2016-12-20 19:36
On Sunday and Monday we failed with the first attempt to run the season rollover to Season 24. Therefore some players went to Free Agent, while they should have sticked with their teams. We enabled to turn these players into "Free Agents on Market". You can find these players in your roster history, under Chronicles. After your sent them to the market, you should be able to bid on them, and get them back to your team.
We refuse any further claims, since we think it was the Managers mistake not to set the contracts in time. And no, only because it was valid to set contracts on that Sunday in the past, it doesn't make it right. To manage a team means to come up with decisions in time. "On rollover Sunday" is not "in time".
And yes, it was Yodas fault to not run a clean rollover. However, even Yoda fails sometimes: “If into the security recordings aeh BACKUPS you go, only pain will you find.”
May the riots begin...
Tags: News