Yashin owns a supporter account   Yashin acts as Mentor  Home of Bracciano Lakers (ID: 4715)

Owned by Yashin (Last logged in on 2024-07-26 13:22:53 )

Joined the game: 2016-01-03 / S19

Manager rank is Top Manager

Sponsored by Scooby's Doo Sewage Company - Endorsement by Gomers Pyle

League: Admirals 1 AC North

ELO score: 1173 - Rank global: 13 - Rank in league: 1

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Team chemistry:
98 %
100 %
Physical condition:
100 %
Financial situation:
Managers tactical talent:
Leagueok Champ of Champsok Supercupok Supercup Playoffssuperb
82.3 %
84.3 %
  Avg Age Seniors: 25.9
Pass Defense:
78.3 %
  Rush Defense:
79.3 %
  Weekly wages Players $ 6,164,287
Special Team:
82.0 %
81.2 %
  Weekly wages Coaches $ 1,266,950
Stadium: YashinDome (capacity: 144300)
Home Away
Trophy room
Hide Trophies won by Yashin (52)
Season 56Member RZA Elite League
Season 55League Champion Admirals 1
Season 55Conference Champion Admirals 1 AC
Season 55Winner Admirals 1 AC West
Season 54Member RZA Elite League
Season 53League Champion Admirals 1
Season 53Conference Champion Admirals 1 NC
Season 53Winner Admirals 1 NC North
Season 52Member RZA Elite League
Season 51League Champion Admirals 1
Season 51Conference Champion Admirals 1 AC
Season 51Winner Admirals 1 AC South
Season 50Member RZA Elite League
Season 49Champ of Champions
Season 49Member RZA Elite League
Season 48League Champion Admirals 1
Season 48Conference Champion Admirals 1 AC
Season 47Member RZA Elite League
Season 46Member RZA Elite League
Season 45League Champion Admirals 1
Season 45Conference Champion Admirals 1 AC
Season 45Winner Admirals 1 AC West
Season 44Winner Admirals 1 AC West
Season 43Member RZA Elite League
Season 42All Stars Challenge, All Stars were playing aggressive tactics
Season 42Conference Champion Admirals 1 NC
Season 42Winner Admirals 1 NC South
Season 41Winner Admirals 1 NC South
Season 40Member RZA Elite League
Season 39Conference Champion Admirals 1 NC
Season 39Winner Admirals 1 NC South
Season 38Friendly Cup Colossevm Cvp II
Season 38Member RZA Elite League
Season 37Conference Champion Admirals 1 AC
Season 37Winner Admirals 1 AC East
Season 34Friendly Cup Banana Bowl IV
Season 34Winner Admirals 1 AC East
Season 33Winner Admirals 1 AC East
Season 32Member RZA Elite League
Season 31Conference Champion Admirals 1 AC
Season 30Friendly Cup IECC4 - Qualification 2
Season 30Friendly Cup Appalachian Rumble Bowl IV
Season 29All Stars Challenge, All Stars were playing standard tactics
Season 29Winner Admirals 1 AC West
Season 28All Stars Challenge, All Stars were playing relaxed tactics
Season 27Winner Admirals 1 AC West
Season 24Friendly Cup Bear Republic Cup
Season 23Conference Champion Admirals 3 AC
Season 23Friendly Cup Sunday under 60 overall
Season 23Winner Admirals 3 AC West
Season 21Winner Admirals 3 AC West
Season 20Winner Admirals 3 AC West
Show Trophies won by previous team owners (4)
Record (current season)
Game type Won Lost
Champ of Champions00
Friendly Cup00
Trophy summary
Elite member in seasons: 32, 38, 40, 43, 46, 47, 49, 50, 52, 54, 56
Superbowl Champion in seasons: 45, 48, 51, 53, 55
Conference Champion in seasons: 23, 31, 37, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 53, 55
Division Champion in seasons: 20, 21, 23, 27, 29, 33, 34, 37, 39, 41, 42, 44, 45, 51, 53, 55
Champ of Champions in seasons: 49
Friendly Cups won in seasons: 23, 24, 30, 34, 38
All releases show top 5

2022-01-16 10:03:18 - The juicy taste of the first timeReport Abuse

Season #45

Admirals 1 final result : 15-1
Another AC West division title, gained passing over our arch-friends of Melittlemenon Thepitchhitchin, who remain the most loved rivals of Lakers. As it always happened in the recent history, the rush for the Division was again between these two teams who easily clinched two spots at playoff. We came up on top of the division and with the best record of the Conference.
Like the previous season, in the divisional playoff we matched the Melittlemenon for the third time in the season and we won for the third time after another fratricide match.
At the Conference Championship, Lakers met BobBoy Magpies, relegated from RZA Elite and eager to ramp up againg and go back to the Elite. A final that was openly lead by Lakers in the initial and central part with the Magpies trying a long comeback in the last quarter, that fell short at 0:38 in the 4th Quarter on a 4th and 11 at 14 yards from the End Zone to send the match to Overtime. A great match against a strong opponent that will look his revenge in the next seasons.

After 3 seasons, Lakers were about to play their 6th Bowl match with a 0-5 score so far. The risk is that Lakers could be considered one of the best runner-up of RZA history, since they have lost alla the finals played so far... including a legendary Supercup final.
The good news were that Historians shocked Admirals beating the Green Mark Packers in the Conference Final, which was an unexpected result for a team that had lost 0 matches until that moment. Packers have always been one of Lakers' dark beasts. That's why playing against the Historians was a morale inspiring information. Our rivalry against Historians were about to start, since there were few meaningless matches in the record books so far.
Lakers played on the wing of enthusiasm and dominated the match in the first three quarters, with an outstanding 3rd quarter that nailed the Historians' coffin.
With a resounding 48-17 the Admirals' Bowl moved to Bracciano for the delight of the fans. Our first victory in Admirals has a special taste: the taste of your preferred cake that you have waited for a long long period, while the "maitre patissier" was cooking in front of you with an excessive calm and with measured movements, while you were watching all preparations and waiting obsessively for the sublime moment of the first mouthful. The party started with an orgasmic sensation of well-being.

SuperCup : 15-0
SuperCup division was a flawless ride of 15 victories.
In the playoffs Lakers had one of the franchise traditional runs: won against Venom and Mulheim Steelers, only to be stopped by TigerCats after an hard fought match.

Champ of Champions : Not qualified

No Friendly Cups success to register

Seasonal individual titles:
Player Giacomo Rebellin received an award for his performance shown on the field - category league RB, rank: 3
Giacomo has collected many trophies season after season and he is carving his own legend in the Hall of Fame of the team. His results are the evidence of a great team cooperating to reach the highest results in the Admirals league.

The season started with many new assets to be assessed in the team, the most challenging was the change of the QB at the helm. Luca Vezzani replaced Leo Saguatti with charisma, leadership and will of sacrifice. He played a key role in the team equilibrium and deserved a title, who was never reached by his legendary predecessors, and the following run to Elite that is following that marvelous victory.
Financial nightmares are not scary anymore.

A good season helps morale and finances with the same beneficial elixir, which is the fans' affection.

Elite competition is as challenging as always, and the Admirals' division is filled with teams that have numbers to compete at the top level. We will try and learn which is our place in the food chain, but the objective is to stay competitive and remain in the Elite.

Only one player wanted more money than Lakers' balance could permit, therefore we lost one of the first string OT. We cannot afford to keep salaries above a predefined threshold and players must learn it if they want to show love and respect for this franchise.

Youth Academy has been a prolific forge of new talents and we can count on another good generation of possible stars. Veterans have always been replaced with continuity so far. This is our strategy for a long-term success history.

Hall of Famer for season 45 class: Pasqualino Todesco will represent the 45 class in the team HoF. He has beaten all WR stat records in all categories, replacing the legend Tad Vickers in all first places of the historical rankings.

Coaching staff:
No change. After a phenomenal season every contract has been renewed with joy. The coaching staff di an outstanding job with a partially rebuilt team.

Objective is to remain in Elite. We assess that an even record W-L could give us this minimum result, so Lakers will rush to gain 8 victories as soon as possible and by then learning if we can say something more in the Season 46 final ranking. It will be hard, but Lakers have all ingredients for the recipe. If players can keep their concentration and they can preserve the team spirit of the past season, the management will take care of the rest, providing easy sleep for everyone.

Here starts a season with many expectations and a bit of pride. With a Bowl award won, the past seems less a burden and Lakers can look at the future with some perspective. We only need to find some rhythm in the season and wipe off the negative thoughts to focus on the many, positive qualities we can put in the game.

In RZA Elite MediaCenter is a solid income generator and the difference in earnings with last Admirals season should be quite evident immediately. A long playoff SuperCup rush would help us so much, so priority is to gain a long playoff streak that can sustain our economy in the long off-seasonal weeks.
Fans are enthusiast and after the Bowl victory this is easy and hopefully long-term lasting. Difficulties in Elite will arrive soon. The team will fight with all its forces, but we know that it cannot be a long ride with only Ws. Their love for the team must be kept and demonstrated when times are harsh and the cloud are gathering above our heads... it is too easy to be loving and caring when everything goes in the right direction. As long as people are with us, Lakers fear nothing.

Last season economical choices have brought their fruits and, with a rational management, Lakers should be out of financial troubles for a couple of seasons. Going back into troubles can happen in any moment so Lakers must keep an high level of attention and monitor frequently the ins and the outs.
Lakers, Season #46 could be our season of consecration. Playoffs in both competitions would mark a definitive grow of the franchise. Remaining in Elite seems finally at our grasp, so let's make any possible effort to make this dream come true.

Keep positive thoughts, train hard, play harder and keep the right balance when the difficult days will come to scare us.

