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Fredericksburg Comanches by Desert
ChosenOnes by crosljam
Match of the Day

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Kickoff: 2025-02-06 18:00:00 (Supercup)
Team   Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 OT FT
Fredericksburg Comanches
@ ChosenOnes
Attendance: 131952
15:00 Cointoss won by ChosenOnes, elects to receive
15:00 Darnell Callahan (K) kicks the ball for 61, Shing Khouw (KR/L) returns, tackled by Herman Mohr (G/R), this was a 13 yards return, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 17 more
14:55 1 and 10 to go on own 17, Roy Uhatahi (OC) snaps the ball to Changsai Thong-oon (QB), Owen Percy (HB/C) gets the ball, this seems to be a run over the left guard, Wahdet Isa (NT) brings down Owen Percy (HB/C), nice tackle, forward progress: 1 yards (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more
14:27 2 and 9 to go on own 18, Roy Uhatahi (OC) snaps the ball to Changsai Thong-oon (QB), Changsai Thong-oon (QB) selected Reuven Adamiec (WR/L) as target, Zdenko Gregoric (DE/R) breaks through the line, Ben Rich (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Reuven Adamiec (WR/L) tackled by Herman Mohr (CB/R), forward progress: 7 yards (Pro set vs. 3-4-4) more
13:54 3 and 2 to go on own 25, Roy Uhatahi (OC) snaps the ball to Changsai Thong-oon (QB), Changsai Thong-oon (QB) selected Dunbar MacIntyre (WR/R) as target, Zdenko Gregoric (DE/R) breaks through the line, Winston Lawrence (FB/R) blocks, Vaughn Albert (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, overthrown outer right pass, incomplete, no progress (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more
13:45 Thawanya Luang (P) punts the ball from own 25 for 50, Oswaldo Handy (KR/C) is returning the ball, no, the ball was downed, no return
13:45 1 and 10 to go on own 25, Zachariah Curran (OC) snaps the ball to George Newman (QB), hands off to Ulvi Khalil (HB/R), this seems to be a run over the right tackle, Arvid Lindblom (DE/L) breaks through, Scott Hannon (FB/C) blocks, Ulvi Khalil (HB/R) tackled by Otmar Kraus (DT/R), forward progress: tackle for loss of 1 yards (Flexbone vs. 4-4-3) more
13:18 2 and 11 to go on own 24, Zachariah Curran (OC) snaps the ball to George Newman (QB), George Newman (QB) selected Liatama Rokotakala (TE/L) as target, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Josiah Brumfield (SS/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 4-3-4) more
12:46 1 and 10 to go on own 36, Zachariah Curran (OC) snaps the ball to George Newman (QB), George Newman (QB) selected Lou Calderon (WR/R) as target, the pass goes outer right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Andrea Saxton (CB/L) missed the tackle, tackled by Simione Rokotakala (OLB/L), forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 4-3-4) more
12:15 1 and 10 to go on own 48, Zachariah Curran (OC) snaps the ball to George Newman (QB), George Newman (QB) selected Liatama Rokotakala (TE/L) as target, Justin Hershberger (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Scott Hannon (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Bassam Mansoor (CB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 4-3-4) more
11:43 1 and 10 to go on opp 40, Zachariah Curran (OC) snaps the ball to George Newman (QB), George Newman (QB) selected Olin Hatcher (WR/L) as target, Simione Rokotakala (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, Scott Hannon (FB/R) blocks, this outer left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Bassam Mansoor (CB/R), forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-4-4) more
11:12 1 and 10 to go on opp 30, Zachariah Curran (OC) snaps the ball to George Newman (QB), George Newman (QB) selected Liatama Rokotakala (TE/R) as target, the receiver of this inner right pass catches the ball, Andrea Saxton (CB/L) tackled him, forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 4-3-4) more
10:40 1 and 10 to go on opp 18, Zachariah Curran (OC) snaps the ball to George Newman (QB), George Newman (QB) selected Lou Calderon (WR/R) as target, this inner right pass is incomplete, the receiver was not able to make the catch, no progress (Flexbone vs. 5-3-3) more
10:32 2 and 10 to go on opp 18, Zachariah Curran (OC) snaps the ball to George Newman (QB), hands off to Ulvi Khalil (HB/C), he starts running over the left guard, and gets tackled by Josiah Brumfield (SS/R), forward progress: 16 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 4-3-4) more
10:01 1 and goal to go on opp 2, Zachariah Curran (OC) snaps the ball to George Newman (QB), George Newman (QB) selected Lou Calderon (WR/R) as target, the receiver of this outer screen right pass catches the ball, Lou Calderon (WR/R) tackled by Andrea Saxton (CB/L), this was a 2 yards pass. (Goalline O vs. Goalline D) more
9:55 touchdown more
9:55 Ball spotted on the 15, Darnell Callahan (K) kicks the ball for the PAT, PAT is good
9:55 Darnell Callahan (K) kicks the ball for 69, results in a touchback, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 20 more
9:55 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Roy Uhatahi (OC) snaps the ball to Changsai Thong-oon (QB), Changsai Thong-oon (QB) selected Reuven Adamiec (WR/R) as target, Ben Rich (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this outer right pass catches the ball, Earnest Webster (CB/L) missed his chance for a tackle, Lap Preecha (OLB/L) tackled him, forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more
