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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

Joined: 2011-09-05/S00
Posts: 7196
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posted: 2023-06-16 09:57:01 (ID: 100174815)  Edits found: 15 Report Abuse
Ernie Nevers Conference / W-L-T / PF / PA / PD / CONF
Social Distance Runners / 5-2-1 / 75 / 48 / 27 / 4
Lincoln Towncars / 4-3-1 / 74 / 76 / -2 / 4
Alaskan Fur Trappers / 4-3-1 / 32 / 66 / -34 / 4
Leverkusen Leopards / 4-4-0 / 62 / 21 / 41 / 3
Constanta Ravens / 2-6-0 / 24 / 90 / -66 / 2
Morgantown Mad Dogs / 2-6-0 / 35 / 66 / -31 / 1
Bretzfeld Bandits / 1-6-1 / 24 / 72 / -48 / 1

Red Grange Conference / W-L-T / PF / PA / PD / CONF
BobBoy Magpies / 8-0-0 / 90 / 6 / 84 / 6
Chelt Nam Bobbers / 6-1-1 / 99 / 28 / 71 / 4
HAMBURG SEA LIONS / 6-2-0 / 53 / 25 / 28 / 4
H2TAGIT4Q / 3-4-1 / 54 / 75 / -21 / 2
Braska Bangers 09 / 3-5-0 / 60 / 61 / -1 / 2
Fredericksburg Comanches / 3-5-0 / 38 / 74 / -36 / 1
Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin / 2-6-0 / 51 / 63 / -12 / 1

HAMBURG SEA LIONS were renamed hamburg krill (HSL) for gameday #4.
They did switch back and forth on the nameing, but I kept them as krill.

1. GAMDAY (FRI. 23.06.2023)
Constanta Ravens @ Alaskan Fur Trappers
Braska Bangers 09 @ Fredericksburg Comanches
Social Distance Runners @ Morgantown Mad Dogs
Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin @ HAMBURG SEA LIONS
Bretzfeld Bandits @ Leverkusen Leopards
Chelt Nam Bobbers @ H2TAGIT4Q
Lincoln Towncars @ BobBoy Magpies

2. GAMEDAY (FRI. 30.06.2023)
Social Distance Runners @ Constanta Ravens
Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin @ Braska Bangers 09
Alaskan Fur Trappers @ Lincoln Towncars
Fredericksburg Comanches @ BobBoy Magpies
Chelt Nam Bobbers @ Bretzfeld Bandits

DAY OFF Morgantown Mad Dogs, Leverkusen Leopards, HAMBURG SEA LIONS, H2TAGIT4Q

3. GAMEDAY (FRI. 07.07.2023)
Lincoln Towncars @ Social Distance Runners
BobBoy Magpies @ Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin
Leverkusen Leopards @ Morgantown Mad Dogs
Constanta Ravens @ Braska Bangers 09

DAY OFF Alaskan Fur Trappers, Bretzfeld Bandits, Fredericksburg Comanches, Chelt Nam Bobbers

4. GAMEDAY (FRI. 14.07.2023)
Morgantown Mad Dogs @ hamburg krill (HSL)
Bretzfeld Bandits @ Social Distance Runners
Chelt Nam Bobbers @ Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin
Alaskan Fur Trappers @ Fredericksburg Comanches
Leverkusen Leopards @ H2TAGIT4Q

DAY OFF Constanta Ravens, Lincoln Towncars, Braska Bangers 09, BobBoy Magpies

5. GAMEDAY (FRI. 21.07.2023)
Morgantown Mad Dogs @ Constanta Ravens
hamburg krill (HSL) @ Braska Bangers 09
Leverkusen Leopards @ Lincoln Towncars
H2TAGIT4Q @ BobBoy Magpies
Social Distance Runners @ Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin

DAY OFF Alaskan Fur Trappers, Bretzfeld Bandits, Fredericksburg Comanches, Chelt Nam Bobbers

6. GAMEDAY (FRI. 28.07.2023)
Braska Bangers 09 @ Morgantown Mad Dogs
Bretzfeld Bandits @ Lincoln Towncars
BobBoy Magpies @ Chelt Nam Bobbers
H2TAGIT4Q @ Alaskan Fur Trappers
Fredericksburg Comanches @ Leverkusen Leopards

DAY OFF Constanta Ravens, Social Distance Runners, hamburg krill (HSL), Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin

7. GAMEDAY (FRI. 04.08.2023)
Constanta Ravens @ Bretzfeld Bandits
Morgantown Mad Dogs @ Lincoln Towncars
Social Distance Runners @ Alaskan Fur Trappers
Braska Bangers 09 @ Chelt Nam Bobbers
hamburg krill (HSL) @ BobBoy Magpies
Fredericksburg Comanches @ Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin

DAY OFF Leverkusen Leopards, H2TAGIT4Q

8. GAMEDAY (FRI. 11.08.2023)
Lincoln Towncars @ Constanta Ravens
Bretzfeld Bandits @ Morgantown Mad Dogs
Alaskan Fur Trappers @ Leverkusen Leopards
BobBoy Magpies @ Braska Bangers 09
Chelt Nam Bobbers @ hamburg krill (HSL)
H2TAGIT4Q @ Fredericksburg Comanches

DAY OFF Social Distance Runners, Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin

9. GAMEDAY (FRI. 18.08.2023)
hamburg krill (HSL) @ Constanta Ravens
Leverkusen Leopards @ Social Distance Runners
Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin @ H2TAGIT4Q
Alaskan Fur Trappers @ Bretzfeld Bandits
Fredericksburg Comanches @ Chelt Nam Bobbers

DAY OFF Morgantown Mad Dogs, Lincoln Towncars, Braska Bangers 09, BobBoy Magpies

10. GAMEDAY (FRI. 25.08.2023)
Constanta Ravens @ Leverkusen Leopards
Braska Bangers 09 @ H2TAGIT4Q
Morgantown Mad Dogs @ Alaskan Fur Trappers
hamburg krill (HSL) @ Fredericksburg Comanches
BobBoy Magpies @ Social Distance Runners
Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin @ Bretzfeld Bandits
Lincoln Towncars @ Chelt Nam Bobbers

BLOCKS OF GRANITE BOWL (Red Grange Conference Championship Game) (FRI. 01.09.2023)
Chelt Nam Bobbers @ BobBoy Magpies

RED ELEPHANTS BOWL (Ernie Nevers Conference Championship Game) (FRI. 01.09.2023)
Lincoln Towncars @ Social Distance Runners

FOUR HORSEMEN BOWL (Leatherhead-League Championship Game) (FRI. 15.09.2023)
BobBoy Magpies @ Social Distance Runners

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Last edited on 2023-09-04 06:54:45 by jack6

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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

Joined: 2011-09-05/S00
Posts: 7196
Top Manager

posted: 2023-06-16 13:06:31 (ID: 100174821)  Edits found: 9 Report Abuse
1. GAMDAY (FRI. 23.06.2023)
Constanta Ravens @ Alaskan Fur Trappers
-> Game
-> Score: 3:6
The chants of 29892 (how did they count it so exact?) went back and forth over the stadium.
Well, it's nice to play at home.
When the Trappers went on the field to play the Ravens, it was already a big party.
The LEATHERHEADS are playing!
The coin toss was done by Jason "Sking'em-in-one-try" Nosebleed, the old legendary Trapper, now in his 90s, specialized in Mice-Fur.
Man that guys did skin a lot of mice in his past to fill up his slay and bring in those nice mice fur for those nice hand glows only available in Deadend-Buddy, Alaska.
Ravens won the toss and Lamm of the trappers kicked it off, which was returned for 17 yards.
OK, the lines were hot, the game was boring, at the start.
A short highlight was the first 1st-down by the Trappers on their 1st drive, but overall ... the record run was made in the stands by a Trapper-fan, going 20 times for a beer on the other end of the stadium, since only there was Mice-On-Dice-Beer available, the famous beer from Jason Nosebleeds Beer company.
At halftime the Mouse-Circus did show, what you can do with 200.000 mice rescued from a Disney company (officially "models") and teaching them some tricks.
The short version of the instant classic "Metropolis", all props build by mice, was a thing you will not see a 2nd time (that was said by a league official).
Anyway, Trappers got the ball in 3rd quarter and did nothing with it, as did the Ravens, until, roughly 2:30 left to play in the 3rd, the Ravens did fumble and the Trappers got the ball, returned it for 13 yards and started from the Ravens 17 yard line.
Still no progress on the field, but in good position, the Trappers kicked a 28-yard field goal to take the lead.
Starting the 4th quarter, the Trappers got the ball and fumbled on the 1st play, giving the ball to the Ravens on the 32-yard line.
After a few helpless tries, the Ravens kicked the game tying field goal from 43 yards out.
Now the fans got wild, they want the win!
But 3-and-out after 3-and-out did lower the mood constantly until ... the Ravens dropped the ball again on their own 23.
The Trappers started the drive with 1:20 left to play, made a few yards, ran down the clock and the 24 yarder for the win!
You can hear the drunks!
The last try by the Ravens did lead to nothing and the Trappers was cheered by the crowed until sunrise.
After a tough discussion, Barrett Lamm, the Trappers Kicker edged the MVP title ahead of the 2 LBs causing the crucial fumbles.

Braska Bangers 09 @ Fredericksburg Comanches
-> Game
-> Score: 20:0 (ruled)
The Bangers were angry, when they came to the Comanches stadium all lights were out.
No fans, no nothing on that deserted area south of Fredericksburg.
Just one car with a shocked couple seeking some privacy, surrounded by 70+ people looking for the person giving them the key to their locker room.
After some fast put on clothes the couple did assure the Bangers their is no game planned this weekend, so the Bangers went back to Baska and called the commissioner.
He did check the schedule und with the Comanches and found the error.
The damn Comanches had used a Roman calendar, so all dates were wrong.
The games was ruled a 20:0 win for the Bangers and the schedule was corrected.
Hopefully the next games will be better prepared.

Social Distance Runners @ Morgantown Mad Dogs
-> Game
-> Score 10:6
The Runners went to Morgentown, where 30837 people wanted to see the start of the season.
Coach Buziano did make a great speech before the game, taking about the great opportunity to win this prep-war with some prep-line-up and some prep-balls, prep-cheerleaders and prep-players.
The player did not get the speech until the coach went "WILL YOU PREP-HIT THEM?" and even when they did not fully got that, it's always nice to hit something, so the team went "YEAH!", crushed the prep-locker-room-down and stormed the prep-field.
The prep-coint-toss was won by Morgentown, which did turn out to be irellevant.
A nice 1st quarter for the spectators coming too late from their prep-beer-run was scoreless, but early in the 2nd did the Runners decide to go for it on 4th and 1 on their own 30, (why not, it's just a prep-game, right?) turned out to become the 1st field goal for the Dogs after a turnover on downs (prep-turnover), some senseless run tries and a 51-yarder.
The Dogs now with a 3-point-prep-lead.
But Buziano had another prep-trick on the next drive, going for it on their own 24 yard line of 4th and 5! Nobody had that prep-sight and nobody wanted it anyway. The play was halted, the ball was turned over the Dogs did not gain anything, but got another prep-field-goal from 43 yards.
Later the Runners tried another 4th down conversion, on their own 28 yard line, but the Dogs, even they had a great field position, did miss the next FG-try.
And a prep-fumble by the runners on the next drive did also lead to a missed field goal.
The last second monster distance FG-tries by the Dogs and the Runners did fail, so a prep-lead by the dogs of 6-0.
Late in the 3rd quarter did then the prep-luck of Morgentown fade away. They fumbled and the runners got a decent drive together to score a touchdown to take the lead.
Mid of the 4th quarter came the cucial moment for the Dogs, when they managed to pin down the prep-Runners deep in their own half, got a good punt return and started in great field position.
A view plays later they tried a 35-yard-field goal and missed it!
After that the Runners made some plays and moved the field position in their favor to score a few drives later a prep-field-goal from 53-yards with 18 seconds left.
The Dogs fans left fast, so that the Runners had to prep-change in their street clothes in an empty stadium.
At the end it turned out it was the 1st regular season game, which did surprise the HC of the Runners, but OK, he will be prepped for the next one.
prep-MVP was named Facundo Iso with 10 tackles for loss.

Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin @ HAMBURG SEA LIONS
-> Game
-> Score: 5:9
It was the "HEADBUTT-SPECIAL-KICK-OFF-GAME on a sunny afternoon in Hamburg.
Officially only 33300 visitors were counted, but outside the stadium were a lot of people sitting in their tents, grilling, chilling and viewing the live stream to Hamburg Reeperbahn.
Asked regarding the game, the people answered it would have been interesting if the game would be played on mud, with naked girls and with sirup.
Well ... let's concentrate on the game.
Sea Lions won the coin toss, but were not able to move much, punted and Melittlemenon did return the ball half of the field to setup a great position.
A few plays later the thepitchhitchin got the lead with a 42-yard field goal.
Then came a period of war-in-the-trenches, with no scoring, until in the 2nd quarter the Sea Lions got the ball in the red zone, thanks to a great return on a punt, which started in the Melittlemenon end zone.
The Sea Lions did not make it to the endzone, but kicked a field goal for the tie from 28 yards.
With less than 3 minutes to go did the Sea Lions get the ball back made a good drive, half of the field and kicked a monster field goal from 57-yards for the halftime lead.
In the 3rd quarter, it went again back-and-forth on the drives, but the Sea Lions won the field position battle and managed to kick another field goal from 51-yards.
After a 4th and 4 try by Hamburg, which was stopped, did Melittlemenon play some good play, but failed a 44-yarder FG-try.
The 4th quarter was again a lot of trench battle, but at some point, had Melittlemenon a quite good position, punted and made a coffin nail punt, forcing the Sea Lions to start on their own 1 yard line.
The next play did Melittlemenon tackle for a loss and got a safety.
The play had no big impact on the game, since afterwards did the Sea Lions take control again and capitalized from the Melittlemenons will to play for a win.
The Sea Lions won their 1st game, MVP was named Pairat Vanich, with 33 tackles, 16 for a loss.