Rating (1 users):  

2021-10-24 15:26:07 - On the Brink of the AbyssReport Abuse

Season #44

Admirals 1 final result : 15-1
AC West division of Admirals 1 hosts the historical franchise of Melittlemenon Thepitchhitchin, who are the most loved rivals of Lakers. The rush for the Division was between these two teams who easily clinched two spots at playoff.
We came out on top of the division and with the best record of the Conference, tying the rivals Mascots in the other Conference at 15-1 record.
In the divisional playoff we matched the Melittlemenon for the third time in the season and we won for the third time after another hell of a game, but this time dominating with a big score gap.

At the Conference Championship, Lakers had the worst match of the year and were dominated by the Ralph's Warriors that played a masterpiece of game. Defense of the Lakers held the light on with turnovers that kept the score on knife's edge, but the comeback was halted 3 points short of the tie and it gave Warriors access to the Bowl and to the RZA Elite.

SuperCup : 13-2
Lakers went through a competitive SuperCup division with 2 losses. After the shining outcome of Season 44, it could sound like a poor result, but expectations and reality are seldom telling the same story.
In the playoffs Lakers went back to a more usual run: won against Wolflings and Leed Celtics, only to be stopped by Highland Wildcats after a close and hard fought match.

Champ of Champions : Not qualified

No Friendly Cups success to register

Seasonal individual titles:
Player Giacomo Rebellin received an award for his performance shown on the field - category league RB, rank: 2
Player Buonfiglio Masiero received an award for his performance shown on the field - category league OL, rank: 3
Two podiums that meant so much for the team, who played great running games throughout all the season.

A season that went in the wrong way only at the very end, when the return to Bowl was the objective and it was denied by a real bad game played in the Conference final.

Now financial nightmares have become real, again, and if the objective on the field for Season 46 is to come back to Elite, from a financial point of view is to fight to survive and come out of the swamp of bankrupt.

Admirals 1 competition is challenging, as always, and we still are in a division with our friends-rivals Thepitchhitchin. We will fight with them for the Division spot, but this season they seem much more stronger than our rebuilding team.
It will be, as always, a long season full of decisive games also because Leo Saguatti left the team. He refused a renewal with fewer money than he expected. We wish him all the luck he deserves and Lakers owe him very much for what he did at the helm of the team. Sabino Sperotto is the new promise for the future and he will lead the team in next seasons, while he grows as a leader behind the great guidance of the veteran Luca Vezzani.

Many players wanted more money than Lakers' balance could permit, therefore we had a lot of important losses in our roster. Some of them, like Leo, deserved a place in Hall of Fame of the team, but they decided to move elsewhere.
Luckily Youth Academy is providing talents and stars year after year and we can count on a generational renewal with continuity. That's the great hope we are counting on to prolong the string of good seasons we are marking so far.

Hall of Famer for season 44 class: Bertoldo Antonetti and Andrea Passoni will represent the 44 class in the team history. They made successes in a great defense for the last years.
Bertoldo, in particular, covered the second string as a kicker of the team: a great defender and a versatile, humble professional player.

Coaching staff:
We replaced the retiree Felix Brendell (LB) with a young talented coach. We will see if Simon Norgaard will be capable of taking this crucial role over. The promises are brilliant, but only seasons will tell. The rest of the staff has been confirmed, after a decent season, despite of a missed promotion and the lost semifinal.

Objective is to raise up again up to Elite. It will be harder than last season because of the diminished quality level of the players and because of financial worries, but Lakers can do it in both aspects of the team performances.
Players must stay focused on perfect playing, while the management will take care of the balance and the expenses.

Here starts a season with many question marks to be answered. Lakers have the management, have the players, have the coach to come out of this borderline situation.
We only need to find some rhythm in the season and wipe off the negative thoughts to focus on the many, positive qualities we bring with us.

After a MediaCenter disaffection shown by Admirals teams, we will need all the possible extra income we can bring to our pockets. A long playoff SuperCup rush will help us so much and the extra-income of playoffs would prevent the management office to take supplementary drastic decisions in the next post-season.

Fans demonstrated that they are with us in bad and good moments. If they really love the team they must show up at the stadium even, and mostly, in the harsh days after the defeats we will collect along the way. As lon as they are with us, Lakers fear nothing.

After some season of relative tranquility, financial troubles have arrived. They were always flying like vultures above our head and after the lost Conference finals came down to claim their food. Lakers' administrative staff is already at their desks night and day to repel them and build some solid reserves for the seasons to come.

Lakers, Season #45 will be a point of decision. Playoffs in both competitions will save our team. If we miss that minimum level, we will sink, both from football and economics point of view.
Keep positive thoughts, train hard, play harder and keep the right balance when the difficult days will arrive..

Rating (2 users):  

2021-08-01 13:32:49 - Some lessons about comebacks ... Report Abuse

Season #43
RZA Elite final result : 7-9
AC West (Admirals) division is historically ine of the most balanced and competitive. PAckers, MAgpies amd MAscots are three franchises full of trophies and well established in the RZA Elite. We know since the promotion day that we'd need a miracle to gain a ticket for a second round in Elite. The first half of the season was dramatic 2-6 score condemed us to a miracle run in the second half. Lakers tried with all their remaining forces and almost did it. The loss against Dragons removed the residual hopes to play a decisive direct match against Magpies in the last turn and condemned Lakers to demotion. Lakers won the last match and tasted completely the bitter flavour of demotion for a single loss.

Playoff were never in reach and they were classified as an impossible objective at the start of the season.

SuperCup : 15-0
Lakers won their SuperCupo division with a 0 loss score.

In the playoffs we set a new franchise record reaching the Global Bowl final. It was unexpected and happened through a serie of convincing victories, showing the sensation that the second half of the season was not ended with the almost miraculous run in the League.

Lakers have beaten up:
Hopfenperlen, Stone Mountain Hawks 2, Hell Hounds, Fredericksburg Comanches, Sunrise City Prairie Dogs, Istanbul Whitings in a spectacular semifinal and then arrived to the Grand Final against Chelt Nam Bobbers.

Bobbers are among the longest active franchises and a well guided team of champions that have reached lots of brilliant results during their long history in RZA.
The final was a thrilling ... Bobbers left the blocks with a commanding start and were up 21-3 at half time.
Lakers re-entered the field with the attitude of a team that has nothing to lose and scored 2 TDs and 2 FGs going 23-21 at few minutes from the final whistle.
A last long drive of the Bobbers nailed th coffin, since Lakers' defende couldn't stop the rolling stones of the Chel Nam team.

That was a demonstration of performing a comeback. Lakers should learn that you only waste efforts if you score points without playing hard until the very hand.
Unfortunately this final goes among the lost ones, making a bigger denominator for a fraction that has 0 at victories cell...

Champ of Champions : A run with a different story to tell, two turns passed against Blue Bombers and Ergodicity. In quarter finals match, Leeds Celtics (another strong, long-history franchise) sent us back to the floor with a decisive victory. No glory from CoC.

In Friendly Cups a final lost in the Vaccination Cup against "2020 - The return of the Jedi". An equilibrated match decided by an intercept thrown by Lakers on a 3rd and long, which allowed 2020- TRoyJ to score the TD that sealed the victory for them.

Seasonal individual titles:
Desiderio di Stasio received an award for his performance shown on the field - category league and regional RB, rank:3
Desiderio is the Punter of the team. His kicks gave Lakers room to breathe during all the season, giving opponents tje worst possible positions to start their drives. This prize acknowledge the importance of his contribution on an absolute level. He deserved that.

A season starting with punishing lows that was about to be recovered in the second half.
The final in SuperCup was something that turned a bad season in a good one, even if we lost the final match. Finally Lakers removed the curse of being beaten out in three rounds from that competitionn. A bad confirmation is that we continue to collect loss in finals, demonstrating that we do great runs and always fall short at the last effort.

The objective for Season 44 is to come back to Elite. We cannot afford not to do it, even from a financial point of view.
Admirals competition is challenging, as always and we landed in a division with our friends Thepitchhitchin. We will fight with them for the Division spot, hoping that the second team will reach the playoff too.
It will be a long season full of decisive games. Leo Saguatti has reached a level of maturity to guide us back to Elite. We all count on him.

In the offseason we lost few players: one youngster that has not renewed, three first string that are now playing in other teams (may they have luck for their new adventure) and Scevola Zamagni.

Another good Youth Academy class has been promoted to the main team. Lakers have high expectations on them for the Seasons to come. Lakers need all of the possible talent around to go on with another generation of future champions.

Hall of Famer for season 43 class: None

Coaching staff:
We lost two retirees Qabel Abdul (QB) and Hapo Jack (SF) both of them raised good youngsters to first string players and first string to champions.
Substitutes have already been hired, we hope they can take the job over and raise our team to new levels.
The rest of the staff has been confirmed, after a n overall positive season, despite of demotion and lost finals.

Objective is: raise up to Elite again. It is within our grasp, we need the right determination and the right mentality to go and get it.

We know that replicating a SuperCup run like this season would be a good signal to all the RZA world, but we'd need more than a good team to do so, we need a perfect one.

Here starts a challenging season. Lakers have the management, have the players, have the coaches to do it. We only need to find the winning chemistry among all components and that's the tricky part of the situation.

After a MediaCenter disaffection of other Admirals teams, we will need all the possible extra income we can bring into our pockets.
A long playoff SuperCup rush will help us so much and the extra-income of league playoffs would prevent the management office to take drastic decisions in the next post-season.

Fans demonstrated that they are with us in bad and good moments. If they really love the team they must forgive the teams' bad days.
Their support is the key to move on and try to bring trophies home.

Financial troubles are at bay so far, but at the first misstep we will fall in a blood and tears situation, Lakers' administrative staff will work night and day to avoid it.

