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2022-09-18 10:30
Yep, Season 49 arrived, and with it RedZoneAction faces some changes.
In a try to make elder players (aged 30 years or older) more usable, we lowered their weekly salary. For those managers running the HR department, it might be a good idea to renegotiate your contracts immediately. All other managers take advantage of this change without the need of doing anything.
At the same time, the transfer asking price for such players was lowered as well.
Please find more information about the changes in the manual.
Another plan for this season rollover was to close D2 leagues, finally. However, after some checks it is still not possible to do this without causing some issues. Region Dragons has too many managers, and over all there would be a very small number of free slots available for new managers. Therefore, we delay this part to the next season rollover.
Tags: News