Bretzfeld Bandits @ Leverkusen Leopards
-> Game
-> Score: 0:20
"It's the damn spores, you know? Damn spores ..."
The coach of the Bandits was depressed, when he reflected the performance of his players prior the kickoff, which led to a cancelation.
Some did dance, some played chess, some did bring their Warhammer-miniatures and started painting them.
They did not play football, for sure.
"It's this shrooms-drink, this Kamputchikata, what you call it, self-made, of course."
It burns the brain away, with the spores. Like that caterpillar in Asia, you know?"
The reporter did not know but knew he would get into trouble stating that.
"We have fired all players and will start from scratch, next week we will play like champions."
The Leopards were surprised, but just went back to the training facilities and went on to prepare for the next game.
The commissioner did rule the game in favor of the Leopards 20:0.

Chelt Nam Bobbers @ H2TAGIT4Q
-> Game
-> Score: 6:6
Chelt Nam Bobbers played H2TAGIT4Q in front of 32516 not-paying visitors, since the back door was left open and while at the cashier nobody did show up, all visitors did get into the stadium through the back door.
Security was helpless, since they wanted to avoid a scandal (and their leader had left the back door open), but fast were the beer prices doubles and at the end, maybe because of the fan base of both teams and the long-lasting match, the teams had more money in the cashier than on regular other days (and the beer storage was empty).
Where to start a marathon?
Well, likely at the starting line, or here with the coin toss, which went to some team, which did not make any use out of it and so the game went back and forth until the 1st error did lead to a good field position. What was the error?
Well, the so-called-Peetees did try a field goal from a gazillion miles away, potty mouth people blaming the kicker running for a cup of beer in the stands, while the ball was in the air, but they failed to try wide right, even the length was OK.
The ball did hit a spectator on the head, but he was cured with some cool beer.
So, the Bobbers got the ball in great position and failed to move it anyway.
The ball possession did move back-and-forth, until H2TAGIT4Q got the ball on the Bobbers 37-yard line after a great return.
They moved a ball a bit, but at the end of the drive they did kick a 34-yard field goal for the lead.
Mid of the 2nd quarter did then the Bobbers fumble the ball and the Peetees got again the ball in great position.
A few plays later they needed to kick again a field goal and hit it from 41 yards for the 6:0 halftime lead.
At halftime, the beer reservoir did shrink and nobody did remember the halftime show (several ant-eaters against 20 termite hills, it was massacre).
H2TAGIT4Q got the ball in 2nd half, fumbled and did setup by that a great drive by the Bobbers.
On 3rd and goal did then the Bobbers try their best, failed to score a TD and settled for a field goal from 22 yards.
Mid-3rd-quarter did then the Bobbers again carry out a good drive to gain yardage and came into field goal range, kicked it, made it (51-yards), to tie the game.
End of 3rd quarter did Chelt Nam got the ball back and marched over the field until they were again in range for FG-try, but missed the 47-yarder, which will turn out to be crucial.
The rest of the 4th quarter was all back-and-forth battle, with no results, so we went into overtime.
And this took some time, with the Bobbers looking to win the position battle, when they got the ball mid-field and made some yards.
But they missed at the end the 40-yard-try again, giving H2TAGIT4Q the chance to counter, but they did miss (a few drives later) a 55 yard try.
This could have gone forever, but after a long time did H2TAGIT4Q take the ball and tried this damn forward pass, did catch the ball and ran for a TD.
But the referee did check all sources and found several rule violations on the play, wanted to retry the play, only to find the teams already in the locker room together pounding on the private beer reserves, totally exhausted.
A short consultation did result in a rules tie game.
MVP was named the beer counter salesman, selling a gazillion liters, which is a new record.

Lincoln Towncars @ BobBoy Magpies
-> Game
-> Score 0:15
The 32666 visitors were already in deep sleep when the 1st great action did happen.
Until half time did both teams, Lincoln Towncars and BobBoy Magpies, did play great defense, allowed small offense progress only and did start the progress of the sleepiness of the visitors.
With 0:0 at halftime did the nighty-night-marching-band bring the next nice sleep impulse and when the teams came out of the locker room, almost half of the stadium was already asleep.
So, they missed the missed field goal try by the Towncars in the 3rd quarter, which was a result of the battle for field position and a great punt return.
That did make the people a bit up but starting the 4th quarter the game did get into hyperdrive with no warning.
Magpies did punt from mid-field and nailed the Towncars on their own 2 yard line.
A play later the Towncars runner was tackled on the goal line, ruled a safety.
The return of the ball did not benefit the Magpies, but when the time went on, the Towncars did start to play for winning, only to shatter on the Magpies defense.
A 60-yard burst for a TD did give the Magpies a comfortable lead.
Next drive by the Towncars resulted in a turnover on downs deep in their own half, which the Magpies use for a field goal a bit later.
Same procedure on the next drives and we had a final result of 15:0 for the Magpies.
Armand McDermott, the RB of BobBoy was named MVP.

Last edited on 2023-06-26 17:55:10 by jack6

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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

Joined: 2011-09-05/S00
Posts: 7196
Top Manager

posted: 2023-06-16 13:06:50 (ID: 100174822)  Edits found: 6 Report Abuse
2. GAMEDAY (FRI. 30.06.2023)
Social Distance Runners @ Constanta Ravens
-> Game
-> Score: 30:0
The 32401 visitors were curious what a well-prepped Social Distance Runners could do and would do against the Constanta Ravens.
It was a rainy day, slippery and wet. Meteorologists were wondering, why this was only on the Ravens side of the ball, while the Runners only had to deal with the water on the grass in bright fluffy sunshine, but that will likely only be cracked by some students over time for their doctor grades.
Most referees decided to stay on the sunny side, which is only human. Only the umpire and the back judge had to stay in the rain and were later carted off the field to a warm soup and hot rum with a dip of tea in it.
The game itself was a landslide win for the Runners.
The Ravens lost control over the ball on their 2nd drive, and it bounced into the hands of Gert Zwiers of the Runners D-line, who was so surprised that he just fell on the muddy gras.
Regardless, the team took the ball from the 6-yard line and ran it in by 3 tries.
Later had the Runners, after a mediocre punt and an average return, a great drive, which left them in the situation to decide to kick the ball from far out, or to punt.
The coach decided to kick it but forgot the went gras and the kicker slipped a bit and missed the 56 yarder.
That could have been a bummer, but lucky Runners, the Ravens did fumble the ball again on the next drive and the Runners were able to run the ball in the whole distance for 26 yards with 5 plays.
Then came the crucial scene, when Laurentiu Stancu got the handover by the Ravens QB and was unable to get a hold on the ball. It ditched on his shoulder, bounced off his nose, slipped through his hands and when it did look like he would get control, Owais Patel of the Runners mowed him down, took the ball and said 'la revedere!' and scored a TD.
Shortly before the break did the Runners add a field goal from 38 yards out and they took that lead of 24-0 into the locker room.
At halftime the band tried to play on the sunny side of the field, but it turned out, the sun went to the Runners locker room as well.
So the band played 'Raindrops falling on my head', 'Have you ever seen the rain' and 'it's raining men' and left the field, for rum-tea and soup.
The 3rd quarter was highlighted by a controversial play by Runners QB Boris Tubbs seemingly throwing the football and the catcher did carry it into the endzone.
It turned out that the heavy sunshine, in combination with the rain on the other side of the line of scrimmage did create a phenomenon called 'I was unable to see anything'.
Sure, is that the ball was snapped and sure is it was a legal play, but with a lot of discussion on the sunny side of the field and a lot of grumbling on the rainy side, a field goal was granted.
Then came a lot of defense football all visitors wanted to see since the beginning.
Late in the 4th quarter did then the Runners had a lost good drive, resulting in the final field goal.
Result was, Runners win 30:0.
MVP became Raimund Hahn with 174 yards rushing.

Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin @ Braska Bangers 09
-> Game
-> Score: 20:3
Coach lions1934 of the Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin and coach huskertarr of the Braska Bangers 09 met mid field after the game and did shake hands.
31699 fans had seen a close game, which was won by Melittlemenon.
It started with the typical battle for field position and Melittlemenon was just a bit better in this, pushing the Bangers deeper into their own territory.
Lucky to escape a drive started on their own 2 they did punt a bit later and Melittlemenon got the ball inside the 40 already.
A few plays later they tried a field goal from 50 yards out but missed it.
Maybe the substitute cheerleaders from burlesque club 'naked groins' had something to do with that.
The story behind the substitution is way too complicated but be assured AFTER the game the original cheerleader were welcome back with open arms and the girls of the burlesque club were thanked for their service.
Rumor is, a blink of an eye by one of the dancers was the reason the Bangers RB did fumble the ball in confusion and thepitchhitchin big man Ali Schwab took it and ran it for a TD.
While the coach of the bangers was lecturing the girls on when they should blink, the next Bangers offense drive did already sputter on 2nd down.
Later the player, who fumbled the ball said, he was emotionally hit when the whole group of girls did break out in tears.
Jatak Nagpal, the big linebacker, did take the ball to the house and did then try to calm down the ladies, by giving them the ball.
There was small shock moment prior the end of the quarter, when Melittlemenon fumbled the ball, but it was not returned.
The following drive resulted in another missed field goal try, this time from the Bangers from 51 yards out.
The kicker later said he thought he saw a girl at the sideline correcting her shoelaces, bowing too far downwards.
Well ... nobody was able to describe the costumes of the ladies in details, but all descriptions contained the words thin and short.
Unfortune for the Bangers did Melittlemenon build on their success in the field position battle and were actually able to kick a successful field goal mid of the 2nd quarter.
The kicker was send to the kick with blinkers.
When the teams went into the locker room, Melittlemenon led 17:0.
At halftime did the substitute cheerleaders perform their choreography 'the leaves will fall and the beavers bite - a story about the autumn in New England' which was a big success among male visitors.
The 3rd quarter did feature a lot of defensive football, but the Bangers were able to move the ball a bit better and did kick a 44 yards field goal.
Unfortune for them, this was only a short period of hope.
The thepitchhitchin returned a punt in the 4th quarter for almost half of the field and were in good position for a scoring drive.
By eating time and yardage, they moved closer the endzone and finally had to settle for 27 yard field goal.
Bangers were not really able to answer that.
With 12 seconds left there was another incident with a runner too interested into the girls on the sideline and Melittlemenon fumbled again, but the return was stopped before it started and with the comfortable lead, the win was not in danger.
At the end did Melittlemenon win 20:3.

Alaskan Fur Trappers @ Lincoln Towncars
-> Game
-> Score: 3:27
The Alaskan Fur Trappers did play the Lincoln Towncars and were supported by 30169 paying spectators.
The Towncars had the 1st highlight shortly after the kickoff, when the Trappers fumbled and the Towncars took the ball and went for the whole distance.
The Trappers were stunned, since it was their 1st play on their 1st drive.
They did concentrate and seemed to recover, but mid-1st quarter they did fumble again, this time on their own 1 yard line.
The ball did bounce around and was recovered by the Towncards in the endzone. BAM!
And a bit later another shock for the Trappers, a bigger punt return by the Towncars gave them excellent field position and later a field goal from 31 yards out.
17:0 at the end of the 1st quarter. A horror start.
But the fans did love it of course.
In old Lincoln tradition they already had taken off 3 clothes for 3 scores. Lucky for the most, it was quite cold and therefore the amount of cloth pieces was quite high.
But some guys were already half naked.
Not sure the people did hope for a scoreless remaining game or not, traditionally the women do not participate on that practice, so it's only half as exciting as it sounds.
By normal measurement the average Towncars fan is mid 50 with 100 pounds over the advised weight.
The 2nd quarter stayed scoreless, with a lot of good battles in the trenches.
In the 3rd quarter did the Towncars construct a longer drive, which gave them a TD as great price.
Now 24:0 in front and with some already freezing men in the stands and lots of clothes on the sideline (the taken off clothes are thrown off the stands on the field, but since they are not THAT sporty, the throws are quite short) the Towncars got sloppy and fumbled late in the 3rd, which did setup a scoring drive by the Trappers.
They had settle for a field goal, and the Trappers fans were smart enough to keep their clothes on.
About 10 mins left in the 4th did the Towncars then had another good drive which led to a 56-yard field goal try, which was good.
Nobody was able to throw their next piece of clothes 56 yards, which was widely acknowledged with happy faces.
Lucky for most visitors no more scoring did happen, and the almost naked fans still had stuff on them, even some of it seemed to be just underpants and natural fur.
The Trappers got another chance when the Trappers did fumble again, but this chance was tarnished by not being able to get into scoring range and the last drive of the trappers did look good, but was meaningless.
At the end did Lincoln win 27:3 and the MVP was Esteban Cabrera with 161 yards for the Towncars.

Fredericksburg Comanches @ BobBoy Magpies
-> Game
-> Score: 0:9
The Fredericksburg Comanches had to show what they are able to do, after last week’s disaster.
They visited BobBoy Magpies, who were able to enlist 32691 fans, by providing ice cream and booze.
There were some confusions, whether kids were allowed to drink the booze, but after a longer discussion they had to settle for the Malaga-ice cream flavor, which seemed to be a good compromise.
The happy fans did see a terrific game, if you are a fan of punts and defense plays.
A lot of tackles and players stuffed at the line of scrimmage with force.
The Comanches were pushed with every drive a bit deeper in their own territory, which did result in a punt try, which landed after a short flight phase on their own 37.
Now in quite good position did the Magpies squeeze out one long run, after 2 plays for loss, and kicked a field goal from 46 yards out.
The following defense battles were marvelous, the fans did drink their booze and stayed happed, the kids did eat their ice cream and stayed happy and the Magpies returned a punt late in the 2nd quarter for a long distance to get into scoring range again. Great!
A few plays later the 49 yarder did go throw the poles and the Magpies did lead 6:0 at the half.
At halftime the supply on ice cream and booze was renewed and therefore the 2nd half was able to start with a much happier fan base.
Early in the 3rd quarter did the Magpies fumble the ball and gave the Comanches a great scoring opportunity.
They tried some runs but had to end the drive with a field goal try, which they missed from 37 yards.
Later the Magpies did fumble again and the Comanches returned the ball for 25 yards.
Again, in scoring range did Fredericksburg try a lot, but missed another field goal try, this time from 41 yards out.
Then came in the 4th quarter the coffin nail for the Comanches.
They had the ball back in excellent field position after a great punt return, made their 1st play of the drive and fumbled.
The Magpies took the ball and made nothing out of it but shifted the line of scrimmage position after their punt way back.
The Comanches tried everything to get into the game and that does cause errors.
They did fumble a bit later, which then did setup a field goal try a few plays later from 48 yards.
Magpies now 9:0 ahead, which they did secure 'til end of the game.
The fans were happy, the booze was empty and therefore the Magpies had to invite the Comanches on an ice cream cone, which was accepted.