Lakers, Season #44 is a moment to build up our future. A return in Elite will give us all the fuel we need, both from football and economics point of view.

Keep focus, train hard, play harder and keep right mentality in winning days like in difficult ones.
Season #44 is going to tell the RZA world if Lakers are another not-so-bad team or a top tier.

Rating (2 users):  

2021-05-07 11:33:44 - A season of revenges, but one still missing ...Report Abuse

Season #42
Admirals 1 final result : 14-2
NC South Division winner and second seed clinched in the rankings. A little step back from record of Season 41, but an overall good regular season. We lost against Vamosahi and Roma Wolves that were direct opponent in the Conference.
A flawless second half of the season was the right passport for the playoff rush.
After the cold shower of the last season in the Divisional Playoffs, Lakers received Vamosahi at home with an unpleasant sensation of deja-vu. But we reversed the result of the regular season loss and advanced to Conference Final against AS Roma Wolves (the second team we lost to in the season).
Again, with a tight and little scoring victory, Lakers shook the ghosts off of their back and won the Conference.
At the last event of the season we encountered our arch-rivals Green Mark Packers and fought another battle. This time the Austrian tank (fresh World Champions) steamrolled over the poor Lakers, forcing them to a terrible 0-5 record in bowl played: a negative world record, probably.

SuperCup : 14-1
Lakers won their SuperCupo division with a single loss. In the playoffs, after winning at home against Morgantown Mad Dogs, were beaten out of the competition by the Bernsfield Hornets in the second round. For another year, the SuperCup playoff race ended abruptly before the fourth round.

Champ of Champions : Not Qualified

No relevant events in Friendly Cups to record.
Another victorious event of the season was the conquer of the All-Stars Challenge trophy in MOTY mode, after numerous attempt, Lakers finally did it. Cheers for this difficult trophy that only a dozen of teams own in the RZA Leagues.

Seasonal individual titles:
Giacomo Rebellin received an award for his performance shown on the field - category league and regional RB, rank: 2
After the retirement of the star Pepe De Silvestro, the heritage was taken by Giacomo Rebellin who started with a top-runner performance in Admirals 1. Let's follow his progresses in RZA Elite's stage.
A very good season overall that give Lakers another chance in RZA Elite. We still miss very much the first victory in a Bowl game, which means we always fall short at the last effort.
0-5 is a severe punishment for us, but we always met teams well above our level in those matches.

The objective for Season 43 is to beat our Elite previous winning record of 7, which will mean that we end up with an even record or better.
Admirals competition in RZA is top level, as always. Despite of Comeback Kids gone in the wind, the level of competition is not lowered at all. The three opponents we will meet have history, have titles, have rosters and management. It will be a long season full of decisive games. It is the time for Leo Saguatti to show he has the leadership and the skills to guide Lakers to a positive season.

In the offseason we lost players.
Two retirees that we will miss very much : The OLs Amintore Martena and Gelindo Piazza two great players that allowed our line to score the second best number in Pancakes statistics. of the season. They will be remembered with great respect, but none of them will join the Team Hall of Fame.

4 veterans (2 defenders and 1 WR) has left the team, everyone for different reasons. 2 of them were running straight to the Hall of Fame. but their wages were growing too big to keep the financial asset of the team in a sustainable status. They wanted money that probably they deserve, but the team finances are always running on a knife's edge. We owe them very much for the last season successes and wish all of them the luck they surely deserve.

Another good Youth Academy class has been promoted to the main team. Lakers have high expectations on them for the Seasons to come. Lakers need all of the possible talent around to go on with another generation of future champions.

Hall of Famer for season 42 class: None

Coaching staff:
All the staff has been confirmed, due to the winning season and the new run to the Elite league.

Objective is clear: an even record is required. Perhaps it is enough to stay in Elite, perhaps it won't be enough. This is the minimum level to declare the season as a positive one.
We count on every component of the team, starting from the management up to the new guys entering the Academy this season. Only if we pack together and stand up as a real Team (with capital T) we can reach such a challenging goal.

For sure we need a winning SuperCup rush to balance the loss of income due to the disaffection of fans while we overcome the inevitable losses.

Fans are delighted today, but we know that some hard match-days are ahead of us and they need their full support to fight and try to subvert the predictions against us. If they really love the team they must forgive the teams' bad days. Only with their support we can try to shine.
Financial troubles are vulturing above team's heads, Lakers' administrative staff will work night and day to keep it in good shape and health.

Lakers, Season #43 is the right occasion to make it to heaven of RZA football. We cannot wait for another chance. The time is here and now.

Keep focus, train hard, play hard and keep positive attitude in difficulties. Season #43 is going to be one to be remembered, whichever the outcome.

Rating (2 users):  

2021-02-15 16:02:59 - Lakers hit the bottom ... is it time to start digging ?Report Abuse

Season #41

Admirals 1 regular season result : 15-1
Best record of NC Conference and winner of the NC South Division. First seed for the playoff. Best Lakers franchise performance in Admirals 1 and great expectations for a post-season with some chance to run for a Conference Title.
The elimination in the Divisional playoff match home with a disaster in the offensive game was an expected cold shower. All hopes for the season vanished in a horrible night of poor football.

SuperCup : 15-0
Another flawless performance in the SuperCup Division to enter another season of SC playoffs, looking for a better record in the number of turns forward in the playoff rush.
In the playoffs, after beating Vipers in the first round, BoneCrushers crushed our bones in the second match away. A match well fought, but lost for unexplicable inconsistency of the offense.

Champ of Champions : NA

No relevant events in Friendly Cups to record.

Still missing the All-Stars Challenge trophy in MOTY mode, but no attempt was tried.

Seasonal individual titles:
Pepe De Silvestro received an award for his performance shown on the field - category league RB, rank:2 and regional RB, rank: 3
Amintore Martena received an award for his performance shown on the field - category league OL, rank: 2
Diego Ghirardi received an award for his performance shown on the field - category league LB, rank:1 and regional LB, rank: 3

In a season with few but intense disappointments, some good rewards from both offense and defense roster to fuel our hopes for the future.

The unexplicable difference between excellent regular season and dramatic playoffs was astounding. Almost perfect season followed by two awful matches that sent Lakers off with a one-two combination for a boxe.like KO. The season closed with another complete disaster..
We fixed Season 41 objective to regain a good playbook and a satisfactory level of play. It seemed successful until the final matches when we collapsed without any possible explanation, but a mental and physical debacle. Something that was investigated during the off-season and hopefully fixed. In the playoff the mental energies are the key factor and we run out of fuel in the worst possible moment.
Result: we are still in Admirals NC South division, asking ourselves how to come out of the swamp we have lost ourselves into. Are Lakers ready to get off their knees and stand up properly again? This is the question that we must answer in Season 42.

In the offseason we lost some successful players. Four retirees that are going to leave an enormous blackhole in our gameplan effectiveness: The veteran OL Giuseppe Reagan, the all-time pro DE Romeo Pin, HB Pepe De Silvestro owner of franchise records for carries, rushing TDs and broken tackles, LB Luca Bletrame great OLB, feared by all leagues QBs. Romeo, Pepe and Luca earned the right to part of the Lakers’ Hall of Famers for the season 41 class.

4 veterans left the team without a contract. A season with poor playoff performances means salary totals to be reduced and some painful decisions to be taken. All of them deserved respect, because they contributed greatly to the team successes in the last years. We hope they will find all they hope for.

Luckily, we can count on a Youth Academy that has prepared another skilled class of future champions. We hope they can give the team the right mentality and the good results Lakers are looking for.

Hall of Famer for season 41 class:
Romeo Pin Just right after the “Monstrous Trio” of the 30s seasons (West, Cazzato, Folse) Romeo kept their inheritance and brought excellence on the field hunting down opponent runners and QBs with great successes and numbers.

Pepe De Silvestro has recorded n°1 results in every statistics for a ball carrier (with exception of Lost Fumbles) which is another key statistic in his favour. He marked new reference numbers for wannabe Elite HBs.
Luca Bletrame recorded the maximum number of sacks in a single player career of Lakers history. Enough to be remembered and honored in Bracciano forever. His record will be beaten quite easily after the season 42 by another player, but it will not overcome the absolute exceptional performance of Luca.

Coaching staff:
Despite of the debacle of the season, all the staff has been confirmed under scrutiny and it is the second season in a row. Every position is now under examining procedures and the season will tell if some change is needed. Patience is a virtue that has a limit…
Lester Baker DL retired. It was sad to see him walking away from the field of the Divisiona playoff match crying for frustration. We will keep him in our memories for the great performances of Romeo Pin and the “Monstrous Trio”. He was the smith of many hard DLs and his successor will have to overcome his legend.

Objectives for the new season: survival.
Without playoffs Lakers will need an hard reset, meaning that the team will be dismantled and rebuilt from ashes. So we will keep a matchday-by-matchday approach trying to squeeze the best possible from a do-it-or-die season.

Leo Saguatti was a great disappointment in the last season and the coaching staff decided to put him on the market. Unfortunately he didn’t find another team to play for and he is still at the helm of the team. This is a crucial season for him and his expressed will to play again with Lakers. He must demonstrate that his contribution is still the one of the champion we admired in past years..

Fans are angry and they are right. The great expectations of the last season were dismantled in a couple of playoff games that were senseless lost in a total offensive debacle. There is no possible explanation and it is the worst part of the picture. There are no promises we can make at this point, because we expect a tremendous start of the next season with a starting schedule which is awful to say the best. People true love for the team will be demonstrated if we will have still fans at the stadium after starting 0-4 in the season.

We are definitely in financial troubles. Probably they will determine an hard dismantling of the current team, which will require a new foundation of the roster. It is sad to say goodbye to many veterans that played so many season, but if it is necessary the team board will do whatever is needed to keep the franchise in financial equilibrium. There is no surprise if we say that Lakers need any dollar income from any possible source, but we know that the team is probably not in the conditions to gather them.

