals, and there the lottery for missing Credits is active as well. If these teams are not able or not willing to take part, the the 3rd team will do and so on.

What we expect from the champion? Just take some photos once you have the trophy in your hands, and write a few lines maybe. Alexshans84 (Check this out!) , JohnnyAce (Check this out!) and Notsch
(Check this out!) did a tremendous job with that.

So, let's see where this leads to!

I started creating the tournaments now, including the threads for discussing it. Let's have fun!

1.) I am allowed to sign for more than 1 qualification round?

Yes, but not at the same time, and not, if you advanced to the final stage already.

2.) I am not member of Elite League, so I cannot join?

Each team in RZA can join, this cup is not restricted to Elite members!

3.) What happens if I win?

You get a shiny new trophy with your name on it, and it is a real one!

4.) I am bound to provide pictures and a short story once I receive my tophy. What happens, if I do not provide such stuff?

We will ask the Klingons - our fellow judicial officers. They will find you for sure, and enjoy the remaining pieces of you well mixed into their Gagh! If I was you, I would just deliver some photos before those guys knock at my door!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Qualification round #1: to the Cup

Winner: Sydney Rising Stars
Runner-up: Leverkusen Leopards

Qualification round #2: to the Cup

Winner: San Diego Blitz
Runner-up: Ralph's Warriors

Qualification round #3: to the Cup

Winner: CHEESE MODE Malones
Runner-up: TigerCats

Qualification round #4: to the Cup

Winner: Arizona Hummingbirds
Runner-up: Raven Loonies

Qualification round #5: to the Cup

Winner: Sunrise City Prairie Dogs
Runner-up: Panthers

Qualification round #6: to the Cup

Winner: Social Distance Runners
Runner-up: Norfolk Heroes

Qualification round #7: to the Cup

Winner: KMN Mandalorians
Runner-up: Space Kraken

Qualification round #8: to the Cup

Winner: Dumbarajko Elephants
Runner-Up: Department for Love and Peace

Final competition

Cup: to the Cup

Winner: Sunrise City Prairie Dogs
Runner-up: Space Kraken

Last edited on 2022-10-09 18:51:17 by pete

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posted: 2022-02-09 19:02:26 (ID: 100165137) Report Abuse
Happy to see the cup back! Not sure yet to participate, but I will follow it closely!
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Rio Claymore


Joined: 2019-01-16/S32
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posted: 2022-02-10 10:52:54 (ID: 100165159) Report Abuse
Very cool competition! I have read about those 3 previous IECC (now I know that were actually 4) but since I have registered here a couple of years ago never seen this cup being played. I am willing to take part in that!

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Quokkas on steroids

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2022-02-10 16:20:03 (ID: 100165165) Report Abuse
First qualification round is full, starting 6th of March. I expect some nice matches from it, based on the participants
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Sydney Sea Eagles

Australia   Shadow owns a supporter account

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posted: 2022-02-11 07:39:10 (ID: 100165199) Report Abuse
Nice birthday present. Thanks for bringing this back.

Would it be possible to clarify, how the power mode exactly works.

The skills POS, VIS, TAC, BLO, PAS, CAR, CAT, FOO, KIC, PUN set to 40. Ok

What about SPE, STR, AGI, INT, TW? I believe the general assumption was, that they aren't changed.

Are traits active in power mode? Is the players EXP active?
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Quokkas on steroids

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2022-02-11 10:28:54 (ID: 100165201) Report Abuse
I really do not like to add more than the manual is providing. I am sorry

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posted: 2022-02-11 10:34:22 (ID: 100165202)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Shadow wrote:
Nice birthday present. Thanks for bringing this back.

Would it be possible to clarify, how the power mode exactly works.

The skills POS, VIS, TAC, BLO, PAS, CAR, CAT, FOO, KIC, PUN set to 40. Ok

What about SPE, STR, AGI, INT, TW? I believe the general assumption was, that they aren't changed.

Are traits active in power mode? Is the players EXP active?

These are my guesses...
1) Skills POS, VIS, TAC, BLO, PAS, CAR, CAT, FOO, KIC, PUN set to 40.
3) EXP
active and unchanged
4) traits
5) Coaching Staff
active and unchanged

am I sure? Not at all

Last edited on 2022-02-11 10:35:29 by PJRAVENS

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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

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posted: 2022-03-14 06:40:37 (ID: 100165991) Report Abuse
Congratulation on the win, ziterdo.
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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

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posted: 2022-04-04 05:39:32 (ID: 100166490) Report Abuse
Congratulation on the win, Shadow. We will eventually see us again in the final competition!
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Sydney Sea Eagles

Australia   Shadow owns a supporter account

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posted: 2022-04-04 06:22:28 (ID: 100166491) Report Abuse
Thank you Jack6, it was a good match. Sacks have been the difference maker at the end
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Main / Friendly Cups / International Elite Challenge Cup Series Rev 5