Chelt Nam Bobbers @ Bretzfeld Bandits
-> Game
-> Score: 6:3
The new Bandits took on the field, with the Bobbers visiting.
All mushroom related drinks were banned in the stadium, only water and bread was allowed as snacks.
No wonder the fans were not happy.
33300 curses did flush the arena, all on the home team.
Not the best circumstances.
Later in the newspaper it was revealed that the government was close sending in special forces and feeding units to end the suffering.
But the Chancellor decided against it, point out that a bit self-containment could build character.
'I will put my characteristic fist in your characteristic teeth, you <censored>' was one of the more polite responses afterwards.
It seems that this actions by the Bandits management were a bit harsh and they will have to do a lot to win the fans back.
Especially because the actions on the field did leave the fans with tears in their eyes, even some did link that to the lack of alcohol.
It started quite well, with a Bobbers fumble mid-1st quarter, which the Bandits were able to convert to a 27 yard field goal.
'Damn lush players should have gone for the full score' was a nice comment on that great play.
Maybe the person was right, since later it was clear some points were missing.
Both teams did play good defense, which combined with water and bread did result in a hostile environment.
No wonder the Bandits did drop the ball late in the 2nd quarter and opened the game up for the Bobbers to tie the game.
The Bobbers did hit the 37 yarder and went with that score to the locker room to receive their share of water and bread.
Coming out of the locker room afterwards, the hostility of the game became almost like a constant itching, you cannot scratch away.
An unlucky Bandits player did drop the ball again in the 3rd quarter, resulting in some heavy shoving and pushing, but only the water boy got injured, when the bottles were thrown at him, once the situation was clear and all had time to breath a bit in a referee time out.
Later the team did apologies, which lifted the mood of the water boy instantly in his hospital bed.
Anyway, the Bobbers were able to hit a 25-yard field goal to take the lead and now the Bandits were in trouble.
Fueled only by water and bread did the team try a comeback, but that was denied.
Maybe the fans could have made a difference, but they were all gone home, to get something worth the effort.
Overall, a nice game, with a close result of 6:3 for the Bobbers.
The Water Boy was named MVP, even that choice was criticized later.

DAY OFF Morgantown Mad Dogs, Leverkusen Leopards, HAMBURG SEA LIONS, H2TAGIT4Q

Last edited on 2023-07-03 08:33:34 by jack6

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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2023-06-16 13:07:16 (ID: 100174823)  Edits found: 7 Report Abuse
3. GAMEDAY (FRI. 07.07.2023)
Lincoln Towncars @ Social Distance Runners
-> Game
-> Score: 20:10
The English Garden of the Social Distance Runners had 33156 fans watching when the Lincoln Towncars won the coin toss and started the 1st drive.
A bad punt after a 3-and-out and a good return did give the home team a good field position early and they did cash in by a 50-yarder to take the lead.
A few drives later did the Runners punt a booming kick right into the coffin corner to give the Towncars the ball on the 1-yard-line.
Next play the Runners did burst through the wall and tackled the ball carrier in the endzone. Safety.
And ithat was not the end of the Towncars misery.
Starting the 2nd quarter did the Runners again kick a great punt and nailed Lincoln again on the 1-yard-line.
Two plays later another Safety. The fans did party.
But the Runners did commit the 1st error of their game right on the next drive, 1st and 10, a run and a fumble they did lose.
A good return and a decent drive did tie the game at 7 when the Towncars made a TD and the ensuing kick.
The punting did start to limit Lincoln on the next drives, pushing them deeper and deeper in their own half, and giving the Runners better and better field position, which led to a late field goal try by the Runners, which was good from 40 yards.
The teams did split to the half and the English Garden Gardeners did sow their skills during halftime, and only a handful of them were injured during the excellent showing of skills on scissors, axes and saws.
Lucky for them the insurance does cover such incidents.
Start of the 3rd quarter did look good for the runners, but no scoring until the Towncars did break through and had a decent drive which ended with a 55-yard Field Goal and a tied game.
Next drive by the Runners was then the real melting point for the home team, it fell apart when on 2nd down the 2nd fumble of the game did happen.
The Towncars took the ball and went to the house to take the lead.
Both teams did fight strong and tough, but mid of the 4th quarter did then the Runners have another lost fumble and Lincoln tried to do the best and ran down the clock and kicked a field goal from 44 yards to win the 20:10.
The remaining time was just a big defense battle, with no team making a big difference, which secured the Lincoln win.
The Towncars DL Mihály Rusli, with a ton of tackles and a defense TD was named MVP.

BobBoy Magpies @ Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin
-> Game
-> Score 9:6 (OT)
The game which went into the books as the OH-THAT-CRAZY-ENGLISH-OT-GAME was between the BobBoy Magpies and Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin.
In good old English fashion had 32967 fans brought the scones, clotted cream and jam, while the desks did serve tea a black as it can be.
The ladies with enormous hats and wide fancy dresses, the men in smoking and top hats.
The teams on the field were a bit jealous on the big tea party in the stands, but they knew they had to play a game and had to hope some scones were still left afterwards.
Quite early did the Magpies fumble the ball and the thepitchhitchin kicked a Field Goal (46 yards) after some plays.
On the next drive did the Magpies tried their best to avenge the fumble, had a long drive, but decided to punt instead to try a 55-yarder.
A weak punt in the 2nd quarter by Melittlemenon did give BobBoy the ball in quite good position and after a few plays they did tie the game with a 43-yarder.
At halftime a fun polo game was fielded and the, at that time already quite stuffed, fans cheered with their fine porcelains cups with black tea. Hurray!
The football field was of course a mess afterwards, but the players did take it with sportsmanship.
Mid of the 3rd quarter did one of the BobBoy players stumble into a hole left by one of the horses, fumbled and Melittlemenon took the ball away.
Lucky for the player committing the fumble no injury happen when he fell into the 1 foot deep hole, which was somehow overseen.
Melittlemenon fooled a bit around with the ball but was unable to move much and settled for a 46-yard Field goal for the lead.
At the start of the 4th quarter did then BobBoy get the ball roughly at mid-field and made enough 1st downs and yards to get into scoring range.
The tied the game with a 41-yard kick, but a lot of time left.
The thepitchhitchin got the ball on the last few minutes and tried to get into field goal range but were unable to move the ball and punted with 30 ticks left to play.
A great return gave BobBoy another shot, but the 56-yard Field Goal try was missed.
So the game went into overtime.
A short break was given and while BobBoy did talk the tactics, did thepitchhitchin try some scones and jam from that entrusted person covered in sweet smoke and a smile on his lips.
'With this jam you can't go wrong' did he same, 'It's Space Jam'.
Well, the thepitchhitchin were hungry and the jam had really a nice flavor.
Melittlemenon won the toss and got the ball 1st.
But hey, what did happen then, some forward pass tries in unmotivated game situations.
The referees did turn the rule books, undecided what to do.
Meanwhile did BobBoy get the ball and tried it hard, but decided not to kick a 53-yarder, but did punt.
Melittlemenon did again pass with wide eyes, but were again stopped, so the referees did not throw a flag.
BobBoys did take the ball and moved enough to finish the game with a 50-yarder.
Donovan Richmond, the Magpies kicker, was named MVP.
After the game the Space-Jam-seller was taken in custody and Melittlemenon taken to the hospital and the BobBoys did enjoy the remaining scones.

Leverkusen Leopards @ Morgantown Mad Dogs
-> Game
-> Score 9:0
Morgantown had a black day on this gameday.
31315 fans were cheering and shouting, but it did not help much.
Leverkusen did play aggressive, tried a 55-yarder early, but missed it, but did hit a 51-yarder a bit later for the lead.
On the next drive, after a quite promising drive did the Mad Dogs fumble the ball away.
Lucky for them did the Leopards miss the 41-yard Field Goal try.
Morgantown did play good drives, but special teams did shoot them in their own foot. A 60-yard-return on a punt did hurt them heavily.
Again, they were lucky the Leopards did not get a score out of this (56-yard-kick-try no good), but it always cost them field position.
With 3:0 at halftime the fans waited for some scoring.
Lucky for them at half time a short show basketball game was presented, which finished after 15 minutes 125-134. Don't ask.
Then the defense did step on the field again, when the football game started again.
A great Leopard punt-return did again give Leverkusen a good position.
Morgantown did prevent a TD, but had to see a 20-yard-Field Goal going in.
A few drives later did the returner of the Leopards again make some yardage, setting up another Field Goal try from 50 yards, which was good.
Mid of the 4th quarter did Morgantown then get the ball in good position and moved it.
on 4th and 7, on the Leopards 38-yard line, did they then surprisingly decided to punt.
The fans did wonder, why not a 55-yard-field goal try? Or try for a 1st down? They were 9:0 down and not much left to play!
While the fans did shout, the Leopards made a strange play and suddenly a Leverkusen player was in the Morgantown endzone.
The referees did consult and decided on turnover and kick, thanks to a rule violation.
At the end did Morgantown not made any points and the fans did drown in alcohol to forget the embarrassing loss.
MVP were named Leopards Riste Mrvo and Petros Krüger with their 9 returns over 204 yards.

-> Game
-> Score: 6:17
33300 visitors came to see those two capital teams.
Prior the game a visitor’s game was held to suggest new teams name, with the 2 winners are 'I-SHALL-NOT-ABUSE-THE-CAPSLOCK' and 'hamburg krill'.
Well, in the 1st quarter did H2TAGIT4Q first a CAPITAL FG-kick from 61 yards out, but kicked it in a CAPITAL manner TOO SHORT.
The SEA LIONS got by that the ball mid-field but were unable to get it off their CAPITAL mystacial vibrissae. Must have been a habit.
The ball went on between both parties and only early in the 2nd quarter did H2TAGIT4Q get a decent drive going, sealing it with a nice 47-yard Field Goal and a CAPITAL DANCE!
At HALFTIME did then the CAPITAL MARCHING BAND show a CAPITAL SHOW, featuring CAPITAL FIGURES and some great tunes, which turned out were played CAPITAL WRONG, since someone made a CAPITAL MISTAKE mixing the notes.
But overall, it was CAPITAL FUN.
The 3rd quarter started with a CAPITAL FAUL PLAY, when H2TAGIT4Q did pass the football on 3rd and 4 and the receiver did WIGGLE himself through some unknown territory to the endzone.
A review by the referees and 33300 side judges reveals FAUL PLAY and it was ruled NO SCORE.
Fueled by this, and after several drives on getting into the mood, did the SEA LIONS then have a CAPITAL DRIVE, crowned by a TOUCHDOWN and a CAPITAL DANCE!
After a few bad plays by H2TAGIT4Q did the SEA LIONS had another GREAT .. sorry .. CAPITAL DRIVE and finished that one with a 23-yard-field goal and this time only a tiny dance, since they had hoped for more.
Later the SEA LIONS did fumble the ball and gave H2TAGIT4Q a good field position.
They started the CAPITAL COMEBACK only to fall flat after 3 tries and had to settle for a field goal from 53-yards. This was not a CAPITAL one, since it did not help much.
But still a close match.
When H2TAGIT4Q got the ball back with about a minute left, all were on their feet and bite their nails.
But another CAPITAL FUMBLE did seal the game for the SEA LIONS.
They returned the ball for a CAPITAL TOUCHDOWN and won the game 17:6.
MVP was named SEA LIONS Pairat Vanich with 19 tackles, 3 for a loss and that crucial CAPITAL FUMBLE RETURN TOUCHDOWN.
See you soon on another CAPITAL GAMEDAY.

Constanta Ravens @ Braska Bangers 09
-> Game
-> Score: 3:9
It was a sunny day in Braska when 30706 people did visit the game between the Ravens and the Bangers.
They had some entertainment with them, like puzzles and hockey sticks to not getting bored.
And .... well, let's say, they were happy about it.
The game started with several 3-and-outs, but did see after a bad punt and a bad drive a good kick for 52 yards and a 3:0 lead by the Bangers.
Then came a lot of shoving and trying in the trenches, while the fans were playing hockey up the hill, or down the hill and lost only a few balls by bad passes.
Funny side fact was the game in the stands was 0:0 while the Ravens missed a field goal try from 51 yards out mid-2nd quarter.
After a Ravens fumble did the Bangers then miss the chance for a TD, during which the hockey game by the fans was halted.
The 25-yard field goal did cap the drive and the hockey game continued.
On the field 6:0 Bangers at halftime, in the stands 0:0.
That proves it's more existing to participate than to watch.
All non-participating fans did try to solve the strange puzzles brought with them, but the wind did not do them favor and some pissed passes by the hockey teams did destroy most of the progress.
Well, this could work out better.
It took almost the whole 3rd quarter to get the Bangers back in field goal range and they did hit the goal post, but the ball bounced in from 39 yards in total (not from the goal post) and the Bangers did lead 9:0.
Meanwhile the hockey teams did switch to an improvised fencing contest, which turned out to be a stupid idea.
The injures did pile up and did become 100 time for then on the field.
The referee had enough and confiscated the sticks, which resulted only in brawl for the puzzle pieces.
All fans were ejected and the now the game could continue.
Early in the 4th quarter did then the Ravens kick a field goal from 48 yards, which did unfortune for them not turn out to be the start of a comeback try.
instead, the game went on without highlights, while outside the ejected visitors did continue the brawl, mostly because the puzzle were incomplete and frustration was high.
The final result was 252 injured people and Bangers winning 9:3.
MVP was named the guy who did collect all the missing pieces from the stands and after a period of 6 weeks all puzzles would be complete again, which was named a miracle.
A stone was erected to the unknown guy, named the puzzle savior.