Lakers, Season #42 is a no-turning-back point before the collapse. If players are bond to the franchise, this is the season to demonstrate it and perhaps we will be able to avoid the reset, otherwise a great purge will be necessary to restart from scratches.
There are no possible advice but to give 120% and outperform any idea of football we are going to play.

Rating (2 users):  

2020-11-21 07:28:01 - Sinking from EliteReport Abuse

Season #40

RZA Elite final result : 6-10
NC East Division last spot in the rankings, a total debacle. We packed the worst performance in RZA ELite of our history so far.
In a season full of negative records, we marked a negative streak of 5 consecutive losses in the second part of the season along the way, sinking our residual hopes for glory.
No playoff in league, of course and a well deserved relegation back to Admirals 1.

SuperCup : 15-0
On the positive side of the season, Lakers won their SuperCupo division with a perfect regular season. In the playoffs, after winning against Pitcairn Bounty Mutineers and Juggernaut in the third round we were halted abruptly ny Home MAlones in what was probably the worst game played by the team in the whole season.

Champ of Champions : Our run was opened by a resounding victory against Bologna Towers, followed by a convincing result against Saker Falcons. In the third round we met our cousins Roma Centurions, just the day after losing in Supercup and we were so frustrated that we lost also against our friends.

No relevant events in Friendly Cups to record.

Still missing the All-Stars Challenge trophy in MOTY mode, but no attempt was tried.

Seasonal individual titles:
Gelindo Piazza received an award for his performance shown on the field - category league and regional OL, rank: 3
In a season with few satisfactions and lots of problems to fix, that was a ray of light.

The Elite season was a disaster, well below the expected standard after promotion.
Offense was never incisive and the defense failed sistematically to slow down the opponent offenses.
The most troublesome statistics was the one about turnovers. We were in the #1 spot of the Interception thrown stat ranking for all the season long. Perhaps the coaching staff has something to work about in the offseason.

The objective for Season 41 is to regain a good playbook and a satisfactory level of play, even before thinkng about any possible playoff spot. We have to be consistent and effective if we want to have any hope of being addressed as a team.

We landed in Admirals NC South division, where we will meet again our rival friends Bounty Hunters. We will have a valiant opponent to immediately measure our needed improvements.

In the offseason we lost some players. Two retirees that we will miss very much : The OL legend Romano Alda that is the owner of OL all time records for the team so far and Ettore Notari one of the three best catchers of the Lakers' history. Both of them will be Hall of Famers for the season 40 class.

2 veterans and a young promise left the team without a contract. They wanted money that probably they could deserve, but the team finances are running on a knife's edge and it was difficult to grant them such raises. We owe them very much for the last season successes and wish all of them the luck they surely deserve.

Youth Academy is providing talented rookies with continuity, so the future seems still promising. Lakers need all of the possible talent around to go on with another generation of future champions .

Hall of Famer for season 40 class:
Romano Alda he has hit #1 spot in all statistics for the Lakers' offensive Linemen history. He was a monster in the OT position, scoring pancakes at every league levels and being in the top 10 ranking spots in any single season. Our opponents' DE are celebrating all around the league his retirement from the scrimmage line.

Ettore Notari second only to the Tad Vickers' legend, he is one of the most brilliant products of the Bracciano Lakers youth academy. Out of the internal training school he catched TDs and provided yards for the team on every field around the world.

Coaching staff:
After the debacle of the season, all the staff has been confirmed under scrutiny. Every position is now under examining procedures and the season will tell if some change is needed.
Aron Por Maslanka OL coordinator gave up for his age. It is a personal pain to see him going into retirement after a losing season with the sadness in his eyes. He was a young coach when he joined the Lakers in the very first season of Lakers history and accompanied the team in its escalation to the RZA. It will be hard to find someone that can take his inheritance and bring the team forward.

It is difficult to pose objectives for the new season. We have to revive from the ashes of the last season's blazing fire. We don't know what is our actual level and most of all we don't know the psychological scars we have to mend after a season of humiliations.
Playoffs seem unreachable from here, so we will focus one game after another to discover game after game which is our level in the food chain of the Admirals rankings.

Only a jump of pride of our players and coaches (one by one and all together) can turn the table and open some expectations.
SuperCup is confirmed as a tourney with little satisfactions in the playoff. Another weak spot to work on.

Fans are disgusted and we can understand them, but they must know that without them there is no possible rebirth. If they really love the team this is the season to come at the stadium and cheer for the players. Only with their enthusiasm we can go through this tunnel out in full light again.

Nightmares of financial troubles are again infesting the nights of our administrative staff. We need income from any possible source and we don't know if the team is in conditions to gather them.

Lakers, Season #41 is near a do-it-or-die situation. If we can keep winning perhaps we can avoid an hard reset, but if the situation should become without hopes a great purge will be necessary to restart from scratches.
Keep concentration, rebuild you confidence, play your best football and win games. We are in the middle of the hell and the road to come out of it is hardly uphill.

Rating (2 users):  

2020-09-26 21:05:14 - V-shape rebounding back to EliteReport Abuse

Season #39
Admirals 1 final result : 13-3 NC South Division Winners, and it maKes an overall Division palmares of 9 first places.
Risking the insane behaviour of the last season, a flawless starting half was followed by a long streak of lost games, both in SuperCup and League that were almost throwing away all the good results we packed along the way. Luckily 2 division rivals went BOT and helped to create a safety lane for the playoffs.
In the playoff, we managed to overcome Venom and Rebels for the Conference Title and to win another promotion ticket to RZA Elite. Two convincing wins that shook off the dust from the shoulders of the team just in time to achieve a winning result for the Season.
In the fourth Bowl of the team we faced our nemesis: Free Agent Mascots. We challenge them in the first half, but succumbed under their overpower in the second half. A resounding loss and another wasted chance to grab the first Bowl title, who is still missing in the trophy room.

SuperCup : 12-2
Following the pattern of the league, also in SuperCup everything was smooth and the team stayed unbeaten until we met Armadillos, that gave us an harsh lesson and sent us in a gorge of doubts and weak performances.
We lost another winnable game and risked dramatically a third loss that could push us out the playoffs.
Luckily the team reacted promptly, but the first PO turn ended up in a derby against Black Bulls, that roasted us up and rolled over us with a majestic performance. Another season with a single presence in SC playoffs...

Champ of Champions : Not qualified.

No relevant events in Friendly Cups played

Still missing the All-Stars Challenge trophy in MOTY mode, but no attempt was tried.

Seasonal individual titles:
Pepe De Silvestro category league RB, rank: 2 and category regional RB, rank: 3
Celestino Prima category league CB, rank: 3
Two important marks for two franchise players that gave their impressive contribution to the winning season.

We have another shot to Elite, but we have again experienced that Lakers miss consistency. It is a big gap that must be closed quickly if we want to stay in Elite season after season.

The objective for Season 40 is again to have a better result with respect to the previous appearances, but with the three contenders in the Admirals Division it is barely imaginable.
Kids lost the Conference Final, Wolves outplayed Magpies who lost the Global Bowl and Mascots are ... well our nemesis and a legendary Admirals team. With three opponents like those, the fight for the Division is apparently out of our reach.

Only 1 player retired at the end of season, but he was a Lakers legend. . Celestino Prima

A veteran and a young promise left the team without a contract. They wanted money that probably they could deserve, but the team finances are running on a knife's edge and it was difficult to grant them such raises. We owe them very much for the last season successes and wish them both all the luck they surely deserve.

Youth Academy luckily produced another very good class of rookies. Lakers need all of them to continue the streak of future champions.

Hall of Famer for season 38 class:
Celestino Prima one of the most complete and consistent CBs of Lakers history. He is the owner of many team records that are now the reference figures fo the new future champions of the Lakers. All-round player that could be an excellent LineBacker too, but his speed made him a perfect machine to stop opposing WRs. His place is already covered by great players, but we will miss his charisma on the field and in the locker room.

Coaching staff:
After a convincing and winning season, all the staff has been confirmed. The coaching team is growing as a unit and they are exceptionally supporting each other, creating a wonderful environment for the player to perform at their best.

We were hoping for a bounce back to Elite and here it is. A great season with some little cracks in the second part.
SuperCup remains our Achille's talon. Lakers cannot go further than a couple of matches every season. This is a curse we have to overcome.

Fans are delighted for this quick return in Elite and they deserve it. We already know that next season won't bring all the successes we had so far, so we ask them, since now, the patience to bear some bitter loss in the next season and keep their warm cheers up for the whole next season. We will need all their affection and support.

Lakers, Season #40 must be our time to show that we grew up and that we are now able to stay in Elite among stars.
Keep concentration, focus on playing perfect football and believe in yourselves. We can do it, but we have to prove we can.

Rating (1 users):  

2020-05-31 19:30:18 - When you go up without discipline, the fall can be painfulReport Abuse

Season #38
RZA Elite final result : 7-9 (bottom of the division) causing a relegation back to Admirals 1.
A double faced season with a sparkling first half, closing in the lead of the division and only 3 losses. The second half was a nightmare, with 6 losses in a row and watching any dream of glory disappear a game after the other.
Lakers achieved the minimum result, beating the previous team record in Elite by a single victory. It was a consolation, insignificant achievement, given the situation.
No playoff game to report.

SuperCup : 15-0
A soft division without great names to battle against gave Lakers the illusion of an agile Supercup adventure. Cold shower happened in the first playoff round where the superficial approach of the team was harshly punished by Basterds that gave us a football lesson to be remembered: immediately out of the playoffs.

