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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2016-10-05 07:52:16 (ID: 100088164) Report Abuse
From Admirals 1.1, ranked #90 globally, holder of 18 trophies including 6 friendly cup and 1 league championship it's Mr.Pumpkin - owner of Motol Ducks!

Hi Mr.Pumpkin!

What part of the world are you from?

I am from Prague, Czech Republic. You know the small country in the middle of Europe known for great beer and beautiful women.

Who is your real world favorite team?

Minnesota Vikings. I even run Czech fan website about Vikings.

Who is your all-time favorite player?

I have to admire former Vikings player Alan Page. I have never seen him play, but he achieved so much not only on the football, but also in his law career. He became a judge at the Minnesota Supreme Court. From the players I was lucky enough to watch I have to name Jared Allen and Adrian Peterson.

How long have you been here at RZA?

I joined at the end of Season 6, just in time to set draft order and draft three players - QB and two WRs - who all became legends.

What is the inspiration for your teams name?

Well, there is nothing special about the name of my team. Motol is the Prague district I live in and I just like how it sounds and looks together with the word Ducks.

How would you describe your team?

I am in the middle of the rebuild process right now, but I always try to have balanced offensive with quality QB and RB and balanced defense with one strong, fast and intelligent MLB, who manages it.

Brag about your most dangerous star player.

I would love to, but as I said I started the rebuild process recently and so I do not have real star players. My best offensive player ever was QB Ihor Holík. He played 12 seasons for the Ducks before he retired and still is in the TOP10 of the QBs stats of all time in the RZA world. My best defensive player ever was LB Vladimír Pivonka. He was an interception machine.

Your teams most important/favorite win?

Without any doubt the League Bowl in Season 12. It was before the Elite League and the 1.1 Admirals was full of great teams. I somehow managed to get into the League Bowl, where I beat Free Agent Mascots. Memorable win.

Your teams most memorable loss?

Well, there were many losses that upset me. I will probably have to choose the loss against Green Mark Packers in the Divisional play-off game in Season 19. I had a strong team (rating 80%) and wanted to make one final push for the Elite League before the rebuild process. I was leading almost the whole game and was the better team in almost every statistic. Unfortunately, I lost in the OT.

Biggest rival?

I have to name two. Both of them were my divisional rivals in NC East in 1.1. Admirals. These teams are Galrauch Raiders and Green Mark Packers. Both of these teams were forcing me to constantly get better.

Which opponent causes you the most headaches?

WV BoBcats, probably. They were my divisional rival in the past and are again from this season. I just do not know how to stop their SG4 offense.

Which opponent do you admire/respect the most?

There are many managers, who achieved so much in RZA universe, but I have to stay in Admirals region to name one, that I always respected. Sanco and his Free Agent Mascots. There was a time not so long ago, when the Free Agent Mascots were without any doubt the best team in RZA.

What do you feel is your biggest team management mistake?

Sometimes I risk too much on the transfer market when I buy free agents. I hope that the players will have no caps or at least yellow caps. Then I sell them with loss, because the caps are red already.

Audible! Answer a question you wished you were asked.

I like to organize friendly cups. There already were ten Duck Bowls, which ran in the normal mode. And now I have been organizing Scarecrow Bowls in power mode. Scarecrow Bowl was invented, because I am rebuilding and had no chance in normal mode. However, Duck Bowl will be back soon.

Championship game is on the line! It's 4 and goal at the 2 - under 30 seconds left to play and you are behind by 3. What do you do?? Go for the tie or the win?

Well, I am too conservative to go for it I guess. So I would definitely go for the tie.

Any last comments?

I would like to thank all the managers who help to make such a great community here at RZA. And of course, special thanks to pete for creating such an addictive game!

Thank you for your time and contribution to making this a fun and competitive game!

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

Joined: 2011-09-01/S00
Posts: 20620
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posted: 2016-10-12 20:34:53 (ID: 100089047) Report Abuse
From Thunder 1.1, ranked #131 globally and holder of 4 trophies including 1 league championship it's jetto - owner of Basterds!

Hi jetto!

What part of the world are you from?