DAY OFF Alaskan Fur Trappers, Bretzfeld Bandits, Fredericksburg Comanches, Chelt Nam Bobbers

Last edited on 2023-07-10 09:04:25 by jack6

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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

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Posts: 7196
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posted: 2023-06-16 13:07:37 (ID: 100174824)  Edits found: 6 Report Abuse
4. GAMEDAY (FRI. 14.07.2023)
Morgantown Mad Dogs @ hamburg krill (HSL)
-> Game
-> Score: 0:9
The HAMBURG SEA LIONS did decide to adapt the team’s name to 'hamburg krill (HSL)' thanks to the fans vote on last gameday.
The fans were more than happy and 33300 did come to watch the game against the Mad Dogs.
According to the new nickname the krill did send the whole team, plus staff, plus security, plus any other people off the field for the coin toss, since the swarm is ALL.
Any attempt to include the 33300 spectators were declined by the refs, who did write a complain to the commissioner afterwards.
Likely we will see a rule change here.
The Dogs won the toss, and 5 minutes later, when the last person was off the field, a brief check on the field quality was done and the refs did again hammer it in on the home team that only 11 players would be allowed on each play the kickoff was performed.
The touchback was the sign to start the defense battle.
The Mad Dogs were slightly pushed backwards drive by drive, by plays and special teams and when krill took over with roughly 4 minutes left in the 1st quarter, they managed to get closer and kicked a booming 55-yard-Field-Goal.
The new mascot, the looking like a funny krill, unfortune colored in flesh color, did show the 'tail-shovel-dance' which was later described as naughty and dirty.
Well ... the fans still liked it.
The 2nd quarter was dominated by the great drive of the krill, starting deep in their own territory and showing some excellent runs leading to a nice kick try from 47 yards, which was good.
The remaining 2nd quarter was all trench work with not much gain at all.
At halftime the mascot, already in the fans speech called 'pranky prawn', even it does not reflect the exact species, did show his best impersonation of Josefine Baker, but using fish instead of bananas.
The fans did like it, even it did smell badly afterwards.
The 3rd quarter was all trench-work, except that one scene when somehow the ball did wobble through the air, a Mad Dogs player did take it and ran to the house.
Big cheer on the Mad Dogs sideline, while the refs did, under heavy protest by every krill player, staff, fan and security, recap the play and when the side judge did reveal a foul play, the so-badly-wanted Touchdown was taken off the board.
The Mad Dogs furious, except that one player who knew he DID commit a foul play but thought to get through with it.
Both teams did fight to the teeth (or whatever krill do have instead) but the Mad Dogs did again lose the battle for yards.
With 10 minutes left to play, krill did again have a good enough longer drive to set up another field goal try, from 48 yards, and it was good.
The rest of the game was overshadowed by the comic dance moves of the mascot on the sideline, while on the field the teams did exchange punts.
At the end of the game it was revealed, the mascots name is still in discussion, but that it would reflect the species.
So, no prawn then.
MVP was name the OL of the krill. A nick name for them was not revealed.

Bretzfeld Bandits @ Social Distance Runners
-> Game
-> Score: 3:10
Kottan and Buziano did shake hands after the game, mid field.
33255 fans had seen a spectacular game.
Bretzfeld Bandits had the first drive, didn't make it and the Social Distance Runners took the ball on their 1st play and fumbled it away.
The fans on the fences already, when the Bandits did return the ball and finally were stopped on the 18-yard line.
A hard-fought drive did start, the Bandits moved the ball a few yards, got even a 1st down, put were forced to settle for a field goal from 26 yards.
The Runners go the ball back but were stopped fast and after the punt did the Bandits have a good return, giving them great field position, again.
This time the drive sputtered and the field goal kick from 55 yards did miss.
Lots of groundwork with no big gains afterwards.
The quarter went by, the next started, no big play, no highlights, until the returner of the Runners did finally GET their nick name and ran, ran, and ran.
The return was stopped, but deep in Bandits territory.
Social Distance took that opportunity and with several stopped plays, but also 2 bigger runs did they make the 22 yards and scored a touchdown.
Runners up 7:3.
At halftime the 'Magnetic Mermaid' wobbled on the field and showed some spoon-do-fly-to-me-from-far-distances-tricks, all while she was watered in a big shower.
That part of the field would not dry until the game went on.
The Mermaid was ok for entertainment, but people were disappointed by the performance overall, 'too many shells on important areas'.
Well, guys, it's a family entertainment show, not adult entertainment.
The 3rd quarter was dominated by the exchanges of punts and returns, but once the ran on their 1st play of the drive, slipped on the wet area of the field and fumbled the ball away.
Lucky them, the Runners were unable to cash anything in out of it.
Now 4th quarter, Bandits more aggressive, playing on 4th and 4 deep in Runners territory, but failed.
Was that a missed opportunity?
You never know.
A bit later had the Runners again a good return and got a field goal out of their good field position, from 44 yards.
Bandits under pressure, how to turn the game?
The players tried ... something, which led to ... something else and suddenly the Bandits player was in the endzone.
The refs did call for ... something! Sorry, we did not hear it, it was so loud!
But the play was reversed.
Frustrated fans did leave already, while both teams did still play.
Finally, the game ended with 10:3 Runners.
The Mermaid, also known for para-normal-psych-something later said, that IF that score would have been given, the game would have gone into overtime, but would have been won by a dominant run from the Runners on 1st drive.
Well ... that's something.
MVP was named Choonhavon Panomyaong with 13 tackles, 7 for loss and 2 forced fumbles.

Chelt Nam Bobbers @ Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin
-> Game
-> Score: 11:0
Chelt Nam Bobbers at Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin, that means tough vs tougher.
But nobody knows for sure which is which.
At least the uniforms do differ, which did help the referees.
It started all nice with some brawl at coin toss, which led to a fine struggle and secret punches below the waist on the 1st few play.
After the punt, same procedure as before with exchanged roles.
But the Bobbers punter, likely the only person on the field keeping an eye on the game, kicked a fantastic kick, right into the left corner of the field and the endzone and the ball was named out of bounce on the 2-yard line.
While all players did watch the ball astonished, the punter lost a tooth by an accidental collision with an opponent’s fist.
Next few plays, and the ball carrier was buried in his own endzone, discussion on a grave stone or just a plate on the ground is ongoing.
Still Bobbers got the lead 2:0.
The fine fair play with occasionally blood loss on both sides did carry on until the 2nd quarter started, with no highlights, which was heavily criticized by the 'London Brawl Magazine'.
But the 2nd quarter started with a longer drive by the Bobbers, which resulted in a 55-yard field goal.
The deciding play on the drive was the scene when the center did catch the nose guard under the chin and pushed him with a stretched neck downfield, which allowed a first down play.
Later, with some minor injuries on both sides, had the Bobbers another field goal try from 51 yards, which did hit the goal post and not in.
The remaining minutes were dominated by some nice handwork, surprisingly only a few times near the eyes, but no penalties were given.
At halftime the steel workers from near factory did present their after-work-party-workout, on which only the refs are allowed to wear protectors.
The fans did love it and demanded a professional league, which was so far not possible, since the health insurance was unable to be covered.
The 3rd quarter started with a long Bobbers drive, where the OL had some nice crunch work on the DLs and LBs of thepitchhitchin.
When finally the bloody train was halted, the Bobbers did kick a 53-yard Field Goal.
Later did thepitchhitchin fumble the ball, and while the players did pile up to secure the ball, the guy with the ball down below did gain some punches and friendly fists.
Well, Bobbers got the ball, but got nothing out of it.
The 4th quarter did have another missed field goal by the Bobbers, strangely the holder had a shoe print in his face, but nobody had seen the act.
The refs did warn all, to play according to the rules, which was agreed.
On the Bobbers drive the bloody train did again gain some steam and was close the goal line but was stopped for a 23-yard Field Goal.
The holder smile with his left teeth and showed the victory sign.
Final result was Bobbers 11:0, with no penalties thrown.
The refs did congratulate themselves for the fair game, the players did grunt each other on mid field.
MVP was named the kicker Lonnie Renner, with 3 made field goal, and 2 missed once.
The Punter did object, but was overruled by a left hand slugger.

Alaskan Fur Trappers @ Fredericksburg Comanches
-> Game
-> Score: 0:10
Both teams were in need of a win, the Comanches a bit more than the Fur Trappers.
32478 fans did see the unofficial trophy of the game brought onto the field by an old Conestoga wagon.
The SCALP-OR-FUR-Trophy did shine in fine silver and featured all previous winners names, none.
The 1st 20 minutes of gametime was all watch-for-everything-gain-nothing when both teams did try to find holes in the opponents’ defense but found only hard hits.
But then the Comanches did dig out the battle axe and started their drive after a good return already in field goal range.
Fredericksburg gained some yards, roughly 25, but were stopped on the 9-yard-line and decided to kick a 26-yarder for the lead.
On the next drive by the Trappers the team had a big run and made it into scoring range, tried a field goal, but missed the 49-yarder and instead did hit the Conestoga wagon driver, who was send into hospital. It did turn out he was OK, just stupid anyway.
The 3rd quarter was then again, all hide-and-seek, with both offenses hiding behind the lines gaining nothing and the defense seeking for the biggest hits possible, which did happen most of the time.
Then in 4th quarter, the highlight of the game, starting on their own 11-yard line the Comanches found their inner spirit guide, turning out to be a Buffalo. Play on play the runners did run, often gained a big chunk of yardage and pushing the Trappers backwards and backwards again.
With less than 3 minutes to go José 'HE-WHO-SPLITS-HEADS' Merino punched himself into the endzone and sealed the win for his tribe 10:0.
MVP was named the Conestoga wagon driver.
The Comanches did carve their name all over the trophy, which leaves not much space for the next matchup.

Leverkusen Leopards @ H2TAGIT4Q
-> Game
-> Score: 9:0
Leverkusen Leopards did visit H2TAGIT4Q, who brought in 31655 fans for support.
Leopards started slow, gave the ball away by punt and H2TAGIT4Q managed to gain some yards on their 1st drive.
A bold kicking try on 55 yard for a Field Goal were short, so the game went on scoreless.
After several back and forth drives with no big gains did then the Leopards fumble the ball in the 2nd quarter.
H2TAGIT4Q did have a good return and were close to the Leopards endzone but failed on 3rd and 2 to gain yards and tried a field goal from 28 yards.
Unfortune the kicker missed again.
Late in the 2nd quarter did then the Leopards try a trick-play, resulting in an 80-yard touchdown.
But the play was reversed after consulting with the refs and the rule book.
So, scoreless to the halftime-show, which did field Chapman and his dancing Capybaras.
The big rodents did show all kind of tricks, which did confuse the live mascot of the Leopards completely.
Spotty, the Leopard, did pull off his chain and the carnage did only stop when his belly was so full that he was unable to walk.
Satisfied he pulled of a nap, while Chapman complained by the Leopards head coach regarding his giant rats.
The Leopards did point him to the organization and started playing again.
A great punt return did give the Leopards excellent field position and after a few tries to gain yardage, they did settle for a 43-yard field goal.
Next drive by H2TAGIT4Q resulted in another punt and another good return by the Leopards.
Again, they were close scoring, this time even managed to get some 1st downs, but were forced to kick a 56-yard-boomig-Field-Goal.
H2TAGIT4Q tried a lot, but again were the Leopards the lucky team, getting a good drive together start of the 4th quarter which did eat away a lot of time and resulted in another Field Goal, this time from 28 yards out.
H2TAGIT4Q prevented a touchdown but were down 0:9.
With roughly 5 minutes left to play, after a short H2TAGIT4Q-drive, the Leopards did try another tricky play, but were whistled down and got a harsh penalty.
After that the game went on, where the Leopards did secure the win.
They did carry their still sleeping mascot to the bus and drove off.
MVP was named Hüseyin Schmidt with 3 successful Field Goals.

DAY OFF Constanta Ravens, Lincoln Towncars, Braska Bangers 09, BobBoy Magpies

Last edited on 2023-07-17 09:05:57 by jack6

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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

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Posts: 7196
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posted: 2023-06-16 13:07:56 (ID: 100174825)  Edits found: 7 Report Abuse
5. GAMEDAY (FRI. 21.07.2023)
Morgantown Mad Dogs @ Constanta Ravens
-> Game
-> Score: 5:6
It was a day with purple light when the game was close to kickoff. The sun did set slowly and 32110 did enjoy the atmosphere.
Constanta Ravens won the coin toss and wanted the ball.
Morgantown Mad Dogs did kick off and the Ravens decided to return, instead of letting it bounce off and likely to get into the endzone.
On the 21-yard line was the returner tackled and the first drive did start.
Shortly after 3 plays and a punt the 2nd one did start, then after another 3-and-out the third and so on.
The fans still enjoyed the funny light of the sky, did not worry about the plays, knowing the game will be decided by some special plays and those do normally not happen that easy.
Some strange cocktail in hand did every fan make the best on the happening, chatted with his neighbor, played with the kids (who had no cocktail) and waited patiently for the first big play.
Well, close the end of the 1st quarter did finally the Mad Dogs make a 1st down on the ground, and even another one.
Cocktails are raised to the sky to salute the warriors, then <ka-ching> the glasses are slightly put against each other, and the 1st quarter is over.
The drive ended on the 1st play of the 2nd quarter with a punt, put into the coffin corner, at the 1-yard-line.
The fans are happy, not sure it's because of the play, the cocktails, or the great sun set, still slowly darkening the purple with every minute.
Next play the Mad Dogs Defense makes a play and scores a Safety.
The ball given back to the Dogs is worthless, a few 3-and-outs later the Ravens do get their first down in the game <ka-ching>, but with no effect on the game.
Slowly the sky gets darker and the battle for field position is raging on, with the Ravens getting a long run suddenly short before the break.
Another good run a l t e r they do pray to God and kick a 56-yard Field Goal with 30 ticks left and MADE IT! <ka-ching>!
The 3rd quarter, now with a deep purple sky and a very funny mood fan base, starts with no highlights, balls are exchanged on punts after short drives.
It took roughly 10 minutes until the Mad Dogs made likely the most capital error of the game, fumbling the ball while in scoring range.
The Ravens took the ball and returned it for 34 yards.
Now they are in scoring range and a few plays later they kick another Field Goal, from 47 yards.
The Mad Dogs race on the field after the ensuing kickoff and now the reports do split up into several opinions.
One side did see, a pass play, and 78 yards later a TD.
Another one did see some trick play and 78 yards later a TD.
And others did see some miracle run with a TD.
Now almost black and for some reasons with no lights available bigger than storm lamps for lighthouse workers, the refs did consult each other, compared the stories and decided on illegal forward pass with some strange twist resulting in a loss of ball possession.
The commissioner was later consulted, and he did, after studding very carefully the almost black on black film of the game, it's OK.
So no TD and the game went on.
Mid-4th quarter then a scoring chance for the Mad Dogs, roughly 6 minutes left to play.
They decided to kick and made the 47-yarder, still hoping to get that last chance to turn things around.
To make things short, it did not happen.
The game ended 6:5 for the home team, the fans were guided (by the storm lamps) through the pitch-black stadium and were left alone outside the stadium.
Rumor is, some do still wander around at the area, since they did not find home and got crazy.
MVP was named Iulian Roman, the Ravens OLB, forcing the crucial fumble.

hamburg krill (HSL) @ Braska Bangers 09
-> Game
-> Score: 3:0
Thanks the new sponsor of the Braska Bangers, GOOD-MOOD-PHARMA, and the free samples before the game, especially HAPPY-WIFE and CHILLED-DAD, were the 32933 fans all surprised to have such a wonderful time on a such boring game.
When later films of the game were shown, the viewers were at 91% sure, it's one of the most boring games ever, still the fans were singing, dancing, shouting and some parts were blurred out.
hamburg krill (HSL) @ Braska Bangers 09 became the synonym for 'Bring me another sample, please' and of course boring drives.
Even the fumbles in the game, usually the most fun part with all jumping on each other, were recovered by the offense, which did spoil the fun, except for the fans.
The 1st quarter, scoreless, the 2nd quarter ended basically with a 55-yard-Field-Goal-try, but it was missed, since the kicker had also some samples before the game.
Mid-3rd-quarter then finally a long drive by the krill, which did turn out to be deciding. Starting from their own 18 they made it to scoring range and kicked a 53-yarder for the win.
The fans cheered, but only to the sample-man, who did bring in the next round.
The remaining game was highlighted by showing, pushing and almost no progress, and at the end did Braska try the unthinkable, a 58-yard-Field-Goal to tie the game, but did only hit the sample-man, who tried to give something to the ref.
The kicker of krill was named the MVP, all had already forgotten his name, including the kicker himself, later than revealed to be David Lindblom.
The league did review the events of the game and inside the stadium and did order to cancel the contract with GOOD-MOOD-PHARMA, being too good to be true, hence false.
The company then went on to sponsor soccer, where they are still in business.