Champ of Champions : Started in the worst period of the League, Lakers won the first, easy match game against disastrous Durham Bulls, before melting at the second round against Confined Ducks that taught us another severe lesson of Elite football. 31 points margin and Lakers back home with broken bones.

In a Season with very few positive results, the Colossevm Cvp II Edition victory is a shiny trophy. Despite the valiant opponents and the fratricide final against the friend Centurions, Lakers came out on top, securing a most desired title by our General Manager for the Trophy Room: the blood-colored Colosseum.

Still missing the All-Stars Challenge trophy in MOTY mode, but no real attempt was tried.

No Lakers player was awarded with seasonal individual titles.

More dark days than luminous ones in the past season. Elite is difficult and we knew it, but the start of the adventure gave us an illusory idea of closing the gap to the top. The second part of the season was a brutal return to the reality. We have lost too many games against teams at or below our level.
A single loss deserves to be mentioned as the most heroic and the most dramatic of the season: the one against undefeated Salt City Pirates. Despite of a disastrous offensive match with 4 interception against, our defence kept us in the game allowing Leo Saguatti a last drive to win the game with a TD. The 00:00 on the clock stopped us at 1st and Goal on opposing 4 yards with reasonable chances to score the winning touchdown.

3 players retired at the end of season, three pillars in different roles on the field: FB, SF, MLB. We will miss their toughness very much.
Some veterans left the team without a contract: someone asked for an unacceptable big raise of his salary, some other was about to retire and decided to leave early and allow younger teammates a first string spot. We owe them very much for the past successes. Young replacements must work hard to achieve half of their overall contribution.
Another talent Youth Academy class entered the senior team. Lakers desperately need future champions to keep the roster competitive.

Hall of Famer for season 38 class:
Enoch Rosen) took the heritage of the unforgettable star Troy Tice and brought the defense back to Elite. He is ranking second in many defensive statistical rankings after mythical Troy. Enoch is a champion and he showed it on the field.

Coaching staff:
CB Coach Hansjörg Swanson was fired. His short-term-contract ended and general manger had alreay contacted Coach Ahmed Horner who will take the job over. CBs under-performed in Elite and a shock was requested to improve our poor passing defense. We welcome the new CB coach and wish him the best luck in the incoming challenging season
The rest of the staff has been confirmed.

A Season on the roller-coaster, with light and shadows.
The final record is above the previous appearance in Elite, but after leading the division in the first half of the season, being relegated as last is hurting very much. We have taken bitter lessons that we must capitalize to progress in the growth as a winning franchise.
In the period between seasons Lakers have reorganized the team a bit, in order to be ready and start the new Admirals 1 adventure in full shape. Motivation is perhaps the most difficult aspect we have to take care of, but coaching staff will keep a close eye about it.
We can understand some delusion from the fans, who were expecting a longer fight for the two Elite confirmation spots. That's why we have recorded some decrease in the attendance during last matches. We will work hard to regain fans' trust and bring them back on the YashinDome seats.
Lakers, Season #39 must be a bouncing back season. We know that Admirals 1 is a hell of League, but we can play our cards to gain another ticket-pass for the Elite.
Our football will lead us to victories and our robustness will help us to recover from the hard moments we will face. Financial numbers seem under control now and the management will work hard to keep the teams' bank accounts in safe zones. As always we have challenging objectives ahead, but nothing out of reach. Lakers, keep morale high, throw the worries away and play as hard as you can.

Rating (1 users):  

2020-03-08 18:04:39 - Conference title and another journey to HeavenReport Abuse

Season #37
Admirals 1 final result : 13-3 enough for the Divisional title and the first seed of the AC Conference.
A great rush with double, first time, victories against Motol Ducks (2-11 our confrontations so far) who always beated us up until season 37.
In playoff, Packers and Ducks were defeated again one after another to win the AC Conference title amd play the Admirals Bowl against 16-0 Mascots.
Mascots, Lakers had a losing streak record of 0-8 and the challenge resulted well above the young Lakers team possibility.
Until third quarter the match was on the edge of the equilibrium until an interception at the start of the drive destroyed Lakers chances and hopes. Morale of the youngsters collapsed and the match ended.

SuperCup : 13-2
A second place ex-aequo with 3 other teams, for a clear and well deserved playoff spot.
In the playoff after beating Janitors, Marife-Lacion sent Lakers home after a dominant performance.

Champ of Champions : not qualified

No Friendly Cups title

Still missing the All-Stars Challenge trophy in MOTY mode, despite some promising attempts

Lakers players with seasonal individual titles:
Player Luigi Forlani received an award for his performance shown on the field - category league K, rank: 3
Player Enoch Rosen received an award for his performance shown on the field - category league LB, rank: 3
Player Romeo Pin received an award for his performance shown on the field - category league DL, rank: 2
Player Pepe De Silvestro received an award for his performance shown on the field - category league RB, rank: 1 & category regional RB, rank: 1

A great season, with a Conference title and a good performance overall in the Bowl, despite the losing result. Another great side result is that the two playoff appartitions boosted the income of the tickets of the team. Financial balance has been drastically improved and the ghost of bankrupt seems fading away.
We lost only one elite veteran player, so the level of the team potential should remain unaffected.
Youth Academy is continuing to provide future champions and we are adding quality to an uprising team.

Retiring TE will be the Hall of Famer for season 37 class:
Terzo Pertica(TE) re-wrote the statistics of Lakers TE, he redefined the role, reaching big numbers in yards and TD.

No retirment in a winning and well established Coaching staff.
The staff has been obviously confirmed after a great winning season.

A Season with great satisfactory reaults: a divisional and a conference title. The tean was highly competitive and won thrilling matches against many, but not all, best Admirals teams.
Leo Saguatti is reaching the level Lakers expected from him, even if he is still a youngster. His good leadership and poise on the field brought Lakers to another level and achieved impressive results against stronger opponents. He still has room to grow and unleash his full potential, so we can only watch and learn what the future holds for him and for Lakers under his helm.
Replacing champions with champions will remain the focus for the next future.

Fans are on our side and it is no wonder after such a season. We expect them to remain there even in the next season that will be a tough one in Elite aginst three monstruous Admirals fanchises. We will suffer and struggle to remain in Elite and we will need all the support fans can provide. We ask them patience because we won't be able to mantain the outstanding numbers Lakers recorded in Season 37.

Lakers, Season #38 will be a return-home situation. Objectives are:
- to perform better than our last appearance in Elite and we can do it
- We must play better football,
- Keeping financial issues at bay,
- Allowing the youngsters to grow up.
Many objectives for a season among the stars.
Keep morale high through difficulties and capitalize good matches, and obviously play as hard as you can.

Rating (1 users):  

2019-12-15 15:53:37 - From the stables to the starsReport Abuse

Season #36
Admirals 1 : 10-6
for a 6th place in the Conference sorted by Points Difference.
No overall improvement with respect to the previous season, but luckily enough for the last Wild Card to the playoff.
Looking back, a couple of games have been thrown away but a better record would bring few benefits in the end.
We won the Wild Card games vs Devon Dog Soldiers, but lost to the final champions of Comeback Kids.
New team insertions were capable to battle into playoff contenders in Admirals 1.

SuperCup : 15-0
Clean regular season, that gave another impressive sensation of growth for the young team.
In playoff Lakers passed over Bonnyrigg Bombsquad and Bretzfield Bandits with close, but convincing victories and then they were halted by much stronger Deflators.

Champ of Champions : not qualified

In Friendly Cups only the third Runner-Up trophy in the Third Coppa Italia final. Another season without a trophy.

Still missing the All-Stars Challenge trophy in MOTY mode.

4 Lakers players with seasonal individual titles:
Player Pepe De Silvestro received an award for his performance shown on the field - category league RB, rank: 1

Player Luigi Forlani received an award for his performance shown on the field - category league K, rank: 3

Player Enoch Rosen received an award for his performance shown on the field - category league LB, rank: 2

Player Giuseppe Reagan received an award for his performance shown on the field - category league OL, rank: 1

These 4 awards bring another important mark for a season of positive improvements

Finances are improving significantly with respect to the last season, but Lakers are not out of troubles yet. Many other seasons of wise money management are requested.

With the past offseason, last four Elite players of the Elite experience have retired, closing in fact the loss of quality.
Defense and offense lineups are now setting up the next stars for Lakers. Many promising juniors will rise up in the next season for sure.
Youth Academy is continuing to provide future champions. We count on them to secure a brilliant future.
2 Hall of Famers are expected out of season 36 class:
Glen Folse (DL) the best Fumbles creator in Lakers history, beyond excellent defensive line numbers.
Lodovico Caligaris (FB) has marked the top numbers for a Fullback among Lakers. He is the first ranked FullBack that future champions must measure with.

No retirment in the Coaching staff.

A positive Season has ended. Lakers are among best Admirals teams: this is the response of this period.
Leo Saguatti is improving and the team has recognized him as a good leader and they are following him, hopefully towards other victories.
All Lakers are counting on him to go back to Elite again, he has the numbers to do it.

We are glad to give some cheering days and some parties to celebrate to our fans, but we know that fans' support requests more victories and more titles. We ask them to stay with Lakers in good days, but most of all in bad days, keeping players' morale high and helping them to recover from some unfortunate debacle.

Lakers, we ask you to make the Season #36 seed grow in Season #37.
We must play better football, improving financial balances and allowing the new champions to develop into stars.
Let's go Lakers !!!

Rating (2 users):  

2019-09-23 19:21:19 - A season of wooden medals Report Abuse

Season #35
Admirals 1 final result : 10-6 for a 7th place in the Conference sorted by Points Difference.
Killed in the last game by our division rival Packers and in the Conference by our archi-rival Thepitchhitchin for a big Point Difference.
A wooden medal caused by a nonsense loss in the first gameday against 2-14 Silverbacks: an unbelievable match thrown away.
A convincing comeback in the second half od the season, but Lakers were halted in the very last match.
Despite the new setup Lakers were still capable to battle among playoff contenders in Admirals 1.