9:23 1 and 10 to go on own 30, Roy Uhatahi (OC) snaps the ball to Changsai Thong-oon (QB), hands off to Peder Høegh (HB/R), he starts running over the right guard, Zdenko Gregoric (DE/R) breaks through, Wahdet Isa (NT) brings down Peder Høegh (HB/R), nice tackle, forward progress: tackle for loss of 1 yards (Pro set vs. 3-4-4) more
8:56 2 and 11 to go on own 29, Roy Uhatahi (OC) snaps the ball to Changsai Thong-oon (QB), Changsai Thong-oon (QB) selected Julián Luna (TE/L) as target, Zdenko Gregoric (DE/R) breaks through the line, overthrown inner left pass, incomplete, no progress (Singleback Big vs. 3-3-5) more
8:47 3 and 11 to go on own 29, Roy Uhatahi (OC) snaps the ball to Changsai Thong-oon (QB), Changsai Thong-oon (QB) selected Reuven Adamiec (WR/L) as target, Rodrigo Trindade (DE/L) breaks through the line, Winston Lawrence (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Herman Mohr (CB/R), forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more
8:16 1 and 10 to go on own 41, Roy Uhatahi (OC) snaps the ball to Changsai Thong-oon (QB), Changsai Thong-oon (QB) selected Sunnatilla Kirov (TE/R) as target, Rodrigo Trindade (DE/L) breaks through the line, he passes inner right for 11 yards to him, intercepted by Lap Preecha (OLB/L) on the opp 48 (Singleback Big vs. 3-4-4) more
8:13 Lap Preecha (OLB/L) returns the ball, Dunbar MacIntyre (WR/R) missed the tackle, Sunnatilla Kirov (TE/R) is not able to make the tackle, Changsai Thong-oon (QB) is tackling him, this was a 28 yards interception return (3-4-4 vs. Singleback Big) more
8:05 1 and 10 to go on opp 24, Zachariah Curran (OC) snaps the ball to George Newman (QB), George Newman (QB) selected Lou Calderon (WR/R) as target, Göktürk İnönü (DE/R) breaks through the line, Scott Hannon (FB/C) blocks, the pass goes outer right to the receiver, incomplete, overthrown, no progress (Flexbone vs. 4-4-3) more
7:57 2 and 10 to go on opp 24, Zachariah Curran (OC) snaps the ball to George Newman (QB), George Newman (QB) selected Rachard Bolton (TE/R) as target, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, incomplete, he was not able to make the catch, no progress (Singleback Big vs. 4-4-3) more
7:48 3 and 10 to go on opp 24, Zachariah Curran (OC) snaps the ball to George Newman (QB), George Newman (QB) selected Lou Calderon (WR/R) as target, the pass goes outer right to the receiver, incomplete, he was not able to make the catch, no progress (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 4-3-4) more
7:40 Darnell Callahan (K) kicks the ball for the field goal, 41 yard field goal is good
7:36 Darnell Callahan (K) kicks the ball for 61, Shing Khouw (KR/L) returns, tackled by Herman Mohr (G/R), this was a 17 yards return, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 21 more
7:29 1 and 10 to go on own 21, Roy Uhatahi (OC) snaps the ball to Changsai Thong-oon (QB), Changsai Thong-oon (QB) selected Sunnatilla Kirov (TE/R) as target, Rodrigo Trindade (DE/L) breaks through the line, Winston Lawrence (FB/C) blocks, Lap Preecha (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, he passes inner right for 11 yards to him, intercepted by Lap Preecha (OLB/L) on the own 32 (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more
7:26 Lap Preecha (OLB/L) returns the ball, Reuven Adamiec (WR/R) is tackling him, this was a 13 yards interception return (3-4-4 vs. Big I formation) more
7:21 1 and 10 to go on opp 19, Zachariah Curran (OC) snaps the ball to George Newman (QB), George Newman (QB) selected Olin Hatcher (WR/L) as target, Arvid Lindblom (DE/L) breaks through the line, Scott Hannon (FB/C) blocks, Piero Francesconi (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this outer left pass catches the ball, Bassam Mansoor (CB/R) tackled him, forward progress: 8 yards (Wishbone vs. 4-3-4) more
6:50 2 and 2 to go on opp 11, Zachariah Curran (OC) snaps the ball to George Newman (QB), George Newman (QB) selected Rachard Bolton (TE/R) as target, Simione Rokotakala (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, Scott Hannon (FB/R) blocks, the receiver can not catch this inner right pass, incomplete, no progress (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 4-3-4) more
6:41 3 and 2 to go on opp 11, Zachariah Curran (OC) snaps the ball to George Newman (QB), George Newman (QB) selected Lou Calderon (WR/R) as target, Arvid Lindblom (DE/L) breaks through the line, Scott Hannon (FB/R) blocks, Piero Francesconi (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this outer right pass catches the ball, Lou Calderon (WR/R) tackled by Andrea Saxton (CB/L), forward progress: 7 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 4-3-4) more
6:08 1 and goal to go on opp 4, Zachariah Curran (OC) snaps the ball to George Newman (QB), George Newman (QB) selected Rachard Bolton (TE/R) as target, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Rachard Bolton (TE/R) tackled by Simione Rokotakala (OLB/L), forward progress: 4 yards (Goalline O vs. Goalline D) more
5:57 touchdown more
5:57 Ball spotted on the 15, Darnell Callahan (K) kicks the ball for the PAT, PAT is good
5:57 Darnell Callahan (K) kicks the ball for 61, Reuven Adamiec (KR/R) returns, tackled by Jerry Bader (STT), this was a 19 yards return, Earnest Webster (G/L) missed the tackle, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 23 more
