2012-11-06 21:53
Some days ago we asked you what to do with the Supercup schedule. Since we added spots for another 1024 managers, the scheduling mode we used so far wouldn't work anymore without causing some "riots". So here is the solution you voted for.
We changed the mode as following:
1.) The best team of each Supercup division after the 15 divisional games played, is entering the playoffs.
2.) The 16 best of all other teams will follow the Divisions-winners into the playoffs. Please notice: we are not talking about the 16 best of the runner-ups, we are talking about the 16 best of all non-division-winning teams - this i quite a difference.
3.) There is no sorting based on performance, these 128 teams are paired random, the bigger stadium is the host.
4.) The Wildcard round was deleted, we start directly with the playoffs after Supercup gameday #15.
5.) The Bowl-game was moved from Monday one gamedays ahead, to Thursday. Just to make room for the additional playoff rounds
6.) After each Divisional gameday there is a small job calculating the playoff-contenders. Those teams are marked with an "x" in the tables. This job will be established during the next days, at that time the Supercup-tables will switch to the new behavior too.
Don't understand this wrong...you still have to be exceptional good to make it into the Supercup playoffs. And we wish you good luck with that task...
Tags: News