Salzburg, Austria since 12 years now. Born in lower Austria…

Who is your real world favorite team?

San Francisco 49ers!
Don’t really know why but when I started watching the NFL I learned about every franchise and the history from the 49ers was just fascinating. Shortly after that I found a German speaking 49ers fan forum with a lot of nice folks which made it easy to follow the 49ers.

Who is your all-time favorite player?

Jerry Rice

How long have you been here at RZA?

Registered just a few days before season roll over from Season 16 to 17.

What is the inspiration for your teams name?

Don’t know this one.

How would you describe your team?

I try to build a balanced team with many players rotating in during each game. Let’s see if it is working long time… From time to time I get angry with my team’s success/performance and I’m thinking of changing my approach but I couldn’t do it till now.

Brag about your most dangerous star player.

Well, maybe not my most dangerous players but there are three I want to mention. This 3 are my very first Draftees, as I mentioned above I only registered a few days before the season roll over and had no clue who to draft. I only put one QB (Bernfried Friedrich), a LB ( Hans-Christian Prohaska ) and a WR ( Ömer Trinkl) to the very top of my board and it happend I got all of them.
They won’t become all-Elite-Players as they were actually to old and grew up too long without quality coaching but 2 of them are still starters and one a very reliable Back-up.

Your teams most important/favorite win?

Well, without a long history of Playoff games Season 22 was just incredible both in the SC and League with wins against Mombasa Lions and Die Verdammten and advancing till Conference Championship and round of 16 in the SC.

Your teams most memorable loss?

Back in season 21 I thought I have a chance to compete for a PO spot but at the end of the season I had no chance at all. But actually in the long term it made my team stronger I think.

Biggest rival?

Totoras Patriots – since I joined Thunder 1.1 we are in the same division and played 12 games till now.

Which opponent causes you the most headaches?

That‘s Wiesengrund (Vienna Falcons) – don’t know if I will able to beat you one time but I’m working on that. So bad you had to promote again to EL, I really enjoyed loosing both regular season meetings and Conference Championship to you.

Which opponent do you admire/respect the most?

There a lot managers I respect a lot. I actually thought of mentioning nobody but I think I should say something to a few of you:
1. Pete: Thanks a lot for creating RZA, I really can’t express how much I respect you for creating and handling RZA the way you do
2. Greeting to everybody contributing in our Thunder forum. I think we built a great „inside“ community with all the stuff like Game of the Week, Preseason Show, Playoff interviews and so on! Special mentions to Bovakion who kind of is a mentor to all us young guys. Hopefully you’re able to win the Bowl one time as you would really deserve it!
3. Jack6: Incredibly work with your Guide, your College Football Coverage and the organization of LEATHERHEAD-LEAGUE. I still feel a bit sorry I won our match-up and it was me to advance to the PO.

What do you feel is your biggest team management mistake?

There were just too much to mention a single one.

Audible! Answer a question you wished you were asked.

Yes, that’s me!

Championship game is on the line! It's 4 and goal at the 2 - under 30 seconds left to play and you are behind by 3. What do you do?? Go for the tie or the win?

I go for the FG and try to win it in OT.

Any last comments?

Thanks punch drunk for doing these interviews. I really looking forward to read it when there is a new one posted

Thank you for your time and contribution to making this a fun and competitive game!

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

Joined: 2011-09-01/S00
Posts: 20620
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posted: 2016-10-20 06:49:54 (ID: 100089576) Report Abuse
From Elite, ranked #37 globally and holder of 19 trophies including 3 league championships it's frankie nice boy - owner of Palermo Eagles!

Hi frankie!

Hi punch!

So many questions, I try to give an answer for each one!

What part of the world are you from?

I am actually from Sicily, Italy.

Who is your real world favorite team?

Indeed I haven't a favorite team, but I enjoy to watch good games independently what teams are playing. Particularly I like spectacular pass plays and intransigent tough defenses.

In my city there is a couple of teams, and the Cardinals won the 2012 Italian Championship. American football is trying to attract some new fans here with various events and demonstrations. It is a niche sport: when in Italy someone talks about sports he actually is talking of soccer. It is very sad for all sportsmen in general. The other sports, all together, are the so called "minor sports".