Leverkusen Leopards @ Lincoln Towncars
-> Game
-> Score: 0:3
It was costume-day at Lincoln and every fan in the stands, roughly 31097, did come up with a nice costume.
Since only family friendly costumes were allowed the horror and say 'exotic' costumes were outside tailgating, which did look like some sort of weird horror movie, were the monsters might grill and eat the sexy victims, or all join for a big feast.
Inside the stadiums were a lot of plush and color, so fluffy and bright, you might think you are on a trip.
Unfortune the mascots of the teams got lost inside the fan base, after some stage diving, they did not return and were later found, happy, on the tailgating ground with some burgers.
'We were hungry' was the excuse, before they got fired.
On the field the 1st half was all back and forth, without any highlights.
Bones were shattered, jaws deformed, helmets destroyed. An awfully physical game, all covered by an army of fluffy fans.
Late 3rd quarter, the Leopards RB again tries to get more than a hit on the line of scrimmage and gets hit hard, fumbles and the ball is recovered by Lincoln.
Leopards defense does their best, but were unable to prevent the 45-yard-Field-Goal-kick, which was good.
A bit later did Lincoln fumble but recovered it on their own and secured the lead by that.
The 4th quarter, the fans were already in fluffy-fun-mood and enjoyed the game (for whatever reason).
Singing, dancing, fluffying, whatever!
And the Leopards got uncomfortable with the scenes.
All too much, all too fluffy.
Late in the 4th quarter it happened, the QB took the ball, shouted 'fluffy' as it would be a strange audible, faked a handoff, faked a run, faked a pitch, avoided a tackled and then the fall was in the air, no one had really seen how it happened, the ball did bounce of the refs hat, then of some Lincoln players, then of the Leopards players, again on a ref, then in the arms of a defender in the endzone. Touchback.
Some did see, for a short moment, a fluffy endzone turf monster, but that was likely all the mood and the drama and the whatever...
The QB was given some shock therapy and was able to play to the end, but likely this will take time to digest the happening.
'fluffy' - oh my god.
The game did go and ended with a 3:0 win by Lincoln.
The liner Mihály Rusli of Lincolns Defense, causing the fumble, was named MVP.
And some guy costumed as Architeuthis, the giant squid, in original size of 6 foot for the main body and 60 foot for the tentacles, was named best suited fluffy guy.

H2TAGIT4Q @ BobBoy Magpies
-> Game
-> Score: 3:28
When Pete's team wants a beating, they get it!
Based on the line 'You want the beat? You get beaten!'
That doesn't make sense but looks nice on T-Shirts.
32419 people did see the Magpies makes the best out of the situation, which can only be described as 'Beat yourself' which is likely the best way to get the beating you want, since everyone knows, 'If you want it done in a good way, do it yourself'.
It did not start well for the Magpies, fumbling the ball away on their 1st drive, allowing H2TAGIT4Q to play a bit around and kick a Field Goal from 39 yards out.
After that ... it went downhill for the H2TAGIT4Q.
With less than 4 minutes left to play in the 1st quarter did the Magpies have a great return, which allowed them a good Field Goal kick from 33 yards to tie the game.
Then start of the 2nd Quarter, a H2TAGIT4Q fumble on their 1st play of the drive, giving the Magpies another great position to kick.
From 39 yards, all good.
A bit later the 1st time the Magpies have made some progress and to get into scoring range on their own, but the 50-yarder did miss it.
No problem, H2TAGIT4Q not done beating themselves did fumble a few plays a l t e r and this time the Magpies took the ball and returned it to the house!
All happy in the stands.
13:3 at halftime, but the best was still coming.
Of course, I'm talking not about the halftime show, featuring a bunch of 50 catholic monks, all naked, with Cat o' nine tails armed, whipping themselves on the back to ensure the purge of their sins.
This might have some symbolic reference, but overall, they were just laughingstock to be such fools and the number of Catholics in the area did decline afterwards.
So, no good marketing here.
No, I'm talking about a drive early in the 3rd quarter, H2TAGIT4Q roughly 5 yards away from their own endzone, when they did fumble again, and Magpies did again carry the ball back to the house.
Then, a bit later, again a start deep in their own red zone, H2TAGIT4Q was brought down in their own endzone, for a Safety.
And again, a bit later, late in the 3rd quarter, H2TAGIT4Q had to punt again and the Magpies took the ball on the return and stormed the field only to be stopped after 44 yards.
This gave them a chance to hit another Field Goal, yet from 46 yards. That gave them 12 unanswered points in the quarter.
Mid-4th quarter did them the Magpies against manage to get into scoring range by gaining some yardage while starting already in a good position and they did kick the last Field Goal of the match from 49 yards out for the final score of 28:3.
MVP was named Donovan Richmond, the kicker, with 4 successful kicks.

Social Distance Runners @ Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin
-> Game
-> Score: 6:3
When the Social Distance Runners did visit Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin, nobody did see it the game itself.
Yes, 32093 fans had entered the stadium, but the view on the field was limited by white lanes of unknown material, basically blocking everything.
'We thought we try something different this week' did the vice president, now unemployed, say to the press.
His boss was on vacation, and he did take the opportunity to create the biggest shadow play theater in UK.
Big bulbs did light the white lanes from within the playing field, which did irritate the players, but their protest was overruled, and several figures were held with sticks between the lanes and the bulbs to create shadow avatars for the visitors.
The scenes shown were, a bit time shifted, representations of the actions on the field.
After a few minutes the white lanes can only be described as dirty lanes, spilled with beer, food, and whatever was available, but the vice present was confident the people would enjoy it.
Truth is, 2 art students DID enjoy it, but the rest was unsatisfied.
The persons playing the avatars did their best to cover the action on the fields, the struggles, the 1st fumble in 1st quarter, recovered by the fumbling team, greatly displayed with an touch of art noir, the long drive of thepitchhitchin late in the 1st which was capped by the 55 yard Field Goal starting the 2nd quarter, only 2 minutes after the real kick did happen and the joy of the player was heard.
The fumble by thepitchhitchin, which was lost and the nothing, unbelievable artfully displayed by a black hole swallowing the whole team, the Runners got out of it, and the drama of the Runners fumble close to scoring range, which did was also lost and ended the half with another black hole.
At halftime did the fans reload on throwing material. The desk workers later say 'we liked the white lanes, it did double our revenue, since the people did buy a load for themselves and one to throw. We should do this more often'. Well, that's short-term capitalism at its best.
Now on spilled and dirty colored lanes the 3rd quarter was the highlight of the game, even only an artful interpretation was seen.
Mid-3rd-Quarter another thepitchhitchin fumble, lost, shown as a car crashing against a fluffy something which could be interpretated as nonsense or the big mother cat of the cult of Bastet, new edition. Regardless, the ball was lost, and the Runners did kick a 45-yarder, black-flaming melon through a set of forks, to tie the game.
Only 2:30 left in the game and thepitchhitchin did again fumble the ball, big pancake splattered over the sky, and lost it in their red zone.
The Runners did play a bit around, tried to prolong the drive, but had to kick, from 38-yard, to win the game.
The 4th quarter on the field was all back and forth, the fans had enough and began to tear down the lanes, resulting in a lot of goo on the people and a lot of angry faces.
The puppeteers were left unharmed, the vice president was fed the melon of the field goal try and send home.
As far as all know, he left the city to become a director somewhere else.
The game was then shown in a local cinema from film, but the response was low, no wonder the home team did lose the game and who wants to see that again?
MVP was named the special effect artist letting the pancake exploding. Even everyone hated the show, that was widely accepted as 'cool'

DAY OFF Alaskan Fur Trappers, Bretzfeld Bandits, Fredericksburg Comanches, Chelt Nam Bobbers

Last edited on 2023-07-24 09:04:57 by jack6

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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

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Posts: 7196
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posted: 2023-06-16 13:08:13 (ID: 100174826)  Edits found: 8 Report Abuse
6. GAMEDAY (FRI. 28.07.2023)
Braska Bangers 09 @ Morgantown Mad Dogs
-> Game
-> Score: 10:16 (OT)
Oh, what a confusion on the sideline of the Bangers - Mad Dogs game.
31297 people in the stands just wondering what the heck was going on.
The Commissioner did later reveal a statement saying that they 'are fully confident in the referees’ rulings and that the game was very well judged.'
Comments from fans were, they believe the referee 'is toast.'
Well, we will see.
It all started as expected, 2 lines crushing against each other, no room for comedy and good wishes.
A very confident kicker tried a 55-yarder late-1st-quarter but did only hit the referee at the goal post, unfortune in quite valuable regions. Autsch.
The brave ref did bravely signal the missed kick and collapsed on the field afterwards, holding his ... treasures.
Then, after a quite defense driven 2nd-quarter, shortly before the break, a crucial fumble by the Bangers, mid-field.
The runner did try to recover, but the ball did bounce in his face, which provided a funny moment and a missed recovery try.
Instead, the ball did bounce from his face into the hands of a big man of the defense, who did run the ball 51-yards with a defender on his back, which was ruled as missed tackle, into the endzone.
While running the guy on the back did try to shake the defender to the ground, but it only looked like a squirrel tries to tackle a tree.
After halftime did the Dogs then have their moment of unhappiness, when they fumble the ball in their own red-zone, the ball did bounce from butt to butt and head to head, all players did try to catch it but only were hit in the face (or butt) and when finally the ball was caught, the defense linemen took of into the wrong direction, but a clumsy tackle try by the tight end did turn him into the right direction and the linemen stumbled into the endzone to score TD.
Later the Bangers came close enough to score a 53-yarder to get ahead.
Now in 4th quarter it was all crush-and-kiss again. Well, more crush, less kiss, but we just wanted to have also some good news here, both teams trying very hard and the Mad Dogs did construct a longer drive late in the 4th to set up a 41-yard Field Goal try, which was good to tie the game.
Bangers already a bit confused, lost the football again after a very strange fumble, when a squirrel (a real one, no metaphor here), entered the ground, followed by several scientists (how are they called, squirrelontolists?) claiming they found a new species, the players already in pursuit of the next play were distracted, the ball did bounce away towards the endzone and it did hit the squirrel, which did let it bounce back, where a defender did fell on it.
The squirrel surprised, the Bangers angry a fumble out of bounce would not mean turnover, the scientists angry, because the squirrel might have died, the refs angry just for fun and the fans angry, because nobody did tell what the hell was going on.
Well, the Dogs got the ball in scoring range, tried with 6 ticks left a 40-yard Field Goal and did HIT THE SQUIRREL AGAIN!
We go into OT, after a short brawl, where the scientist did learn that being angry against football player, who just missed the game winning Field Goal, might be OK, but trying to hit them might be a career ending decision.
Now the aggressive mood of the game when into overdrive, the Dogs did play rough, the Bangers a bit restrained. After some drives, the Dogs did fumble the ball (classic way, no squirrel involved) and the Bangers did recover, but unable to do something with it.
And finally, after a short Dogs drive, did the Bangers fumble the ball, which did bounce unfortune again into the private areas of the already banged up ref, a Mad Dog LB recovered, did shake of refs and Bangers and scored the game winning TD.
MVP was name the poor referee.

Bretzfeld Bandits @ Lincoln Towncars
-> Game
-> Score: 6:6
"So, what do we have here?"
"Bretzfeld Bandits at Lincoln Towncars."
"Aha, and how many did see the damn game?"
"Well, we have 30514 paid cards reported to us, plus the players, the staff, security, salespersons, cleaning personal, ..."
"It would have been enough to say 'quite a lot', thanks. God damn it.
How could that happen?"
"We believe the referee was a bit ... confused."
"God damn it!"
"The 1st quarter was OK, the Towncars did fumble after some boring drives and Bandits did recover. Of course, this did not help them much, but the 46-yard Field Goal was good."
"Sure? Not that THIS was also a bad call."
"No, this was OK. The shit did hit the fan in 2nd quarter."
"Great! Man. What did the urine test reveal on the referee?"
"Negative. But we can only test on so many substances. We believe he was just tired after a whore house tour in Lincoln the whole night."
"God damn it, he is 76! How did he manage to do THAT?"
"he is old, sure, but that mean he knows how to do it, right? Called experience."
"But what about the stamina? I mean .... "
"Likely that did bite him during the game."
"So that was the confusing play then, which he did allow."
"Yes. Towncars were in the fence."
"And rightly so! But the game went on, right?"
Yes, Sir, the game went on, in 3rd quarter the Towncars had a good drive and score a field goal from 38-yard-line, and after a Bangers fumble, they scored another Field Goal from 37 yards. And in the 4th quarter, a quite boring one again, did the Bandits get a good field position and ended a longer drive with a 43-yard Field Goal."
"And that was the moment it became clear the white head had problems, right?"
"Yes, we think he had some sort of flashback of the night and started to take of the clothes."
"The game went on, to the end?"
"Hmm, yes, the white head was brought to a secured area, where not many were able to see him, he was put into blanked and fell asleep shortly after. Another ref did jump in as new white head and the game did end with no additional happenings."
"And then the protest did start, again."
"Yes, the Towncars had lost 6:13, but only because of the strange play. But the major had a good compromise."
The major, he?"
"Yes, it did turn out the major AND the Towncars holding shares of all whore houses of the town and the white head had spent ... a lot, so at the end both teams did agree, to avoid a rematch and to bring up all those ... connections to the press, to void the play and to settle for the tied game of 6:6."
"What a mess ..."
"Yes, Sir."
"And the old white head?"
"He did decide to retire. Said he found the love of his live in the whore houses, he just can't remember which one and he might have to search for a while."
"Jezzzzzzz ...."