SuperCup : 12-3
A fourth place ex-aequo with 2 other teams, for an overall 132th place because of 21 points short from the last playoff spot.
Among the losses, the one against 10-5 Orc Boyz was the hardest to understand. Again in the first half of the season another unexplicable game in which every mistake was paid in full.

Champ of Champions : not qualified

No Friendly Cups satisfactions in a rough 0-11 season

Still missing the All-Stars Challenge trophy in MOTY mode.

Lakers players with seasonal individual titles:
Player Pepe De Silvestro received an award for his performance shown on the field - category league RB, rank: 2

The worst part is that without playoffs eanings the overall financial situation is on the verge of collapse. Lakers had to cut off many key players that were not retiring to achieve an affordable total weekly wages amount
On top of that, three more Elite players have retired, further decreasing the team capabilities, both in defense and offense lineups. The Offensive Line will mostly suffer from the retirement schedule.
Youth Academy is continuing to provide future champions, but we need their best football immediately, or risking another painful season.
3 Hall of Famers are expected out of season 35 class:
Girolamo De Simone (OL) The best Offensive Tackle of Lakers history, he redefined the role of Pass protector. Many DE crushed against his monumental skills
Bonfilio Moscati (OL) Another pillar of the Offensive Line. He marked a great number of Pancakes, placing him at the second place of Lakers history.
Quirino Cazzato (OL) On Defensive side, Quirino was a flexible and aggressive playmaker. He started his Lakers experience as Linebacker and was moved to Defensive End showing excellence in both roles. Opposing QBs and RBs are celebrating ...

As a result Lakers lost 10 players in the process and many of them are really hard to replace with uplifting youngsters.
Only one retirmente in the Coaching staff: Jorge Rojas CB coach,
The rest of the staff has been confirmed after a difficult, but positive season. If we cannot access at playoffs again, some wage shall be decreased even on the bench side.

We take the positive part of the Season on the fact that after some adjustments the tean was competitive battling with best Admirals teams. In place of Guerino Grando, Leo Saguatti has developed a good leadership and scored impressive results on the way. He has a long path in front of him, but he seems to have the numbers to do it. Replacing champions with champions is still the recipe to follow for the next seasons.

Some fans showed disaffection and this is understandable, but if you love this team the best you can do is to support the players every game. We ask them patience because Lakers are on a good path to build a second good era with the team's rearrangement.

Lakers, Season #36 will be a do or die situation. We must play better football, overcoming financial issues and allowing the youngsters to grow up. Many objectives for a single season Keep high hopes and play as hard as you can.

Rating (3 users):  

2019-06-30 17:12:56 - The Seconde Era dawns where the First Era sets downReport Abuse

Season #34
Admirals 1 League record : 13-3 for a back-to-back Division title.
In AC East three great teams battled: Packers and Ghosts fought hard until the very last match.
The Playoff matches were a cross challenge between East and West Divisions and gave their response: Kids vs Thepitchhitchin at the Conference Finals. Lakers kist to Melittelmenon only for a field goal disadvantage, but enough to close the door in front of Lakers' hopes.
Lakers are still among playoff contenders in Admirals 1.

SuperCup : 14-1
SC qualification rounds are tougher than before since a couple of seasons, another second place in the rankings has to be noted as another seasonal success.
Three playoff matches played before elimination:
Victorìes vs East Coast Crushers in the first PO round and Traktor Tiefe Furche in the second. .
On the third match, Juggernaut crushed Lakers' will.

Champ of Champions : not qualified

Some new shiny Bananas in the trophy room, after a resounding victory in the Banana Bowl IV, overcoming Wadenbeisser, Tampa Bay Bandits and Griffins in the elimination rounds.

Still missing the All-Stars Challenge trophy in MOTY mode.

Lakers players with seasonal individual titles:
Player Quirino Cazzato received an award for his performance shown on the field - category league DL, rank: 3
Player Pepe De Silvestro received an award for his performance shown on the field - category league RB, rank: 1 & category regional RB, rank: 2
Pepe showed that the retirement of Mijo Berger was absorbed without downgrading.

Another season on the edge of success, great building in the regular season and some flaws in the playoffs that costed Lakers elimination gave demonstration that we are a well established franchise in Admirals. We still miss some sparks in key moments along the road, that negated to Lakers the biggest prizes.

The loss of Elite players continued in season 34. another bunch of champions have retired, losing quality players that built the history of the franchise, both in defense and offense lineups.

Youth Academy is continuing to provide future championss, but we need their best football immediately, or risking hard downfall.

Only 1 Hall of Famers out of season 34:
Guerino Grando (QB) our Elite helmsman, his N°10 jersey will be retired to honour his brilliant career.

Five good players will retire too, another part of the backbone of the last seasons.

Coaching staff has been confirmed after a convincing and winning season.

Some confirmation from Season 34, demonstrating that Lakers can be competitive after losing key players. In Season 35 we have to find another leader in place of Grando at the helm of the offense. Replacing champions with champions has to become the rule for the next seasons.

Fans support is always with us, we feel their passion that pushes Lakers forward. We ask them patience when Lakers are trying to build a second era with the team's rearrangement.

Lakers, Season #35 should mean the final turning point. Keep high hopes and play as hard as you can.

Rating (1 users):  

2019-04-07 16:28:55 - After sliding down, you always have to run uphillReport Abuse

Season #33
Admirals 1 League record : 12-4 good for the Division title.
Despite avoiding the Hell Division, winning the AC North one was a thriller anyway. The Packers are long hard rivals for the Lakers and did their best to reach the top.
Playoff schedule was a nightmare: Kids at the playoff, that qualified with a better record than ours and they won the direct match. Despite the past performances, Lakers came out big and won the battle. In the next round the Magpies crushed our dreams, winning by a single damn point.
The final judgement is that Lakers are still one of the playoff contenders in Admirals 1.

SuperCup : 13-2
In a competitive SC qualification round, the second place was another seasonal success.
Good victory in the first PO round against Walruses.
Outstanding performance passing through the Black Dragons in turn 2 with a convincing 47-24.
Confirmed great improvements taming the Styrian Bears 44-28. another Elite powerhouse in the third turn.
Lakers were stopped by Constanta Sailors that halted the run.

Champ of Champions : not qualified

No friendly cup trophy.

Still missing the trophy in MOTY mode.

Lakers players with seasonal individual titles:
Troy Tice received an award for category league LB, rank: 2
Ion Kachanov received an award for category league TE, rank: 3
Mijo Berger received an award for category league RB, rank: 3
Guerino Grando received an award for category league QB, rank: 3
Four key roles prizes that confirm a positive, even if not sensational, season.

Lakers gave demonstration that we are a well established franchise in Admirals. We still miss some sparks in key moments along the road, that negate to us the biggest results.

Many Elite players have retired at the end of season 33 and the team will have to overcome a significant drop in quality and experience, both in defense and offense lineups.

Youth Academy is producing future stars, but we need their best football immediately, or risking hard downfall.

4 Hall of Famers out of season 33:
Mijo Berger (HB)
Troy Tice (MLB)
Daevin West (DE)
Enzo Sperotto (K)
they all 4 are ranked #1 in many roles based player rankings if Bracciano history

Nevdzet Kadjievic will retire too. A great Lineman that gave a solid contribution to Offensive scrimmage plays.

Coaching staff has been confirmed after a convincing and winning season.

Lakers have to confirm the good numbers of Season 33, demonstrating that they can be competitive after losing 4 key players. We have to prove that we are able to bring forward the team replacing champions with champions.

As always, fans support is the most important fuel for a team. So we ask our people to be patient and stay with the team in the incoming periods of rearrangement.

Lakers, Season #34 and #35 are a drastic turn around. Keep morale high and overcome difficulties... we can do it and be back on track.

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2019-01-02 12:47:10 - ... Right Back Where We Started From (cit. Phantom Planet)Report Abuse

Season #32
RZA Elite League record : 6-10
We knew it would be hard and it was. Three top competitive Admirals teams were too much for the Lakers (0-6 divisional results says it all).
So we are back in the atmoosphere after dreaming about deep space.
Relegation without dishonor, we were 50% until some games from the end and we collected some exceptional result along the way.
16th overall team, means we are in the top half of the Elite league amd it means something after all.

SuperCup : 13-2
In a monstruous SC qualification round, the second place was a real success, obtained with a dramatic victory in the last round against powerhouse Styrian Bears... MOTY did it all.
We paid it with a weak performance in the playoff 1st round, being eliminated without mercy by Cougars.

Champ of Champions : 2 turns passed against RockFord Titans and 2nd Cjronicles. Munich Runners outrunned Lakers and stopped our advance. A good result to have gone so far, without any bot help.

No friendly cup trophy so far.

Still missing the trophy in MOTY mode.

No Lakers' players on the board for seasonal prizes, understandable in a mediocre season.
Correction: Pasquale Hasslebacher fained a significant 3rd rank in both League and Regional rankings

Lakers were outplayed in their Elite division in each and every direct match.
Despite the negative result, if we were hosted in some other division, we could be still in Elite and somehow in the playoff, in divisions where teams went dramatically KO during the season.

We have established a milestone. Season 32 will be our next reference point for seasons to come, a new record to beat.

Two very good players will retire and we were forced to release some good veteran.
Money are a factor and they are running downstream.
Youth Academy is still offering possible stars some chances to emerge. We will need them immediately.

Alfeo Gabrielli will enter the Hall of Fame among the retirees of this season. He marked outstanding numbers in Sacks and Tackles for Losses.
Veteran Milo Schweitzer decided to retire too. He played in Bracciano only a couple of seasons, but he left a tangible mark in the Line of Defence.