Who is your all-time favorite player?

I am not so old so I can mention only a contemporary player. Certainly Peyton Manning is my favorite player: A genial player who also represents an example for dedication, earnestness and professionalism. A true sportsman and not a TV star.

How long have you been here at RZA?

Well, I play RZA since Season 5, i.e. I started to play since October 2012 and I still like the game as if it was the first day.

What is the inspiration for your teams name?

My team's name arises from the emblem of the city of Palermo, the eagle.

How would you describe your team?

I would describe my team as a quite balanced one, with a great potential in offense and a sound defense. Sometimes a bit crazy, with unexpected victories against much stronger teams and unexpected losses against weaker ones making me furious...

Brag about your most dangerous star player.

I don't like to talk of single players, a team works as a unit: It is a complex machine made of single components that are each one fundamental for its overall working. For me every player doing exactly what I want from him is a star, while un diligent ones are simply idiots.

Your teams most important/favorite win?

I would say the first win of the League Dragons 1.1 Bowl in season 17. The final was against a truly impressive stellar team and I was down 21-28 after three quarters, but a memorable comeback in the last quarter ultimately gave me the victory.

Your teams most memorable loss?

I can't find anyone in particular. It can happen you lose a match, but for sure I don't like waste matches against theoretically weaker teams.

Biggest rival?

First Fighters de Pλris.
Second Underachieving Steamrollers.
We are always talking of sports rivalry.

Which opponent causes you the most headaches?

I can assure my engagement is always the same independently of the opponent. Before a match I study every different opponent in the same way, on the other hand my experience taught me two things: There aren't impossible matches, and if you have a bad day it can happen that a weaker team defeats you.
So every single match equals a final for me.

Which opponent do you admire/respect the most?

I think Landru Athletics deserves all the honors for its glorious history.

What do you feel is your biggest team management mistake?

In the past I have certainly made some classical errors due to inexperience. It is important the fact I noticed those errors trying to repair them, with more knowledge and experience acquired during the time. Now I am used to checking periodically for any possible technical and tactical gap in the team.

Audible! Answer a question you wished you were asked.

What do you think about RZA?
I think RZA is not only the best American football management game, but it is also one of the best management games in the overall panorama for realism and ME quality. Obviously it isn't a perfect game and there are still several features and aspects IMHO to develop.

Championship game is on the line! It's 4 and goal at the 2 - under 30 seconds left to play and you are behind by 3. What do you do?? Go for the tie or the win?

My mentality is for concrete realism - I go for 3 points and take my chance to play OT.

Any last comments?

Oh, already finished?
Thank you punch for the interview!

Thank you for your time and contribution to making this a fun and competitive game!

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

Joined: 2011-09-01/S00
Posts: 20620
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posted: 2016-10-26 20:09:35 (ID: 100089957) Report Abuse
From Claymore 1.1, ranked #330 globally and holder of 2 season 20 trophies including conference championship it's JennyHarper - owner of Hufflepuff Huricanes!

Hi Jenny!!

What part of the world are you from?

England, though my dream is to move to America one day

Who is your real world favorite team?

The Minnesota Vikings

Who is your all-time favorite player?

I haven't been an NFL fan for long, so I guess.... Teddy Bridgewater?

How long have you been here at RZA?

About 18 or so months

What is the inspiration for your teams name?

Well I'm a huge Harry Potter fan... and I'm a Hufflepuff. Hurricane is alliterative so that's why I chose that nickname.

How would you describe your team?

Mediocre, but sometimes wins games that I should lose.

Brag about your most dangerous star player.

I don't know who that is tbh... I don't think I have any 'star' players per say.

Your teams most important/favorite win?

The win against Thurles Hazard Cannibals in the Conference game. I was expecting a loss and was amazed to win and get to the Championship game.

Your teams most memorable loss?

I'd say the Championship game back when I was in Division 2. After getting to the bowl, I was a bit complacent.

Biggest rival?

Um... Probably NI Aliens as we've been in the same division for a while.