BobBoy Magpies @ Chelt Nam Bobbers
-> Game
-> Score 3:0
BobBoy Magpies at Chelt Nam Bobbers.
That means 2 tough teams facing against each other.
The Bobbers had activated 32368 fans, gave them some toys for cheering, like spiked clubs, lead-filled socks and some strange stony thingies, looking like those maori weapons out of jade, only here made of granite.
Nice gifts. But unfortune, no fans from the Magpies did show up, so the fans were getting bored fast.
It did not help that the game did feature almost no highlights.
In the 1st quarter did the Magpies manage to build up a long drive, crowned by a 44-yard Field Goal to take the lead.
Unrest did spread in the fans ranks, but only the fan toys were raised on anger.
Late in the 2nd quarter did the Magpies try another Field Goal, 49 Yards, but did miss it.
Cheers from the ranks, but still angry.
The 3rd and almost the entire 4th quarter was with no highlights, and it started in the ranks some friendly chopping, only on legs and arms.
Very fast 32368 parties did build themselves and it became a nice chop or be chopped fan event.
Only when the Bobbers did get the ball after a weaker punt almost in scoring range, the fan event was halted, but when, after a small gain of yardage, the Bobbers did miss the 52 Yard Field Goal to tie the game, the fan event went into overdrive.
At the end, 32368 slightly injured people were counted, all happy.
MVP was named the people of the Red Cross, who volunteered for the game, and who did make the fan event a full success, since nobody did die.
The Bobbers manager did say later 'we did our best to keep the lethal weapons outside', which was acknowledged in a good manner.

H2TAGIT4Q @ Alaskan Fur Trappers
-> Game
-> Score: 20:0
The Trappers did bow their head in shame, when they realized they just have beaten the wrong team, in the wrong discipline.
Instead of facing off against H2TAGIT4Q, who did show up at the home field of the Trappers, but were unbale to find the home team, the Trapper had traveled to the Mice Longtails on the other end of the town, a peewee team playing that new version of fuuutbaallllll, with passes and so on.
The Trappers were so happy during the game, scoring a 35 points, that they only realized the error after the game, that they did beat a team of 10-year-old-girls-team in a close one.
"No party before a game anymore", said the manager afterwards.
The game was ruled 20:0 in favor of H2TAGIT4Q.
The Mice Longtails got free tickets for the remaining season.

Rumor is, on the following Sunday did the teams, H2TAGIT4Q and Alaskan Fur Trappers, meet on a secret location to play THE GAME.
Since this was an internal battle, the location was chosen wisely.
Close to a calm stream, small enough to be simply called 'small stream', a meadow or better a left alone cow pasture was selected.
Mosquitos everywhere, muddy and full of small traps, a field was painted by chalk lines on the gras.
The teams, as told grim but in a good mood, did shake hands and started the game.
As referees only a neutral retired Whitehat, with a annoying whizzle.
Not much was told about the game itself, only that at the end, brown-mud-players did play green-mud-players, that the ground was fought hard, as the trench war in the past.
After some time, the game was over, rumor is, H2TAGIT4Q won by 6 points, Trappers were kept scoreless, and all did vanish as nothing did happen, on Sunday 6 o'clock in the morning.
Later walking by people with their dogs and families did describe the sight of the meadow as muddy acre, plowed by a bunch of mad men, with some occasionally grassy spots left, all decorated with a hint of a football field in the mist of the 'small stream'.
It's also not confirmed the Trappers got as 'gift' a full set of girls school uniform in H2TAGIT4Q colors.

Of course the rematch result had no effect on the official standing.

Fredericksburg Comanches @ Leverkusen Leopards
-> Game
-> Score: 6:3
When 33300 unhappy fans did leave the Arena of Leverkusen, it was clear the game did not go in a good way for the home team.
Fredericksburg Comanches were in need of win to get back into the conversations and Leverkusen Leopards needed a win to stay in the top ranks of the league.
Both teams started slow, no really big yardage gains, no highlights, just sweat and other stuff, nobody likes to talk about in the trenches.
The Leopards did fumble early in the 2nd quarter and the Comanches recovered it when the nose tackle secured the ball inside his belly button.
A few plays later the Fredericksburg kicker did walk on the field, kicked a 48-yard Field Goal like it's a walk in the park, and went back to bench.
Since kickers are very important, his personal assistants, hairdresser, image consultant, press photographer, press writer and his 6 girlfriends did all cheer in joy.
The rest of the team did acknowledge the score and went back to work.
Later there came up some confusion, when the QB did shuffle the ball to a player on his own 1 yard line, intended to be a side pitch, but it did turn out it was an illegal forward pass and the already partying player had to be returned to the team zone for the bad news. That was a 99-yard-shove-it-up-your-*peep* -error.
"But I still looked good" was the players response, when he tried to get one of the 6 Kicker-Girls converted, which was denied with a nice-looking kick into you-know-it-too-well.
At the start of the 3rd quarter, the Comanches did fumble, and the Leopards MLB did grab it, but was unable to run, since 9 linemen of both teams, did jump on him and did almost kill him. Likely he did only survive because of the Nose Tackles bubble of Air in his belly button.
Regardless, the Leopards kicker (only 5 Girlfriends, but 2 Sportscars) came on the field and kicked 45-yard Field Goal to tie the game.
A few plays later, another Leopards fumble, this time the FS was buried under fat and sweat, but survived, thanks to his head a bit outside the pile and having as hobby apnoe diving. He admitted it became crucial, after 2 minutes without air.
A few plays later the cocky kicker of the Comanches came on the field and kicked the 31-yarder, only to leave fast for the next photo sessions.
Then both teams did play hard, but were unable to get more advantages, until the Leopards had a 4th and 1 on the opponents 35-yard line.
The head coach did say, 'go for it', the kicker said, 'I can do that!' and the defense did say 'not today'.
The result was a 2-yard loss of pride, yardage and downs.
Comanches did win, the fans were disappointed, the kickers went on for their business and the rest of the world did not care.
MVP was named the Comanches NT Djadi Ahmed with 13 good tackles, 5 for loss, 1 recovered fumble and the knowledge he did save a man today.

DAY OFF Constanta Ravens, Social Distance Runners, hamburg krill (HSL), Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin

Last edited on 2023-08-02 07:57:16 by jack6

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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

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Posts: 7196
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posted: 2023-06-16 13:08:29 (ID: 100174827)  Edits found: 8 Report Abuse
7. GAMEDAY (FRI. 04.08.2023)
Constanta Ravens @ Bretzfeld Bandits
-> Game
-> Score: 10:0
The moon was already as full on the rise when the game started with 32525 people standing in shallow light of the gas lights.
Giant mirrors did reflect the lights to the field to give the players something to work with.
It's hard to play in the dark, even at full moon.
But with the gas light mirror system, the field was OK, still filled with creepy shadows.
Constanta Ravens came on the field in deep purple uniforms, while the Bretzfeld Bandits had a color called 'dark side of the green'.
Not ideal for a night game.
'Yes, we have to coordinate this better, it's a new concept. But at least the number are good readable', said the press speaker of the league.
The 1st quarter the teams did adjust on the conditions, did exchange the ball often, but no team did gain advantages.
Early in the 2nd quarter than a 1st Field Goal try from 52 yards out, which was missed.
The Bandits kicker did blame one of the mirrors did send the light in his eyes ... well ....
A little bit later, after a good Ravens return on a punt did the team not gain a lot of yardage afterwards, but was able to kick a Field Goal from 32 yards and took the 3:0 lead.
The Bandits tried hard but were unable to counter this until halftime.
At halftime the NINJA DANCE COMBO did show ... well ... the visitors were not sure what they saw and whether there were even dancers. Some did swear there were 'People in black pajamas wiggling somehow together' but none were able to actually say what happened.
'Another thing we have to get better with, even I have to say the combo did perform excellent'.
In the 3rd quarter the Ravens did then great return and the RB Radu Stoica broke lose in a bunch of shadows and dark purple and dark green players did collide, and he stayed on his feet to reach the endzone after 33 yards. 10:0 lead for the Ravens.
The remaining games was all trench fighting in the shadows, with no clear winner or loser.
When the final whizzle was blown, the Ravens were happy about the 10:0 win.
The Bandits were unhappy, the fans were in a bad mood regarding the loss and in a good mood regarding leaving the creepy arena, the league spokesman was unsure the experiment did work and the NINJAs were not seen for any comment, which likely shows once again their skills.
MVP was named Radu Stoica, the RB scoring the TD, and 42 yards in total.

Morgantown Mad Dogs @ Lincoln Towncars
-> Game
-> Score: 2:0
When the Morgantown Mad Dogs did visit Lincoln Towncars, it was clear it would be a tough, bone-shattering match.
No pixey fluffy plays, no tiny plush cutie players, just ground level hard work.
29967 people came to the game, all working people, some with their tools still on their belts.
Unfortune for the viewers is, that kind of football is free of great highlights.
Sure, seeing the snap, some line action, some short runs, crushing tackles or tough blocks is nice from time to time, but when the plays do work out that ways on 99% of the time.
But the fans were drawn into this battle for inches and were happy when the halftime did reveal a score of 0:0.
The 3rd quarter and a bit of the 4th quarter, the same display of violence and stubbornness, when Mad Dogs punter did hit the ball in a booming way and dropped the ball down out of bounce on the 1 yard line, 59 yards later.
The Towncars had a quite uncomfortable starting position and the one moment of uncertainty was enough for the Mad Dogs to get the runner down in the Townscars endzone to score a Safety.
Now behind, the Towncars did try to get something done.
They stopped the Dogs on the next drive (remember after a Safety the scoring team gets the ball in addition), gained some yardage on the next plays, gave the ball back, got it in return after a quite weak punt and suddenly the Towncars were at mid field.
But the Dogs did play as tough as we have seen that almost the whole game and denied any progress.
Both teams did their best to get the game home as a winner, Mad Dogs with good defense to secure the win, Towncars with every trick to gain yardage, but like two blocks of steel overall the teams did not move much.
At the end did the Mad Dogs win 2:0 and even it was close to just name the Safety scoring Manolo Madrid as MVP, the real MVP named was the whole D-Line of the Dogs.

Social Distance Runners @ Alaskan Fur Trappers
-> Game
-> Score: 0:0
The game which went into the books as THE DEADLY DULLNESS BOWL started with 29484 cheering fans and ended with 29484 sleeping once.
To be fair, all did stay to the end, even none did see the controversial ending, since they all were asleep.
The game was bare of almost any highlights.
We had a missed Field Goal try (49 yards) in the 2nd quarter by the Runners, which did hit one of the already snoring fans. Luckily only his back was hit, unfortune the ball went not through the uprights.
Then in the 4th a quite long drive by the Runners, which ended in another missed Field Goal (41 yards) and which more or less ended the regular time.
There was still some shoving and moving after the kick, but as before, no gain and no effect out of it.
So scoreless we went into OT and many of the visitors went to Slumberland.
In OT it was all same-same-but-different, just a bit moving, shoving, tackling, pushing, but nothing countable.
After more than 15 minutes the QB of the Trappers seemed to hit a wall and did something unfunny, which we are not allowed to state, since this is a family friendly medium.
The result of the play was an upset referee crew, which did end the game by leaving.
The league did later state that 'the behavior of some players was unprofessional and the referees had all the rights to end the game.'
Protests by both teams were denied.
MVP was named the guy who had to wake up all the fans to empty the stadium.