Ervin Janas Running Back coach has retired, the team is hardly looking for a viable replacement.
We want to wish a special goodbye to HC Nursaiyn "Ivan" Kirov. He is the smith that forged Lakers into an Elite Team. He chose to accept new challenges elsewhere and we hope he will find all successes he deserves.

Lakers are back into Admirals' 1.1 ... waiting to understand which division they will fall into.
In the "division of Hell" (our former house) a place is vacant, we will see if it will be a full return at home.
Competitivity of the Admirals teams is everywhere at the top, so no easy way to find another ticket to the Elite carousel.

Elite is the university of RZA. A competitive league with powerhouses and tremendous coaches that are eager to play the hardest football.
To stay on that stage Lakers will need a drastic step forward.

Fans should no feel delusion, since Lakers did their best and in some matches they gave sparkles of potential. We need all the possible support to run uphill again and have a well deserved second opportunity.
Lakers, Season #33 shall be our trampoline to try and bouncing back to the top.

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2018-10-27 07:24:21 - Elite ... there we come !!!Report Abuse

Season #31
League record : 11-5
sweating to the last game before hitting the second place in the AC West division and to secure the last playoff seed.
In the Wild Card PO game, an hard fought match vs "Deflated Egos" sent Lakers to Divisional Playoff.
Next round versus "AS Roma Wolves", an exceptional and unexpected victory projected the team to the Conference Championship.
On the wings of success, the positive streak against "Green Mark Packers" went on in the Championship match and the first 1.1 Bowl became reality.
The cold shower of a real Elite opponent "Yellowcakes" run down on our heads in the Bowl game. The Lakers came out with broken bones and reshaped expextations for the next Elite season.

SuperCup : 13-2
In a highly competitive SC qualification round, the second place was a real success.
First PO match against "Philadelphia Phoenix". A solid performance with a close victory.
In the second PO match we met the league rivals "Fort de France Gays", providing another convincing victory.
In the third round "Kalpana Wild Thangs" were unexpectedly wiped out by the best Lakers seen so far.
The PO race came to an end in the "Black Dragons" Elite powerhouse's nest. Together with the loss of the league Bowl this was another evidence of the level of opponents Lakers will face in the Elite run of next season.

Champ of Champions : Not qualified.

No friendly cup trophy

Slowing down in all-Stars Challenges, we are still missing the trophy in MOTY mode.

Despite the succesful season only one Lakers' players was awarded with seasonal prize:
Mijo Berger received award for League RB, rank: 1.
Being the third award in 3 consecutive seasons, Mijo is leaving a great mark in team's and Admirals' history.

Lakers are in Elite for their first season.
Since it is a new beginning, the mistake of considering it a destination mark would bring us back to Admirals 1.1 as fast as lightning.
Maximum concentration and will to suffer until the last match are the only ingredients useful for the next season.
Season 31 was a great success and a turning point in team long-term plans.
Despite some lack of will in too many games of the season, the final result is beyond any expectation, so we grateful celebrated a winning season, with our eyes on the 32nd season challenges.

Too many good players have retired, some youngsters have left the team in search of glory elsewhere.
Youth Academy produced another group of possible stars during this season. We need them as soon as possible to compensate for retired stars.

Tad Vickers will enter the Hall of Fame among the retirees of this season. He was the first real star playing for Lakers. The overall growth of the team is mainly due to his charming example and leadership.
Muzio Lunardo the Punter. He is the last veteran of the first season of the team. He lived all the road from the hell to the Elite. He will be the second Hall of Famer of this season.
Stephan Faison and Warren Held retired too. Both of them brought the team a long way to the top and they deserve Lakers' fans respect and gratitude.

No retired coaches this season.

Lakers are finally in the Elite Tournament.

We left the "division of Hell" in Admirals 1.1, we wish our former division rivals all the best. We will miss them all.

Another step up is requested to the Lakers franchise in every aspect of the game and beyond. Elite is a harsh and competitive league and 3 Admirals' sacre monsters are popoulating the division.
The rush to stay on the top stage will be tremendous and it will require a Lakers' season as we never did before.

Fans are excited and we will need every drop of their support to stay in the matches and nourish our hopes.
Lakers, Season #32 is the playground you were looking for, so keep your morale high and train like you never did. We must put our best on the field to stay among the stars !!!

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2018-07-21 15:11:08 - Cold Blood is for the ChampsReport Abuse

Season #30
League record : 9-7
enough to rank second in the AC West division and to secure the last playoff seed.
In the Wild Card PO game, the divisional rivals Comeback Kids outplayed us in the second half, ending Lakers season.

SuperCup : 14-1
Another succesfull run in the SC qualification round.
First PO match against an Elite team "Flying Ducktales". An unexpected, but convincing victory against a noble Elite powerhouse.
Second PO match against another Elite Italian team "Gladiators" and the most painful elimination in OverTime.

Champ of Champions : Not qualified.

2 friendly cup trophy:
Friendly Cup Appalachian Rumble Bowl IV
Friendly Cup IECC4 - Qualification 2

Persisting in all-Stars Challenges, we are still fighting for trophy in MOTY mode.

Another Season with Lakers' players awarded with seasonal prize:
Igor Marciano received award for League and Regional SF, rank: 1
Troy Tice received award for League LB, rank: 2
Ion Kachanov received award for League TE, rank: 2
Mijo Berger received award for League RB, rank: 2 and Regional RB rank: 3.
Other little signs that the team is on the right path, but still missing something.

Playoff apparitions in both competitions are always signs of a positive season, being out at the first League PO round sounds like a step backward. In Supercup two Elite teams in the first two rounds were a good progress with respect to the previous season.
What we lacked all season long was one of the main ingredients for the recipe of the Champions: cool blood in stressful situations.
Too many matches lost in the last minutes of the 4th quarter and all matches in OverTimes surrendered to the Sudden Death.
If a team wants to compete in the biggest stage must learn to find the victories in all situations, especially the most close and stressful ones.

Some good players will retire, some others will leave the team for technical decisions.
Youth Academy produced a group of possible stars during this season. It's to be seen if they can replace veterans with minimal downgrade of the team.
Kevin Overton will enter the Hall of Fame among the retirees of this season. He set up the new records for Offensive Lineman in his time at Lakers' field.
Others were excellent players that gave a strong contribution to the recent results, but no champion in the group.

We want to celebrate two retiring coaches:
Aquila Disolokai, LB legendary assistant. The first AC coach signed by Lakers in their history and a workaholic, training simultaneously dozens of players and youngsters.
Arnar Jon Runolffson "the Icelander warlock" the coach of WRs. Many young talents grew up under his leadership.

New coaches have high reference points to reach in the Lakers locker rooms. We wish them good job for the next seasons.

Lakers were not ready for the Elite Tournament. This was the sentence of the season.
Another Season in the division will mean another season of hard matches and games to watch. All three division rivals are strong teams and all teams ended the season with 50% or more of victories. All direct matches for Lakers ended up with 1-1 overall result. That's a big indicator of the equilibrium among contenders in the Division.
Lakers will have to raise their game levels if they think to try the route to Elite again. The level shown in season #30 was well below the needs.

Fans are with us despite all mistakes made and occasions lost. Lakers, prepare well for Season #31, they deserve bigger satisfactions !!!

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2018-05-12 17:27:29 - One step closer to the dreamReport Abuse

Season #29
League record : 13-3
enough to win the AC West division and to secure AC #2 seed.
In the divisional PO game, luck gave Lakers a match against Wildcats abandoned by their coach few days before.
The victory brought us to the AC conference final, where the Free Agent Mascots demonstrated us the gap between our team and an Admirals top winning one.
A single-sided game, that Lakers never entered in.

SuperCup : 14-1
Another succesfull run in the SC qualification round. Playoff spot clinched against some difficult opponents after the Spartans.
Another first PO round elimination against an Elite team "BobBoy Magpies".
A not-so-close match that explained us how far away is the Elite objective.

Champ of Champions : Not qualified.

No friendly cup trophy.

Persisting in all-Stars Challenges, the trophy for Normal mode is now in the Lakers' main building.

Plenty of prizes for Lakers' players:
Troy Tice league LB, rank: 1
Alonso Rey league OL, rank: 2
Enzo Sperotto league K, rank: 3
Janko Hoffmann league FB, rank: 3
Mijo Berger league RB, rank: 3

An overall step forward for the Lakers. Both playoff clinched and well positive final records tell about a season with satisfaction and results.
The losing apparition to the AC Championship is another positive sign that the team is heading in the right direction.

Many players left the team, some of them for retirement others for bad management.
Some downgrading is expected in key roles where promising stars or veteran starters moved away from, but young replacement seem quite ready to give their contribution.
Some of the retired could legitimately aspire to the Team Hall of Fame. We will follow them in the next months.

Season#30 will tell us if the Lakers are ready for the Elite Tournament. All three division rivals are stronger than before and they will try to rise up.
If Lakers think that victories are due to us because we look handsome, well it will be an hard season. On the contrary, if the right intensity will be put on the field each game after another, we will have our chances.

Let's keep the fans happy and let's play our best football.
Happy season #30 Lakers !!! Good luck and have fun!!!

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2018-02-04 14:10:29 - Meeting last season expectationsReport Abuse

Season #28
League record : 11-5
Despite of a better overall record than season#27, only a second place in AC West division, after the historical rivals of Melittlemenon. A wild card spot clinched at the very last minute.
In the first PO game, another milestone for the book of records: the first win against our division rivals without using MOTY.
Eliminated again in the playoff match by the Free Agent Mascots with a one-sided game, that Lakers gave up in the second half.