Which opponent causes you the most headaches?

Maybe Pyongyang Gangsters. NI Aliens are probably too far ahead of me that I'd expect to lose every game, but my record against Pyongyang is pretty abysmal.

Which opponent do you admire/respect the most?

Anyone who's made the elite league.

What do you feel is your biggest team management mistake?

Probably not putting enough emphasis on physical skills

Championship game is on the line! It's 4 and goal at the 2 - under 30 seconds left to play and you are behind by 3. What do you do?? Go for the tie or the win?

Depends on the situation in terms of who is on the field for me and the opposition, but probably for the tie.

Thank you for your time and contribution to making this a fun and competitive game!

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

Joined: 2011-09-01/S00
Posts: 20620
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posted: 2016-11-07 13:06:03 (ID: 100090591) Report Abuse
From Thunder 1.1, ranked #100 globally and holder of 7 season trophies including 2 league championships it's thomastem - owner of M. Divers! (and the ugliest avatar)

Hi thomas!

What part of the world are you from?

Chicago US

Who is your real world favorite team?

Da Bears

Who is your all-time favorite player?

Wa l t e r Payton. He outworked his opponents and excelled at all phases at running back.

How long have you been here at RZA?

A little over a year.

What is the inspiration for your teams name?

I like muffins and diving.

How would you describe your team?

A flexible number crunching organization that aims to adapt to changes on the TM market as well as game engine changes. Sprinkle in some luck and we're good to go.

Brag about your most dangerous star player.

Arturo Cano is a shut down corner with a full 5 star rating at the position. The sure tackler trait is also nice and he sports a 100 percent tackling rate from his corner position this season as well. This beast is retiring after this season though.

Your teams most important/favorite win?

Most important was against the Simkonville fraggles in season 21. I met him in the championship game and barely got by him to make the bowl. Sim Kon was an Elite yo-yo team that had been here since nearly the start of RZA. He recently went bot and will be missed in Thunder. Winning that game against such a quality opponent is not a game I will forget.

Your teams most memorable loss?

COC Championship season 22 against Blitzkrieg. They as expected blew me out but it shows me where I need to get my team to beat the best.

Biggest rival?

Right now it's Jetto and his Basterds. We're in the same division and he is a game up on me already. We have two games at the end of the year including the season finale. That season finale that we play will probably be for the number 1 seed in the playoffs. I think Cheesehead, our Thunder beat reporter, will be in heaven doing his game of the week that game.

Which opponent causes you the most headaches?

Simkon as mentioned was very tough, Jetto's Basterds have always played me tough, Inbhir Narann has already beat me this season and Deflators always has a well prepared defense. It's thunder so you really are in for a tough game no matter who you play.

Which opponent do you admire/respect the most?

There are too many to name. The teams that stay at the top obviously but I respect the 2.2 teams that just promoted up to 1.1 and I find they game planned me and tricked my defense out of position. An owner that does that despite having very little chance of winning gets just as much respect from me as those winning cups every year.

What do you feel is your biggest team management mistake?

Starting players right off the TM with low chemistry. Ain't doing that again!

Audible! Answer a question you wished you were asked.

Star Nosed Mole

Championship game is on the line! It's 4 and goal at the 2 - under 30 seconds left to play and you are behind by 3. What do you do?? Go for the tie or the win?

Tie. My beast corner is going to get a pick 6 in OT!

Any last comments?

I want to thank Pete for making the best sim online game and all those that participate in the forums for making the RZA experience what it is.

Thank you for your time and contribution to making this a fun and competitive game!

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

Joined: 2011-09-01/S00
Posts: 20620
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posted: 2016-11-14 09:40:05 (ID: 100091008) Report Abuse
From Dragon 1.1, ranked #67 globally and holder of 10 trophies including 2 league championships it's poudos - owner of Porri Wild Boars!

Hi poudos!

What part of the world are you from?

I'm from France.

Who is your real world favorite team?

Buffalo Bills.

Who is your all-time favorite player?

Jerry Rice.

How long have you been here at RZA?

Season 7.

What is the inspiration for your teams name?

