2012-12-23 14:48
Hello all,
after having a review on our follower counts on Facebook, Twitter and Google+, it seems we could have some more.
So here we go with a small "campaign" running until December 23, that is 4 weeks from today:
1. Facebook
Go there, and "Like" RedZoneaction. 5 new followers = 1 Credit. It does not matter if you or friends of you push the like button. Count at the moment: 145
2. Google+:
Go there, and "plus" us. 5 new followers = 1 Credit. It does not matter if you or friends of you push the like button. Count at the moment: 46
On top you could add a short link in your profile, and if you do that don't miss to remark it with #RedZoneAction. Each post we can find: 1 Credit
3. Twitter:
Go there, and "plus" us. 5 new followers = 1 Credit. It does not matter if you or friends of you push the like button. Count at the moment: 38
On top you could create a short tweet, and if you do that don't miss to remark it with #RedZoneAction. Each tweet we can find: 1 Credit
At the 23rd of December '12 we are counting the Credits based on the rules described above, and push the "Send Credits button". This will be our this years XMas gift to you.
On top of that we will run a lottery on all so called hashmark-posts (the #RedZoneAction thing), and one of the users is receiving a 3 months Supporter account.
Thanks a lot
Btw: There is a page we are receiving users from, it is called http://www.onlinesportmanagers.com/game-profile/football-140-red-zone-action/
We would appreciate it if you could vote over there, and we have no doubts you will use the Best-option only. At the moment we are place #6 there, each rank we climb up in their global ranking is worth 2 Credits for the XMas-gift.
Tags: News