SuperCup : 14-1
Playoff spot grabbed again in SuperCup first round. The first Playoff match was an even one. Lakers were 4 points behind but lost 10-0 the third. They couldn't close the gap despite of a convincing comeback in the 4th Quarter that fell short of 4 points.

Champ of Champions : Not qualified.

No friendly cup trophy so far.
Some all-Stars Challenge apparitions brought us a trophy for Relaxed mode.

No special earnings for any player

Another consolidation season on the positive side of Lakers' growth. Both playoff clinched and well positive final records.
Coaching staff loses the QB coach that decided to retire. Manuel, we will miss you!
His young deputy Qabel took over the job and we are expecting some difference in the gameplay, while we think that QBs progresses are evident so far. We wish him and his crew all the best.

Five veterans ended their career at the end of the season, they spent a lot of season in the team, contributing to the successes of the last seasons, they will be very hard to replace.
One of them Aurelio Taufer will enter the Hall of Fame for setting all RB reference figures in his career with Lakers.
Younger players will take the team on their shoulders and we are sure the new starters will make their best for the fans.

Season#29 will be another challenge for Lakers, in a division with old and new competitive teams
Lakers have to keep their enthusiastic football up and bring it on the field each game after another, if they want to confirm the good results obtained in the recent past.
Enthusiasm is very high and expectations too.
Let's see if Lakers can have another satisfactory season.

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2017-11-19 00:39:01 - Kno-Kno-Knocking at PlayOffs' doorReport Abuse

Season #27
League record : 9-7
Admirals 1.1 AC West Divisional Champ
Positive, but lower than season#26, but enough to win (surprisingly) AC West division. They clinched a playoff spot in Admirals 1.1 for the first time in franchise history.
Legendary victory in the first PO game, with an Hail-Mary-Pass in the very last second of the match, chocking the 69ers' fans on the stands.
No way to compete in the second turn, when the Chester Ducks defense dominated the match from the second quarter until the end of the game.

SuperCup : 14-1
Playoff spot grabbed in SuperCup. A masterpiece of victory against Michigan State Spartans in the first round and then a weak performance against The Green Machine in the second round.

Champ of Champions : Not qualified.

No friendly cup trophy so far.

Troy Tice "Best LB of the League Admirals 1.1" is another confirmation of a successful growth of the team.

A season to celebrate for the double playoff appeareance. Fans are allowed to be proud of Lakers, since they did something important this season. The path to the top is still long and ripid, but the team is showing increasing signs of improvement.
Coaching staff and players are both confirmed for the next season, following a convincing display of mental resilience after some tough losses and showing capacity to stay on the field in stressful situations against top-tier teams.
All the good promises are to be kept in the next season, when nothing we did in the season 27 will give Lakers any advantage.
3 good players will retire and Lakers will miss them, but replacements seem promising substitutes. So no big drop is expected, even if some experience has gone lost in the transaction.
Enthusiasm is very high and expectations too. Let's see if Lakers can replicate the good results.

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2017-08-08 07:04:02 - The River of victory is made out of dropsReport Abuse

Season #26
League record : 11-5
Franchise Record in 1.1 so far. Out of Wild Card spot for the lowest PD among 11-5 teams. Some drop missing for a positive league season

SuperCup : 12-3
Unfortunate draw in a group with 2 Elite teams and another strong 1.1. Lakers couldn't win any of the three direct matches. Other small drops missing...

Champ of Champions : Not qualified.

No friendly cup trophy so far.

Admirals 1.1 AC West division is a challenging one. Four teams of great value and with strong leaderships. Each game is a surprise and a chess-game to play with precision and supported by good luck. We had a divisional positive score, but we missed some tasty opportunities in the inter-divisional and inter-conference games. In Admirals every mistake counts to drag you down in the rankings... and with a couple of FGs scored in good positions we could be here to cheer at the first playoff rush of the Lakers.
Fans have to be patient, we will try to amend our mistakes in the next seasons.
We would hail Lakers first Hall of Fame Player : Shad Gold (OL). A great acquisition on trade market that gave his best at OT position. A fast, agile, not-so-bulk lineman that gave proof of great talent and skills. He is the first of a long list of champions that are making the Lakers history.

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2017-05-25 11:57:53 - Destination NowhereReport Abuse

Season #25

League record : 8-8
out of the playoff rush some matches before ending.
A bad start with no victories on the road forced Lakers to run uphill. Good luck helped us, when LollerCoasters and Bulldozers went BOT in the middle of the season and gave us two easy victories to avoid a negative balance.

Supercup : 14-1 (14-2 overall)
An easy first round of the SuperCup brought us to the playoff. No glory though. Unfortunately Lakers were kicked out at the first attempt, suffering from a management debacle, since the game was not prepared as it should be.

Champ of Champions : Not qualified.

No friendly cup trophy.

In a tough division, Lakers performed as bad as expected since the departure of the two most skilled OL in Lakers' history. Adaptation of the juniors is under construction and some glimpse of progress has been shown during the last games of the season.
We are still lacking the right winning mentality and some good streak of victories.
In the next season we cannot expect lucky gifts, like those we received during Season #25.
The team has to show decisive improvements if we want to give our fans some to be proud of and try to grab a playoff spot in the challenging AC West

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2017-03-12 22:28:54 - The extraordinary success of going nowhereReport Abuse

Season #24

League record : 8-8
fought for the playoff wildcard spot until the end.
A couple of games lost for bad playbooking and silly decisions would give us something more. The overall season was a success, because we thought we would struggle for relegation and we finished fighting with top teams.

Supercup : 15-0 (18-1 overall)
That's where Lakers shined. Perfect qualification round and some crowned opponents from Elite defeated (Cowboys and Blitzkrieg)

Champ of Champions : 1-1. Won the first turn against a bot team (few glory) and lost the second against Munich Runners Elite team (unlucky draw).

One trophy won overseas (overoceans to be precise) : "Bear republic Cup" friendly cup

This time Admirals 1.1 were the right playground for the Lakers and their enthusiastic cheering fans.
A lot of people on the stands are the best feedback for the result of the season and we exceeded many expectations.

Admirals 1.1 #25 season will be the real test of Lakers growth. Another season "nowhere" would be appreciated, but tasting the sweetness of victory makes you wanting more ... another chapter to be written in the Lakers history

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2016-12-19 22:34:56 - A season to remember for Lakers' fansReport Abuse

Season #23

Exciting and extraordinary season for Bracciano Lakers.

League record : 15-1
Admirals 2.2 AC West Divisional Champ
Admirals AC Conference Champ
Admirals 2.2 Bowl lost for a crazy 3rd quarter in a tight match against a much stronger opponent.

As a cherry on the rich pie, Guerino Grando was elected best QB of the Admirals 2.2, of whole Admirals and of the WORLD.
He is a young champion to watch on his road to success.

Supercup : 12-3 (just one victory shy from the playoff spot)

First trophy won : "Sunday under 60 overall" friendly cup

I want to thank all the people that crowded the stands all season long, supporting us in the difficult situations and cheering for us one victory after the other.
I wish that Lakers can give them the satisfactions they deserve in the next Admirals 1.1 season.

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2016-09-23 07:02:44 - Bracciano back to Admirals 2Report Abuse

Season #22

After a painful season of losses 1-15 we tasted the spicy flavour of the Admirals 1.1. We were the worst team of the league at the beginning and we weren't capable to outperform the expectations. As a result at the end of the season the coach and half of the coaching staff has been replaced.
Next season we will try our best to come back on the 1.1 stage.

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2016-07-06 16:14:41 - ... and finally we get promotedReport Abuse

Season #21

Losing the Conference Championship again in an hard-fought match, Bracciano Lakers earned the right for a relegation match against an opponent of the same value.
After a master performance, Lakers won the right to be an Admiral 1.1 team. It was a fantastic ending for a very good season (league 14-2, SuperCup 12-3) and all the team components have to be proud of the excellent result.
Season 22 in Admirals 1.1 will be a challenging season, but we cannot expect nothing less than a new thrilling season for the Lakers.

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2016-04-03 13:52:39 - Bracciano Lakers remain in Admiral 2.2Report Abuse

Season #20

Same title and same epilogue (a relegation match) for a completely different season.
The new season is at the doors and it's time to replay the past one and evaluate it.
- Lakers won their divison with 13-3
- Advanced to the Conference Championship and lost it 1yd short from the TD of the victory
- Lost the relegation match against a 1.1 team beyond our possibilities.

We feel we had a good season for a starting team and it gives us confidence for the future.
Next season we will need to confirm those good results and we know it will require double effort and double discipline to meet such expectations.
We will have some (short) relaxing time for the weeks to come and then we will prepare ourselves to be ready for a new beginning.

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2016-01-09 22:46:29 - Bracciano Lakers remain in Admiral 2.2Report Abuse

Tonight we had to play a relegation match we didn't deserve, shameful heirloom of the insane past management.
We worked hard and beyond to be ready.
Our nightmares came immediately to scare us with a dramatic fumble inside our own red zone.
The defence gave proof of pride and mental endurance and limited the damages to a field goal.
It was our rebirth. The team came out with a great overall performance, taking the match firmly in our hands since then on.
I want to thank the people that crowded the stands of the stadium, giving us the burst of energy we needed.
As the first match of our new management it was a day filled with great results.
We are working for starting today a long streak of many other successes.

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2016-01-04 14:31:15 - New Franchise on boardReport Abuse

Greetings to all,
Bracciano Lakers are a newly born franchise in Italy.
GM Yashin will keep institutional relationship for the team.
We are setting up a new stadium and organize the team, in the meanwhile we will accept (and issue) demonstrative and training matches in order to understand the entry level of the team and our improvement axes.

We wnat to assure all the teams out there that we will do our best to improve quickly and prepare epic matches to be proud of.

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