By my mother I'm from Corsica, a small village called Porri, and we like Wild Boars.

How would you describe your team?

My team try to be a well balanced team using a large playbook in order to be not too much readible.
So we develop Rush and Pass, and bring more and more care on O and D lines.

Brag about your most dangerous star player.

The team star is for sure Jonas Grand, our QB. He went out from our Training school. He is now 27 and has reached the level we expected from him.

Your teams most important/favorite win?

The team is part of the Dragons 1-1 for a long time now. We have had a strong competitor (Northern Riviera) during the last seasons until he decided to leave the game. So we never reached the Elite league but we do our best to do it. Our best result happened I think during the Super cup 22 when we played the 1/8 Finals against Sand Diego Hurricanes.

Your teams most memorable loss?

and then we lost against Landru Athletics, ... 56-10 Ouch. But after that Landru won the Final, so...

Biggest rival?

Northern Riviera in the past, and now, ... I don't know, maybe myself ^^?

Which opponent causes you the most headaches?

Northern Riviera, definitely, and some French good teams during the French Cup that we play each season

Which opponent do you admire/respect the most?

I think San Diego Blitzkrieg is really the kind of team I admire, especially the way he managed his team for a while.

What do you feel is your biggest team management mistake?

Not having enough care in the past for O and Dline. You may have Great QB, RB or LB and CB, if you do not have Great Lines, it is a waste.

Audible! Answer a question you wished you were asked.

Question: When will you win the Elite League
Answer: Season 28

Championship game is on the line! It's 4 and goal at the 2 - under 30 seconds left to play and you are behind by 3. What do you do?? Go for the tie or the win?

For the Win, definitely!

Any last comments?

No, except that I was happy to contribute.

Thank you for your time and contribution to making this a fun and competitive game!

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

Joined: 2011-09-01/S00
Posts: 20620
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posted: 2016-11-27 12:05:55 (ID: 100092046) Report Abuse
From Dragon 1.1, ranked #116 globally and holder of 13 trophies including 3 conference and 1 league championship it's dxh2222 - owner of Panthers!

Hi dxh2222!

What part of the world are you from?

Louisville, Kentucky USA.

Who is your real world favorite team?

Indianapolis Colts!

Who is your all-time favorite player?

The great Eric Dickerson.

How long have you been here at RZA?

August 2012 - Season 4.

What is the inspiration for your teams name?

My High School football team .

How would you describe your team?

We win some games and we lose some games, but always fight hard.

Brag about your most dangerous star player.

FB Nelson Salerno - runs hard and breaks tackles!

Your teams most important/favorite win?

Conference Championship AC in season 6 and 11 .

Your teams most memorable loss?

First game of season 7 Dragons 1:1, I thought I was about win in the big leagues. Girona Dragons beat my team bad 38-6.

Biggest rival?

Had some great games vs State Smashas. (Sadly the team just when Bot)

Which opponent causes you the most headaches?

Girona Dragons, have lost 7 times out of 9 games.

Which opponent do you admire/respect the most?

Girona Dragons teams are always good, for a long time.

What do you feel is your biggest team management mistake?

Spending to much $ for some free agents.

Audible! Answer a question you wished you were asked.

Who has been opponent I have given the most headaches to?

Championship game is on the line! It's 4 and goal at the 2 - under 30 seconds left to play and you are behind by 3. What do you do?? Go for the tie or the win?

Tie game with FG - try to win in OT.

Any last comments?

Playing RZA is really enjoyable!

Thank you for your time and contribution to making this a fun and competitive game!

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

Joined: 2011-09-01/S00
Posts: 20620
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posted: 2016-12-12 15:37:26 (ID: 100092998) Report Abuse
From Dragon 1.1, ranked #122 globally and holder of 7 trophies including 1 league championship it's BUUURNS - owner of Nottingham Outlaws!


What part of the world are you from?


Who is your real world favorite team?


Who is your all-time favorite player?


How long have you been here at RZA?


What is the inspiration for your teams name?


How would you describe your team?


Brag about your most dangerous star player.


Your teams most important/favorite win?


