2016-07-08 11:41
Chapter 00 - What’s this all about?
Version 1.2.0 - 02.07.2018
Your goal is ... well, that's the first thing you should think about.
This is an American Football management simulation.
This includes
- managing the club financially, including stadium building, fanshop management, player wages, coaches wages, supporting stuff, sponsors
- managing the roster, coaches and staff, including recruiting new kids, buy and sell players, scouting and drafting new players, setting the depth chart(s)
- managing your facilities and stadium
- managing the training including activating and deactivation important facilities, specializing players and build new ones from scratch
- setting up tactics for the upcoming game including setting up playbooks for offense and defense, scouting your opponent
- getting in touch with all the other (well maybe not ALL) managers to get tips, help or get cursed, because you're team beats the shit out of everybody
If you look at all these topics, it seems hard to NOT lose focus on some of these areas.
You did build a high flying team with super coaches, staff and top facilities?
If you did not manage your money carefully, it is easy to get into deep trouble and lose everything you did build over seasons. Many managers do quit at that moment.
You want one phantastillion dollar on your bank and keep your spendings low?
Watch your team suffer on gamedays and while you might be the richest manager there is in RZA, for sure you won't be the most winning one. Many of those managers do quit sooner or later, because they become bored.
Your good team does age but you did not invest much money in recruiting and training young players?
See your team fall apart in just a few seasons and brings you back where you started. All your former players do now play golf and are drinking margaritas in Florida while you are stuck with a bunch of nobodies and a long rebuilding phase. Not many teams do survive a rebuilding phase.
So let's start and tackle some stuff, bring you up to speed and then you can decide the fate of your franchise, your players and your game experience.
The first thing you should do is make your license, which is the topic of the upcoming chapter.
But before that some more hints.
First of all an important navigation "trick".
Under the menu (with "Home", "Front office" and so on) you do always find your team name.
This team name is also a link to your own teams overview page.
Why is this important?
When you do look at other teams, in your league or Supercup or for whatever reason, many of the sub menu pages are set to show THOSE teams players, coaches and so on (now marked with a star (*) and you see the teams name now in the middle of the page with a star (*) also) and if you want to return to your OWN team pages, just click on your team name and all subpages are linked back to your OWN team related pages.
Any teams front office screen will give an overview of the team and if that manager is an supporter (green star before his team name), it will also show the team batch.
On your own page, the most important info is the calendar.
It shows almost all upcoming events for finances, training, youth pull, games and the draft.
Yes. It does not show upcoming playoff matches, if you did not click "Show Results" in the top menu bar (which shows the money, credits, the date and time and so on).
To see upcoming matches completely activate "Show Results", but this will show you the results of the last games in the league pages, your match page and might spoil the fun.
Also not shown is stuff like construction stuff (end date of construction would be nice), fan shop delivery stuff, transfer market bidding endings, season start/end days (it shows the rollover time slot).
So you have to check other pages for that and you get for some of that stuff a notice on your pinboard.
Still a good tool to coordinate your next steps after login.
The login day is always highlighted, so you can see what happened until then and can also see what will happen the next few days.
Fine, time to get to work.
Here is a short plan how to proceed the next few weeks or the next few seasons if you have a brand new team:
- Make your licence
- Build your stadium
- Rework initial roster
- Build draft order
- Get coaches
- Get support staff
- Get Youth Academy
- Fill roster gaps by transfer market
- Build simple playbook
It's not a must to proceed exactly that way and many of those topics are ongoing processes while you learn the next step, but as general guideline it does work.
forward to Chapter 01 - Getting Started
back to Abbreviations
Tags: Jack6s RZA Guide