5:50 1 and 10 to go on own 23, Roy Uhatahi (OC) snaps the ball to Changsai Thong-oon (QB), Changsai Thong-oon (QB) selected Reuven Adamiec (WR/R) as target, the pass goes outer screen right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Reuven Adamiec (WR/R) tackled by Earnest Webster (CB/L), forward progress: 4 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-3-5) more
5:20 2 and 6 to go on own 27, Roy Uhatahi (OC) snaps the ball to Changsai Thong-oon (QB), the QB runs by himself, he starts running over the right guard, Rodrigo Trindade (DE/L) breaks through, Ben Rich (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Changsai Thong-oon (QB) tackled by Wahdet Isa (NT), forward progress: 1 yards (Singleback Spread vs. 3-3-5) more
4:53 3 and 5 to go on own 28, Roy Uhatahi (OC) snaps the ball to Changsai Thong-oon (QB), Changsai Thong-oon (QB) selected Gergõ Gellei (WR/R) as target, Zdenko Gregoric (DE/R) breaks through the line, Winston Lawrence (FB/R) blocks, the receiver of this inner right pass catches the ball, Gergõ Gellei (WR/R) tackled by Earnest Webster (CB/L), forward progress: 4 yards (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more
4:19 Thawanya Luang (P) punts the ball from own 32 for 36, Oswaldo Handy (KR/C) is returning the ball, no, he signals a Fair Catch, no return
4:19 1 and 10 to go on own 32, Zachariah Curran (OC) snaps the ball to George Newman (QB), George Newman (QB) selected Liatama Rokotakala (TE/R) as target, Alán Verõ (DE/R) breaks through the line, Scott Hannon (FB/C) blocks, the receiver can not catch this inner right pass, incomplete, no progress (I-formation vs. 4-3-4) more
4:11 Fredericksburg Comanches: Shaun Chastain (WR/R) injured (Twisted knee) during the play (I-formation vs. 4-3-4) more
4:11 2 and 10 to go on own 32, Zachariah Curran (OC) snaps the ball to George Newman (QB), George Newman (QB) selected Liatama Rokotakala (TE/L) as target, overthrown inner left pass, incomplete, no progress (Singleback Big vs. 4-4-3) more
4:02 3 and 10 to go on own 32, Zachariah Curran (OC) snaps the ball to George Newman (QB), George Newman (QB) selected Oswaldo Handy (WR/R) as target, Alán Verõ (DE/R) breaks through the line, Francesco Cabrera (FB/R) blocks, Piero Francesconi (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Doug Hutcherson (CB/L) tackled him, forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 4-3-4) more
3:31 1 and 10 to go on own 42, Zachariah Curran (OC) snaps the ball to George Newman (QB), George Newman (QB) selected Elijah Wheatley (WR/L) as target, Carl Cornwell (DE/L) breaks through the line, Francesco Cabrera (FB/C) blocks, this inner left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Bassam Mansoor (CB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 9 yards (Flexbone vs. 4-4-3) more
2:59 2 and 1 to go on opp 49, Zachariah Curran (OC) snaps the ball to George Newman (QB), George Newman (QB) selected Lou Calderon (WR/R) as target, Göktürk İnönü (DE/R) breaks through the line, Scott Hannon (FB/R) blocks, Jeremia Petrus (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, this outer right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Lou Calderon (WR/R) tackled by Craig Farrell (CB/L), forward progress: 4 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 4-3-4) more
2:26 1 and 10 to go on opp 45, Zachariah Curran (OC) snaps the ball to George Newman (QB), George Newman (QB) selected Elijah Wheatley (WR/L) as target, Carl Cornwell (DE/L) breaks through the line, Francesco Cabrera (FB/C) blocks, the receiver of this inner left pass catches the ball, Craig Farrell (CB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 11 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 4-3-4) more
1:54 1 and 10 to go on opp 34, Zachariah Curran (OC) snaps the ball to George Newman (QB), who hands off to Francesco Cabrera (FB/C), this seems to be a run over the center, Carl Cornwell (DE/L) breaks through, Francesco Cabrera (FB/C) tackled by Piero Francesconi (MLB), forward progress: 5 yards (Flexbone vs. 4-4-3) more
1:25 2 and 5 to go on opp 29, Zachariah Curran (OC) snaps the ball to George Newman (QB), George Newman (QB) selected Samuel Dumas (WR/L) as target, Jeremia Petrus (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this inner left pass catches the ball, Samuel Dumas (WR/L) tackled by Craig Farrell (CB/R), forward progress: 5 yards, New first down (Singleback Spread vs. 4-3-4) more
0:52 1 and 10 to go on opp 24, Zachariah Curran (OC) snaps the ball to George Newman (QB), George Newman (QB) selected Elijah Wheatley (WR/L) as target, Carl Cornwell (DE/L) breaks through the line, Francesco Cabrera (FB/C) blocks, Jeremia Petrus (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, this outer left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, the tackle was missed by Craig Farrell (CB/R), tackled by Murdo MacAlister (FS/C), forward progress: 8 yards (Flexbone vs. 4-4-3) more
0:20 2 and 2 to go on opp 16, Zachariah Curran (OC) snaps the ball to George Newman (QB), Ulvi Khalil (HB/C) gets the ball, this seems to be a run over the left tackle, Ulvi Khalil (HB/C) tackled by Pavel Parfenov (MLB), forward progress: 9 yards, New first down (Singleback Spread vs. Dime 4DL MLB 4CB 2SF) more