Your teams most memorable loss?


Biggest rival?



Which opponent causes you the most headaches?


Which opponent do you admire/respect the most?


What do you feel is your biggest team management mistake?


Audible! Answer a question you wished you were asked.



SOLD: Nickolas Snowden
TO: Fareham Demons
ON: S15
FOR: $19,500,000

Championship game is on the line! It's 4 and goal at the 2 - under 30 seconds left to play and you are behind by 3. What do you do?? Go for the tie or the win?


Thank you for your time and contribution to making this a fun and competitive game!

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

Joined: 2011-09-01/S00
Posts: 20620
Top Manager

posted: 2017-01-02 20:59:36 (ID: 100094923) Report Abuse
From Admirals 1.1, ranked #203 globally and holder of 5 trophies including S23 conference league championship it's Yashin - owner of Bracciano Lakers!

Hi Yashin!

Hi everybody. I never thought I was "famigerate" enough to be interviewed yet, since I'm pretty new on this stage.
I've already read all the interviews so far, I like very much the "journal" with the coaches personal information.

What part of the world are you from?

Italia, from Bracciano - a small town near Roma.

Who is your real world favorite team?

I learned about Football since Italian TV started to follow NFL, back in 1982. So I grew up with the generation of legendary Bengals, 49ers, Dolphins, Broncos etc. I never found a team that I felt really mine, so when NFL expanded franchises in 1993, I decided to "adopt" Carolina Panthers as my favorite team. I follow them since now.

Who is your all-time favorite player?

My eyes still shine with the performances of Montana, Marino, Esiason, Elway, Manning, Newton but the truth is that I always imagined myself as a defending player and so Lawrence Taylor is my favorite.
I think that if you ask me this question in two-three years I could answer Luke Kuechly, but he has to win an NFL MVP before matching LT.

How long have you been here at RZA?

In these days (04/01) is my first "birth-in-RZA-day". So it is exactly one year since I joined this special community.

What is the inspiration for your teams name?

Like many other GMs here, my team has the name of the town I'm living in. Since the town is renown to be on the shores of a small lake, I used Lakers as second characterizing name. I like those mixing up of team names coming out from different sports, so Lakers into football looked like a funny plus to me.

How would you describe your team?

A young team of enthusiastic players who are trying to make their road to fame and glory. I focus on the "realistic" aspect of the game, so I don't care on bending in-game situations to achieve slightly better numeric advantages. I prefer to manage my team covering all aspects. A well balanced team is my main goal.

Brag about your most dangerous star player.

Too few seasons to have a monster player yet. Anyway QB Guerino Grando (first choice in my first draft) is developing as a promising star. He just won the world QB #1, but he is young and he has still miles to go before becoming a legend.

Your teams most important/favorite win?

Two wins above all so far : the first friendly cup victory against "Erdington Doleys", we won at the end of a thrilling match with a FG in Overtime.
The past Championship Final in Admirals 2.2 against "the Hounds" when we won with a superb 4th Quarter a match I thought we lost.

Your teams most memorable loss?

Season #20 Admirals 2.2 AC Championship Final vs Southfield Tigers (see below for further information).
Season #22 Admirals 1.1 League Match vs Badgers. Being in the same division we were fighting to remain in 1.1, I decided to risk and played MOTY against them. Despite of it, Badgers took us at 0 pts for three quarters. That was the nail in our coffin and we were relegated directly.

Biggest rival?

"Comagena Lions" even if I can't talk about rivalry, more than a friendship on opposing sidelines. We met everywhere. We were even until yesterday, but we lost a friendly cup match, so Lions have the upper hand.
Our games are a pleasant regular happening each season after another.

Which opponent causes you the most headaches?

I'm still in a position where each expert GM causes me headache. My little experience has not yet allowed me to find the keys to be competitive in 1.1. I'm trying to play each game as a final and the start of this season is unexpectedly giving some hope to avoid relegation. It is a long season to play anyway.

Which opponent do you admire/respect the most?