Braska Bangers 09 @ Chelt Nam Bobbers
-> Game
-> Score: 6:13
A sunny day, 32264 fans, what can go wrong?
Braska Bangers 09 did visit Chelt Nam Bobbers and the good mood fans did see some action.
Only the 2 play of the initial drive of the Bobbers, FUMBLE, and a Bangers SF did fall on the ball to secure it.
Four plays later the kicker did kick the ball perfect and send it 30+ yards for a Field Goal and the lead.
Bobbers fans a bit concerted, but still in good mood.
Even when the Bobbers were forced to play close their own endzone a few drives later the fans did stay calm.
They did punt quite weak, the Bangers did return in an OK way, but enough to be in scoring range.
And four plays later another Field Goal kick, from 54 yards this time, right on the mark and Bangers 6:0 ahead.
Bobbers fans now did get loud, but with limited effect for several drives.
Late in the 2nd quarter, finally, the Bobbers made a good drive, gain yardage, the fans chanting, until the drive was halted on the Bangers 36 yard line.
Bobbers kicker was send on the field, tried the 53 yarder and ... missed.
At halftime the local ice cream manufacturer did show his 25 best creations with free samples.
Afterwards half of the fans had a grumpy stomach of too much ice cream, but a sunny smile on the face.
And the mood did become better.
The 1st Bobbers drive in the 2nd half did gain a lot of ground, the team marched over half of the field and was able to punch in the runner (and the ball) for a Touchdown.
Now leading, they wanted more.
When they got the ball back from the Bangers, another drive did start, again quite long, this time stopped on the Bangers 14-yard line.
The kicker did step on the field and made the 31-yarder easily.
Bobbers now leading 10:6.
Fans want more ... action and ice cream.
The manufacturer did deliver, but did also the Bobbers?
In the beginning of the 4th quarter, another good field position by Chelt Nam, but only a few plays. Still close enough for a kick, time, NO GOOD from 50 yards.
But the Bangers confused, especially on defense.
The Bobbers got the ball back, took it for a ride and made it to another kicking position, and this time the 49-yarder sinks in good way between the uprights.
Which was the last scoring play of the game.
Bangers were unable to answer that performance, lost the game 6:13.
MVP was named Augustus Langford, RB of the Bobbers with 98 yards rushing and 1 TD!

hamburg krill (HSL) @ BobBoy Magpies
-> Game
-> Score: 0:6
"Ola, this is Antonio from Madrid as guest speaker for the game between 'hamburg krij' managed by Chij, against the 'BobBoy Magpies' managed by dej_g."
"Nice introduction, but it's 'krill' and 'Chill' and 'dell_g', you don't have to pronounce it like 'Mallorca', you know?"
"Ah, good. Good. So, 31691 fans did visit Magpies Stadium and the kickoff.
The baj was kicked by the Magpies and the kriLLLLLL did return it for no so much gain as a spanish returner would have made."
"Ehm, Antonio, you should not say such stuff, the listeners want a report, not a Spain-is-best-promo-tour. And you said 'baj', by the way, which is likely, because ..."
"Oh come on, everyone knows Spain has the best runners, right? I mean, you cannot blame the runners not being detected as such, when unfortunately, the linemen are bad and therefore the runners are stopped early. Here a good runner would have made a difference, no?
Let's face it, if not because of Kendaj Spaulding, who returned the baj for the dej_gs team, the Magpies wouldn't have made any progress, since the just lack a good Spanish runner.
They had to kick a field goal from 50 yards. Lucky they made it ...."
"Ehm Antonio? Antonio?"
"Get over it, then a lot of nothing, until late in the 2nd, when, granted, the Magpies had a quite good drive of a few yardage more than average, seal with a kick of the baj through the two, how you call it, goal posts?, well, pure luck.
The players went then back to the haj with lockers and talk about aj of the actionas, as slim as it was.
Then 3rd quarters, bam, the kriLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL had the baj and made some yardage to kick a field goal. Did they have a spanish kicker, NO, hence they failed.
You would expect HEJ breaks lose, but no, the fans did stay calm, no fire in them, like Spanish fans."
"Can we have a break here, I think this is not the right profession for you, Antonio ... I think ..."
"Oh you damn northern Europe guys, just can't see quality when it's right up you butt."
"Ehhhm ... What?"
"Show some BAJ and let me finish this, so kriLLLLLLLLL had just not made the kick, thanks to a not existing Spanish kicker, and the game went on, until the Magpies did fumble the baj and the kriLLLLLLLLL had recovered, which made Chij very happy.
But they fumbled also afterwards and therefore we were stuck with the same idiotic plays as before. Even a guy from Majorca would have been better handling THAT baj.
So, a lot of back and forth, no big progression and you know who was best, but only shorthanded brought in late in the game? Àlex Riera from Catalonia, having the yards per play of all kriLLLL players."
"First, Antonio you will be fired. Second Chad Cannon had the best average and the most yardage for the krill, so spare me the patriotism."
"But only because he cheated and also because ...."
This tape was recorded live during the game, it was only broadcast once, live and since then it is archived for the juridical circumstances coming.
The league apologized for any inconveniences.

Fredericksburg Comanches @ Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin
-> Game
-> Score: 12:10
Nobody expected a hard fight, when Fredericksburg Comanches at Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin was announced.
Face the facts, Comanches and thepitchhitchin are not top teams, so what can happen, right?
Wrong! 31865 fans did see a hard-fought game, which was a nail biter.
Comanches did drew 1st blood, after a great return on a punt the team had a very good field position and even they were unable to gain yardage on the 3 regular plays, the DID kick a Field Goal from 50 yards and got the early lead.
The 1st quarter went on and ended and with a lot of fights on the line of scrimmage, no team was able to get some advantages.
The 2nd quarter started, and it all looked as before, when had to punt close their own endzone, kicked a weak kick and allowed a small return.
Suddenly the Comanches were close, too close.
Thepitchhitchin stopped the drive, but were unable to prevent another Field Goal, now from 48 yards.
Down by 6 did thepitchhitchin then had a great punt return a few plays later and got the ball on the 41-yard-line.
And Melittlemenon did gain some yardage, enough to try a 52-yarder, which was good, short before the halftime.
The local marching band did step on the field and performed with a whooping number of participants (rumor is 467) some scenes from that famous Agatha Christie book, I just can't remember right now.
But the french detective did find the important clue on the Nile in the cabin of the hairdresser, or whatever.
Anyway, the teams did return and thepitchhitchin fumbled on their 2nd drive, which the Comanches did recover.
The ensuing drive was capped by a 39-yard Field Goal.
Later, after another good punt return, did the Comanches kick another Field Goal, here from 41 yards, while their offense stayed behind the coaches expectations.
Leading 12:3, the Comanches seemed to be done here, but thepitchhitchin had second wind.
Mid 4th quarter did Fredericksburg fumble and thepitchhitchin tried to make things happen, played 4th down and ... FAILED.
But next drive of the Comanches, ANOTHER fumble and this time ... thepitchhitchin failed again to score a Touchdown.
So, Fredericksburg got the ball back and got nothing together, punted and Jens Hundsperger returned it 60 yards TO THE HOUSE!
Now Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin down by 2, they stopped the next Comanches drive, got the ball and were stopped on a bend but not break strategy by the visiting team.
So Comanches won 12:10, and Darnell Callahan, the kicker, was named MVP with 4 out of 4 field goals.

DAY OFF Leverkusen Leopards, H2TAGIT4Q

Last edited on 2023-08-07 12:08:34 by jack6

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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

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Posts: 7196
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posted: 2023-06-16 13:08:49 (ID: 100174828)  Edits found: 9 Report Abuse
8. GAMEDAY (FRI. 11.08.2023)
Lincoln Towncars @ Constanta Ravens
-> Game
-> Score: 18:0
It did turn out that the slogan 'come as RAVEN, payment forgaven' not only is bad grammar, but did also backfire heavily.
Instead of the projected 1% to 2% visitor in raven costumes did come 31645 ravens, which did reflect in zero income.
But all did enjoy the sight of so many ravens standing next to each other.
Granted, over time it DID start to smell a bit odd, but overall, the mood was good.
Ok, at the end of the game the mood was not THAT good but compared to other circumstances ... quite good.
The game did start in the 1st half as classic defense battle, every yardage hard fought, either forward or backward.
The fans did enjoy that the Towncars did try their best before the break to get into the endzone, only to realize that a field goal might have helped them more, instead of going scoreless into the half.
Lucky them, in the 3rd quarter they had quite early the chance to kick a field goal and made it from 33 yards.
The fans did cheer, likely just happy to have something happen anyway, than having still a scoreless game.
But they did regret that fast.
The Towncars made another Field Goal, from 47 yards this time, on their next drive, and suddenly the mood of the fans became a bit cocky.
Next drive of the Towncars, now already early 4th quarter, and they made another Field Goal from 55 yards.
The cursing did start, harmless, just level 1 insults, still politically correct.
On the next successful Field Goal, 41 yards, the political correctness was already abandoned and the level of intensity did rise to 3.
And after another unsuccessful drive of the Ravens did the Towncars kick 56 yarder.
Now the insults did rise to level 5 and was equally spread to both teams. What a fun!
A Ravens interceptions did give the Towncars another scoring chance, fulfilled with a 44-yard Field Goal and massive cursing from the stands.
Now at level 7 this did turn out to be quite innovative.
The following Ravens drive did turn out to be the last of the game, no scoring of Ravens side, 18 points from field goals on Towncars side.
The fans did swarm the field and scared the shit out of the players by that.
'In the turn of events of the last game, the Ravens management will analyze the actions carefully and will make a decision on future fan events fast.'
MVP was named officially Lon Frizzell, the kicker of the Towncars with 18 points and 100% field goal rate.
Unofficially Monica Pantram was named MVP for cursing 'when I'm finished with you damn o-line, the would wish a Raven would took for eye balls instead of you *peeep*.'
The management of the Ravens did not respond to that fan selected MVP vote.

Bretzfeld Bandits @ Morgantown Mad Dogs
-> Game
-> Score: 9:6 (OT)
A nail biter was the result of the Bandits visiting the Mad Dogs.
30050 fans did come to the game and had to stay longer.
Mid of the 1st quarter, after some ball exchanges prior that drive, did the Bandits start mid field and had a quite decent drive.
They made it to the 22-yard line of the Dogs and finished the drive with a 33-yard Field Goal successfully.
The Dogs did not manage to answer that, and the Bandits did then have another good drive, pushing into the 2nd quarter, where they had to kick another Field Goal, from 27 yards.
Now the Dogs are behind 0:6, the fans mad, but that might be a fan move anyway.
A bit later did the Bandits manage another good drive, but missed the field goal try, from 32 yards.
The Dog fans did cheer up a bit but kept the mad mood.
Morgantown did manage to do nothing, the Bandits got the ball back and fumbled it away on the next play.
The return did give the Dogs excellent field position and at the end, the drive was capped with a 28 yard Field Goal.
The fans did light up a bit to 'crazy' but a change of the nick name was denied.
Halftime score 6:3 Bandits.
In the 3rd quarter did the Mad Dogs defense become better, stopped the Bandits regularly, but unfortune the offense did not improve accordingly, hence the quarter did end scoreless.
But the Mad Dogs had a great return on the quarter end, which did give them a great field position, starting the 4th quarter.
After a few plays, the team had to settle for a field goal from 29 yards out to tie the game.
No big plays after this score, the Mad Dogs fans did improve to 'balanced', until OT did start.
After some short drives did then the Mad Dogs kick a quite short punt deep from their own red zone, which resulted in a good starting position for the Bandits.
Morgantown defense did their best but was unable to push the line of scrimmage backwards and the Bandits did win the game with a 44 yard Field Goal.
MVP was named Ottomar Hofmann, with 22 tackles, including 12 tackles for loss.

Alaskan Fur Trappers @ Leverkusen Leopards
-> Game
-> Score: 3:0
The Leopards kicker was very alone after the game.
Only his Newfoundland Dog did comport him, which was likely a help, still no one of the 32679 fans wanted to talk to him, no one of his team mates, no one of the officials, and the Trappers, who likely wanted to give him a bear, were blocked by security.
What happened?
The Leopards did play quite good. Did create some scoring chances, but the Leopards kicker did miss in total 4 field goal tries, 1 from 39 yards and 56 yards in the 1st quarter, from 51 yards in the 3rd quarter and from 55 yards in the 4th quarter.
On the other hand did the Trappers use their chance to score at the end of the 2nd quarter from 55 yards for the final score of 3:0.
The fans did leave, heavily disappointed, the players did leave, drunk, the officials did leave, also drunk, only the kicker did stay until 4 in the morning to prevent any retaliation from the fans.
A sad day.
The Trappers did leave, also drunk, to their bus and since even the driver was drunk, were held in the police station a few miles outside Leverkusen, until all were sober again.
Still, they did sing and party the whole night.
MVP was named the dog of the kicker, Leo, in the aftermath, as best buddy of the kicker and only decent being on place.

BobBoy Magpies @ Braska Bangers 09
-> Game
-> Score 6:0
This game went into the books as 'The double BAM (after a longer period of nothing and followed by a longer period of nothing)', but there is doubt this will hold up for a long time.
For sure the 31982 fans had to wait for the 1st highlight a bit.
The 1st quarter, all struggles in the trenches, no big gains, not many 1st downs.
The 2nd quarter, all struggles in the trenches, no big gains, not many 1st downs.
The fans had some sort of deju vu experience on those quarters.
The 3rd quarter did LOOK similar, until after a Magpies drive the Bangers fumbled on their 1st play in their own red zone and lost the ball.
Suddenly the fans were up, rubbing their eyes, and started screaming. But nobody did understand the shouts, it just became loud.
Well, it did not help much, maybe did prevent a touchdown run by the Magpies, but did not prevent the 1st BAM in form of a Field Goal from 23 yards.
Bangers got the ball back, made some plays, but fumbled again on the 3rd play, lost the ball and the Magpies had the ball again, this time on the 20-yard line.
Again, the loudness did rise, the Magpies did struggle with a touchdown run, but did not struggle to make the 2nd BAM, a Field Goal from 27 yards.
Now the double BAM was done and unfortune, the remaining game was another big struggle in the trenches, where no team did manage to gain much.
The game ended with heavily confused fans, which home team did lose the game 0:6.
The MVP was named Rob Wise, DL of Magpies, with 26 tackles, including 11 for loss.

Chelt Nam Bobbers @ hamburg krill (HSL)
-> Game
-> Score 6:3
Jonny Utah of the Chelt Nam Bobbers did shake hands with Chrill from the hamburg krill (HSL) prior the game.
Both did expect a hard fought, low scoring game and also the 32796 fans in Hamburg did expect a defense battle.
It started with the coin toss, which did surprisingly land on neither side.
The toss was repeated and this time the Bobbers won the toss.
What followed was a grinding on the line of scrimmage, with neither team gaining much, if anything.
Sometimes it did look like some sort of recipe was found and some gain was made, but smaller adjustments on the other side did always prevents longer drives and scores.
When the teams did hit the locker room at half time, the scoreboard was still empty.
At halftime the biggest porn shop of Europe did show their nicest collections of fun spending stuff, only try-outs were not done, since this would have been over the top.
The salesman was asked on the success and he said that they have sold thousands of articles at halftime, and only to the handful of Bobbers fans. He assumed the Hamburg fans were already equipped well enough.
Back to the game, Hamburg tried it a bit more aggressive, did even play the 4th down and were at that point lucky the ensuing drive of the Bobbers ended with a missed Field Goal from 53 yards.
A few plays later, after a 43-yard return by the krill, the Hamburg offense did manage to move close enough to the endzone to chip shot a 26 yard Field Goal for the lead.
Bobbers fans furious, did wave their new bought products, some of them electrically enhanced, to bring their team to live, and the Bobbers ... did fumble, beginning of the 4th quarter. Lucky for them it was not close enough for a krill score, and the Bobbers defense did even push them back.
The game went on, the position did change with every punt and sometimes happening return.
And it did look like the Bobbers gain some ground here, slowly.
With roughly 5 minutes to play, the Bobbers started at mid field and got some yardage, enough to try a 56 yard Field Goal and THEY MADE IT!
Now tied game, krills drive, but they get stucked.
They punt and the Bobbers return the ball 42 yards!
Already in scoring range they tried to get more, failed and kicked the game winning 46-yard Field Goal at the end of the drive.
The krill tried to get something going, failed here and lost the game.
Afterwards the streets of Hamburg did recognize some happy English tourists, with strange toys in their hands, in the local pubs, cheering all night until they had to return home.
MVP was named Grant Rutherford with 130 yards on returning.