Supercup Clash: A Political Highlight Review

Written by: Senator Touchdown Blaster

Honorable members, today we gather to review an exhilarating encounter on the fields of PDVSA Coliseum, where the mighty ChosenOnes faced off against the Fredericksburg Comanches, in front of a record-setting crowd of 131,952 enthusiastic fans. Experts had anticipated a triumphant tide for the Fredericksburg Comanches, and oh boy, did they deliver!

The game kicked off with the Fredericksburg Comanches receiving the opening kick. As the first quarter unfolded, both teams tussled fiercely, with many thrilling plays. The first score was the product of a remarkable strategy, leading to a touchdown for the home side, ChosenOnes, followed swiftly by a successful PAT. The ChosenOnes looked to set the tone but struggled to build on their early momentum.

However, things took a sharp turn as the Fredericksburg Comanches orchestrated a brilliant series of plays. A standout interception by Lap Preecha shifted the momentum back to Fredericksburg, showcasing their defensive resilience. The ChosenOnes would experience further setbacks with turnovers that would set Fredericksburg up for success, leading to additional touchdowns showcasing their offensive prowess. A combination of dynamic running plays and precise passing from quarterback George Newman bewildered the ChosenOnes' defense.

As the game marched into its closing quarters, the Fredericksburg Comanches maintained a commanding lead, eventually bringing home more than one spectacular touchdown, with some awe-inspiring performances that left the crowd roaring in approval.

In the last moments of the contest, a fumble by the ChosenOnes presented the Comanches with an additional opportunity to cement their victory, culminating in a decisive fumble recovery and a return for a touchdown, further sealing the fate of the game. With the whistle blowing to mark the conclusion, the final tally revealed that Fredericksburg Comanches finished triumphantly with a score of 45, leaving the ChosenOnes with a commendable but overshadowed total of 24.

Indeed, as a visionary assembly, we must salute the spirit and determination displayed by both teams but recognize the Fredericksburg Comanches for their extraordinary strategic execution and unyielding determination, ultimately leading them to an outstanding victory in this thrilling Supercup spectacle.