I respect every opponent, but I admire in particular Solana Steve and his "San Diego Blitzkrieg". They accomplished to win everything in Season 23 and I think that it is an outstanding performance, result of excellent management in-game and off the field. He gave proof of dominant skill set and play style.
It's an honor to host him in the "Coppa Italia" friendly cup and most of all playing against him in the playoff match of next week!

What do you feel is your biggest team management mistake?

Difficult to say... you realize you did mistake when you find the right solution for it. I'm still making tests and explore alchemies, so I'm still doing many mistakes that I will recognize in the future.
For example, I realized few days ago that I've heavily underrated Vision for WRs and that's the most probable reason why my poor QB collects so many interceptions. I had bad economic issues in my first two seasons, I've lost some good players for bad HR or bad Youth Academy management.
More mistakes than bright ideas so far.

Audible! Answer a question you wished you were asked.

Question : "What would you suggest to a player that is about to start playing RZA ?"

Answer : I'd suggest him/her (but we don't have many female GMs as far as the nicknames show) to prepare to be patient and learn to listen, then choose a mentor and follow his suggestions. The more patience they will have the sooner good results will arrive.

With this occasion I'd like to say thanks to ScottishBronco that is so patient with me and with my continuous requests for help.

Championship game is on the line! It's 4 and goal at the 2 - under 30 seconds left to play and you are behind by 3. What do you do?? Go for the tie or the win?

I've lost Season #20 Admirals 2.2 AC Championship Final with the wrong decision under similar circumstances. With a FG from the 14 yds we'd send the match to OT. Instead I prepared a playbook that went for it and we collected 13 reception yards, short by inches, losing the Championship to Southfield Tigers.

Lesson learned : since that match on, I always kick the field goal and try to go into OT.

Any last comments?

Three more comments :
1. Thanks to Pete for this fantastic game. It is a really good engine and it has an uncommon depth for a football simulation game
2. Thanks to Punch Drunk for the interviews initiative, it is a fantastic idea that allows us to learn something more about each other.
3. Thanks to all the community : a bunch of professional, helpful and competent GMs that are contributing to create a competitive, and yet friendly, environment.

Thank you for your time and contribution to making this a fun and competitive game!

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2017-01-29 16:56:09 (ID: 100096896) Report Abuse
From Galaxy 2.1, ranked #305 globally and currently 9-0 in league play it's Dumbarajko - owner of Dumbarajko Elephants!

Hi Dumbarajko!

What part of the world are you from?

I am from Serbia!

Who is your real world favorite team?

New England Patriots!

Who is your all-time favorite player?

Tom -G.O.A.T- all time, but Rob Gronkowski in the moment and probably soon to be all time.

How long have you been here at RZA?

I been here for 4 seasons but started really playing this season.

What is the inspiration for your teams name?

Bart Simpson and his elephant Stampy (in Serbian they translate it "Dumbarajko"). So you realize how elephants end up in my team name.

How would you describe your team?

Young but very competitive for division II.

Brag about your most dangerous star player.

I don't have star players right now. Maybe Mason Hill my MLB, but he has some way to became a star.

Your teams most important/favorite win?

Right now my favorite win is 9:6 win against Kitty Hawk Terpz on Sat 2016-12-31. Really defensive minded game. Important wins none.

Your teams most memorable loss?

I had a lot of losses , but none is most memorable right now.

Biggest rival?

Kitty Hawk Terpz.

Which opponent causes you the most headaches?

Kitty Hawk Terpz.

Which opponent do you admire/respect the most?

None right now. But I admire San Diego Blitzkrieg. He had a lot of success in this game. But he is not my opponent.

What do you feel is your biggest team management mistake?

Not playing for first 4 seasons. Just taking care of finances in that period. And not reading the manual (still have not read it).

Audible! Answer a question you wished you were asked.

When I became a NFL fanatic?

I really start loving NFL when NE Patriots David Patten throw, run & catch a TD in same game. And love for NFL and NE Patriots was created.

Championship game is on the line! It's 4 and goal at the 2 - under 30 seconds left to play and you are behind by 3. What do you do?? Go for the tie or the win?

I would go for a TIE.

Any last comments?

Thanks it has been a pleasure talking in this interview

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