2013-03-29 09:07

Yes, the rabbit is around!

We wish you all a nice long weekend, and hope you will find some time to enjoy these days together with your loved ones.

Time to check the standing on our small rating competition.You might remember, we promised you some Credits if you can drive our rating on" through the roof. What to tell, you guys hit another stage, we are at 76.6% at the moment.

This causes two things:

1. Can you do more? How about visiting this page, hit "Best", and after that hit "Play"? It will pay off, since our Rating for Credits competition is running until the end of May '13.

2. Some Credits are on their way. We will send 10 Credits because of the new rating level, and another 5 Credits because of the rabbit...You know what to do with the Credits? Why not joining a Friendly cup, or playing some scrimmages to surprise your next opponent with clever and unbeatable tactics on the field?

You will do the right thing, for sure...

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