H2TAGIT4Q @ Fredericksburg Comanches
-> Game
-> Score: 6:3
A most controversial game of the season.
The commissioner did at the end rule the game himself OK with the referees decision on the field.
The fans, 32670 in total, did sometimes rub their eyes in unbelieve, but stayed calm, since overall, the plays, which did lead to some harsh rulings by the refs, were too confusing to have clear picture.
It started all fine, the teams did exchange some punches, traded balls by punt plays, until the Comanches had to punt from deep inside their endzone and the visitor’s returner did gain some yardage on top.
The result was, H2TAGIT4Q did start deep in the Comanches territory and did cap their short drive with a 42-yard Field Goal for the 3:0 lead.
Fredericksburg with no answer, punt the ball away, short.
H2TAGIT4Q takes it, makes nothing out of it and tries a Field Goal from 66 yards! The ball went wide right out of bounce, the kicker wide left under a towel to hide his anger.
By that play calling the Comanches got the ball in a nice spot, tried a trick play and suddenly the ball in the endzone.
Was it a kick? A punt? A pass?
The refs did consult with everyone and decided on a punt.
Heavy protest, but the white hat stayed calm.
A bit later, starting of the 2nd quarter, did the Comanches have a good chance to score.
They took the ball at about mid field and were able to advance towards the opponents 30-yard line, where they were finally stopped, so they had to settle for a field goal.
The 47 yard try did miss the goal posts wide left and H2TAGIT4Q took the ball over.
They were unable to do something with it, at least in this drive and slowly the teams did play their defense driven football.
But a few drives later, H2TAGIT4Q was again in the half of Fredericksburg and Pete did call for the already a bit angry kicker to try another 65 yarder.
No surprise for all, except eventually Peter, the ball missed the posts.
A good chance for the Comanches, but without any result, H2TAGIT4Q did also manage to do not much, hence both teams went to the locker room with H2TAGIT4Q leading 3:0.
At halftime the NRA did present a lot of new products, the fans wanted to buy, but the harsh laws on a 6 hour delay between buying the gun and buying the ammunition did prevent a much more lead filled atmosphere in the stadium.
Both teams did return and made a few drives. Comanches had a bit of luck, got a decent drive together and marched across the field to try at the end a 55-yarder to tie the game and it was good.
So, 3:3 now.
H2TAGIT4Q nervous, tried to make a play on the next drive, first play and ... a confusing play, which led to another ref consultation.
All aspect were discussed, the NRA did even ask, whether there is a 2nd halftime, and they can present more guns, but finally the ruling was in.
Illegal play! Loss of ball possession, crazy!
Comanches now felt like the boss of the stadium, tried also some plays and on 3rd down ... what was that?
Did the QB really do THAT? And WHY?
The refs were this time fast, no score and loss of possession!
Pete happy, at least no one sided judging here.
The defenses did play their best game, challenged the opponent, in to the 4th quarter.
Comanches were stopped in their 1st drive here, ha to punt and H2TAGIT4Q returner took the ball and was almost gone.
Only 51 yards later he was stopped by a Comanches o-liner, and everybody had the same thing on their mind, 'How was he able to catch up with the returner?'
Well he did and prevented a return touchdown.
H2TAGIT4Q played on, came even into the red zone of Fredericksburg, was pushed out again and then settle for a 39-yard-Field-Goal.
H2TAGIT4Q now leading 6:3.
The fans want their ammunition, denied.
The ball went from team to team, until against Fredericksburg did something odd. But now the refs were prepared, did call the play off fast, again change of possession!
Must be a record.
Pete's team get the ball back, then Fredericksburg, it did not matter it went down like 1st world war, no progress on all sides.
When the ref finally did call of the game, everyone was surprised to see H2TAGIT4Q going away with a 6:3 win.
MVP was named the ref, by the league, after they did review the whole game several times.
On field the NRA salesman obeying the law on ammunition was named MVP, preventing some heavy fan discussions.

DAY OFF Social Distance Runners, Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin

Last edited on 2023-08-14 11:13:03 by jack6

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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

Joined: 2011-09-05/S00
Posts: 7196
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posted: 2023-06-16 13:09:07 (ID: 100174829)  Edits found: 7 Report Abuse
9. GAMEDAY (FRI. 18.08.2023)
hamburg krill (HSL) @ Constanta Ravens
-> Game
-> Score 3:2
The game will be remembered as 'The CLOSEST POSSIBLE GAME', even if that's debateable.
Let's start at the beginning.
Sunny day.
a bunch of 31897 fans.
A won coin toss by the home team.
Then the usual 'You shove me, then I shove you', 'Oh, I did shove you good, this time', 'You can't shove me that way, man' and of course the 'You can shove it up your *peep*'.
No big gains, no big losses, a lot of punts, nothing big to be worth a longer note.
Until roughly 2 minutes left to play in the 2nd quarter.
The ball was again punted (by the Ravens this time) and the What-ever-their-name-is from Hamburg did play their next play on offense from their 2 yard line.
The carrier was stopped by a bull rush (or bull shove?) and suddenly it was 2:0 Ravens by a Safety.
Ravens get the ball by rule in addition, but fumble it away on the 2nd play.
Then 3 plays later, a Hamburg Field Goal from 35 yards did turn the game to 3:2.
After the halftime, a lot of shoving at the line of scrimmage, but no real game changer happened, which led to that close win for Hamburg.
Hamburgs DL Pairat Vanich, who recovered the fumble, was named MVP. He had 28 tackles, including 12 tackles for loss.

Leverkusen Leopards @ Social Distance Runners
-> Game
-> Score: 2:9
A much anticipated game, for both fan groups.
In total 32154 fans came to the Runners game.
Leopards in a must-win-game, but same for the Runners, just with different circumstances.
Leopards needed the win to stay in the hunt, the Runners needed the win to stay on top.
Leverkusen aggressive in the 1st quarter, tried a 4th and 1, but failed.
The Runners, a bit later, did then have a great return, which led starting of the 2nd quarter to a 50-yard Field Goal.
After that scoring play, a controversial play by the Leopards QB.
It seemed he did pitch the ball to a player, who went after a broken tackle, to the endzone.
But a flag on the field signaled a penalty on the play.
The referees did consult, took their time and found a rule violation, which led to a loss of possession!
Leopards on the fences, but the refs did stay on the call. Later review did show it was the right decision, but of course Leverkusen did not want to have the points off the board.
A bit later, a deep punt by the Leopards led to a bad field position by the Runners, which the angry Leopards defense did use to score a Safety.
Now 3:2 Runners.
Leopards unable to move the ball afterwards, the Runners with a decent drive a bit later, but missed a 45-yard field goal at the end of the drive.
Halftime, loud noises from the Leopards locker room.
Then, 3rd quarter, the Runners with a great return on a Leopard punt.
No progress on offense, but already in field goal distance, the Runners scored again, with a 52-yard Field Goal.
The Leopards tried their best, got also into scoring range a bit later, but missed a 54-yarder.
The Runners used the momentum, took the ball on the next drive and got into Field Goal range, again. They got stopped but kicked a 43-yarder to have 9:2.
A bit later had the Runners another good drive and missed a chip-shot from 25 yards out.
At the end, a few players and fans did demand an overtime, since the score is 9:9, but of course the game was ended, with a Runners win by 9:2.

Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin @ H2TAGIT4Q
-> Game
-> Score 0:13
A game like Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin @ H2TAGIT4Q means, hard football.
H2TAGIT4Q brought in 31502 fans, who made a lot of noise.
That noise did define the game.
Lots of missed communications led to errors, the 1st on a field goal try by Melittlemenon in the 1st quarter.
The bad snap did surprise the holder, he did his best to place the ball, but the kick was wide left from 44 yards.
A lot of signaling on the remaining 1st quarter, but both teams did not get the loudness and the hard communication circumstances into a good state.
In the 2nd quarter another error did happen, likely also because of some missed alignments.
A Melittlemenon RB did not get the handover controlled, it seemed the distance was too wide apart, and the defense did hit hard and fast.
The fumble was recovered by the home team.
Lucky for the visitors the home team coach has a hybris opinion on his kicker and tried a 61-yarder, which went not through the uprights.
A bit later in the game, out of some good punt and return, H2TAGIT4Q tried another hybris kick, from 65 yards out, and missed again.
But all lucky streaks do end, short before the break had thepitchhitchin another fumble and this time the home team did kick a Field Goal, from 49 yards to get the 3:0 lead.
The 3rd quarter, again some good field position battle by the home team, over time, and at some point they are again in hybris range.
The kick, wide right, from 55 yards.
The fans, all drunk, since this can only be sustained by good level of alcohol.
But thepitchhitchin got into hybris mode also, tried a 60-yarder on the next drive, which gave the home team an excellent starting position, leading to another hybris shot, from 66 yards.
The ball returning kids already in high mood, since the fans started to cheer for them.
And thepitchhitchin became sloppy again, maybe because of the deafening noise, and fumbled again on their next drive.
But Pete’s team was unable to do something out of it, so thepitchhitchin did fumble again after the punt.
Well, 3 yards from the endzone even H2TAGIT4Q had to able to punch it in, right?
The fans, loud.
The coach, louder.
The QB got the snap on a signal fast and handed it to the RB, who ran it in. TOUCHDOWN. 10:0 lead.
Now, thepitchhitchin seemed to be broken, at least short term.
Starting of the 4th quarter they had to punt again, the home team gets the ball and came close enough to kick a 51-yarder, which was good. 13:0 now.
thepitchhitchin did try their best, but with that far behind they had to use all downs to keep the drives alive and at some point they were stopped, again and again.
At the end the home team did win, and the ball boys were named MVP.

Alaskan Fur Trappers @ Bretzfeld Bandits
-> Game
-> Score: 7:3
When the review was done, the Trappers were happy, still a bid confused.
'So, all went OK for our team, but it was a close call and the team was in a shock when the situation did happen'.
'But the team must have been in a good mood when the 1st big play happened? Not often does a player run a TD from 42 yards out.'
'Yes, the whole team was happy, sure. That great hole was big and wide, and no one was close to touch Tom here. Great play.'
'Then the game went on and the Trappers and the Bandits did not send out any gifts, that must have been OK for you, with a 7:0 lead?'
'Well, we hoped for a few more gains here and there, but you all know how hard it is to find get the blocking perfected.
And today you need a perfect block, like on Toms play before, to gain good yardage. So, yes, we were fine at that point.'
And then the situation happened. That illegal pass by the Bandits. It took very long for the refs to sort the stuff out. How did the team react?'
Yes, it took ages, and the players were shocked, since they had all under control, they thought, and then BAM on the 1st play you have a Bandit in the endzone. And it looked OK from the sideline. The fans liked it also, of course, and when the refs finally took the points and the ball away, it was OK for us, not OK for the fans, and you need balls to make such a decision, but rules are rules. Still, something had changed on the team, we were not that confident anymore.'
'The 3rd quarter was all defense, which did fine, as far as we could judge it. Was that still a problem, at that time?'
Oh, it did help that the situation was close the halftime, we did discuss it, tried to delete it from the heads, but it was still there.
The Bandits did need some time to gain a bit of an advantage out of it, until 4th quarter, but they did.'
'You mean the field goal try in the 4th, right? They made some yards on that drive, still had to kick a long one here, from 52-yards. How was your team’s mood on at that time?'
'We thought we had it under control, the game did flow, right? But that field goal did show, the win could still be taken away and the players did wake up a bit.
It may sound silly, but the score did help to win the game.'
'Well, the defense did play with a bit more teeth afterwards, the offense did not play much better, to be fair.'
'Yes, but we knew, the Bandits defense would be hard to knock out, and they wanted the game to win, so those guys did play fearless, and our guys did their best to burn down the clock, which worked out well.'
'So, all good now?'
'The commissioner did back up the refs and we did win this game. It will take a while to understand the process and to get used to it, to forget the illegal play, but overall, I say, all good.'

Fredericksburg Comanches @ Chelt Nam Bobbers
-> Game
-> Score: 7:17
A lot of managers of both teams were in discussion and for a moment it did look like something bad would happen.
But at the end all did shake hands and the teams did split.
It was a cold day, grey, still 31665 Bobbers fans in the stadium.
They did see a controversial game, which will be summarized in short.
The 1st quarter was all defense, no team was able to gain much, scoreless, no highlights.
Then 2nd quarter, Bobbers tried a long field goal quite early, but missed the 55 yard try.
Comanches got the ball, got nothing moving, but kicked the ball perfect on the punt to nail the Bobbers deep at their own endzone.
On the 2nd play later, Safety for Comanches and the ball of course. Not much afterwards, but a bit later the Comanches managed to have a good return and started a drive, already in scoring range.
They got to the red zone and made trick play, which was reversed, settle for a field goal from 35 yards out.
The trick play was named an illegal forward pass, which many did deny.
So, at that point, officially 5:0 Comanches.
But they went out of luck a bit later, fumbled the ball and Bobbers returned the ball for 13 yards.
They had the ball now already in the red zone of Comanches and were able to punch the ball in.
While doing so, some players did still discuss on the fumble and whether it was one, or not.
But the refs did count it and it was 7:5 for the Bobbers now.
Next drive by the Comanches, they made no progress, had to punt and the Bobbers had a great return of 53 yards for another Touchdown.
At halftime now, 14:5.
The 3rd quarter was again a lot of defenses, which did cap late in the quarter, when the Comanches did again trap the Bobbers close their endzone.
On the 1st play of the Bobbers a wave of Comanches players did bring down the ball carrier and scored another Safety.
That did help them not much, the ball possession did not lead to more points and the Bobbers did have a long drive in the 4th quarter to cap this with a 43-yard Field Goal for the final score of 17:7.
The commissioner did review the game, several external refs did review it, all decisions were rules fine.
Likely the Comanches managers did see, that there was not much to gain by forcing this further and excepted the score.

DAY OFF Morgantown Mad Dogs, Lincoln Towncars, Braska Bangers 09, BobBoy Magpies

Last edited on 2023-08-21 08:57:14 by jack6

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