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Trnava Saints by Morion
Match of the Day

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Kickoff: 2024-05-22 17:00:00 (Friendly Cup)
Team   Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 OT FT
@ Trnava Saints
Attendance: 0
15:00 Cointoss won by HAMBURG SEA LIONS, elects to receive
15:00 Hunter Russouw (K) kicks the ball for 68, results in a touchback, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 20 more
15:00 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Moreno Semenzato (OC) snaps the ball to Nicolò Stanzetti (QB), Nicolò Stanzetti (QB) selected Sherman Schmidt (TE/L) as target, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Gerhard Valmori (CB/R), forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 4-4-3) more
14:29 1 and 10 to go on own 32, Moreno Semenzato (OC) snaps the ball to Nicolò Stanzetti (QB), Nicolò Stanzetti (QB) selected Sherman Schmidt (TE/L) as target, Enrico Germani (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this inner left pass catches the ball, tackled by Gerhard Valmori (CB/R), forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 4-4-3) more
13:57 1 and 10 to go on own 44, Moreno Semenzato (OC) snaps the ball to Nicolò Stanzetti (QB), hands off to Àlex Riera (HB/R), this seems to be a run over the right tackle, Abdul Latiff Baarfuß (MLB) goes for the blitz, there is no Defense Line after the block, Àlex Riera (HB/R) sees no MLBs, he breaks the tackling of Bradford Roderick (SS/R), finally he gets tackled by Michael McCallum (FS/L), forward progress: 15 yards, New first down (Pro set vs. 4-3-4) more
13:25 1 and 10 to go on opp 41, Moreno Semenzato (OC) snaps the ball to Nicolò Stanzetti (QB), hands off to Àlex Riera (HB/R), this seems to be a run over the center, Àlex Riera (HB/R) breaks the tackle of Osman Mustafa (DE/L), Lorne MacNeil (DE/R), Àlex Riera (HB/R) tackled by Abdul Latiff Baarfuß (MLB), forward progress: 9 yards (Pro set vs. 4-3-4) more
12:56 2 and 1 to go on opp 32, Moreno Semenzato (OC) snaps the ball to Nicolò Stanzetti (QB), Mohammad Bolen (HB/C) gets the ball, he starts running over the center, Mohammad Bolen (HB/C) breaks the tackle of Osman Mustafa (DE/L), Lorne MacNeil (DE/R), Mohammad Bolen (HB/C) tackled by Abdul Latiff Baarfuß (MLB), forward progress: 6 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 4-4-3) more
12:27 1 and 10 to go on opp 26, Moreno Semenzato (OC) snaps the ball to Nicolò Stanzetti (QB), Nicolò Stanzetti (QB) selected Larry Gaskin (WR/R) as target, Maarifa Fagbure (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Michael McCallum (FS/L) made the tackle, forward progress: 13 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 4-3-4) more
11:55 1 and 10 to go on opp 13, Moreno Semenzato (OC) snaps the ball to Nicolò Stanzetti (QB), Nicolò Stanzetti (QB) selected Baron Jevtic (WR/L) as target, Abdul Latiff Baarfuß (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, incomplete, he was not able to make the catch, no progress (I-formation vs. 4-3-4) more
11:47 2 and 10 to go on opp 13, Moreno Semenzato (OC) snaps the ball to Nicolò Stanzetti (QB), hands off to Roberto Mora (FB/R), this seems to be a run over the center, Lorne MacNeil (DE/R) breaks through, Maarifa Fagbure (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Sherman Schmidt (TE/L) blocks, Roberto Mora (FB/R) tackled by Abdul Latiff Baarfuß (MLB), forward progress: 6 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more
11:18 3 and 4 to go on opp 7, Moreno Semenzato (OC) snaps the ball to Nicolò Stanzetti (QB), hands off to Roberto Mora (FB/R), this seems to be a run over the right end, Petras Kalnietis (MLB) goes for the blitz, Monroe Riera (TE/R) blocks, Lorne MacNeil (DE/R) brings down Roberto Mora (FB/R), nice tackle, forward progress: no gain (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more
10:50 Janusz Hämmisegger (K) kicks the ball for the field goal, 24 yard field goal is good
10:48 Janusz Hämmisegger (K) kicks the ball for 61, Markus Coombs (KR/R) returns, tackled by Inunnguaq Zeeb (G/L), this was a 18 yards return, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 22 more
10:41 1 and 10 to go on own 22, Brice Macon (OC) snaps the ball to Ike Leggett (QB), who hands off to Lubor Belić (HB/C), he starts running over the right end, Lubor Belić (HB/C) tackled by Horia Roman (OLB/L), forward progress: 6 yards (I-formation vs. 4-4-3) more
10:12 2 and 4 to go on own 28, Brice Macon (OC) snaps the ball to Ike Leggett (QB), hands off to Lubor Belić (HB/L), he starts running over the left end, Aubrey Dawson (MLB) goes for the blitz, HansGeorg Ziegler (DE/L) tackles Lubor Belić (HB/L), forward progress: tackle for loss of 1 yards (Wishbone vs. 4-4-3) more
9:45 3 and 5 to go on own 27, Brice Macon (OC) snaps the ball to Ike Leggett (QB), Ike Leggett (QB) selected Dejan Nastoski (WR/R) as target, this inner right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Dejan Nastoski (WR/R) tackled by Andrew Roth (CB/L), forward progress: 9 yards, New first down (Flexbone vs. 4-4-3) more
9:11 1 and 10 to go on own 36, Brice Macon (OC) snaps the ball to Ike Leggett (QB), hands off to Lubor Belić (HB/C), he starts running over the left end, Lubor Belić (HB/C) tackled by Kurt Robertson (OLB/R), forward progress: 8 yards (I-formation vs. 4-4-3) more
8:42 2 and 2 to go on own 44, Brice Macon (OC) snaps the ball to Ike Leggett (QB), Ike Leggett (QB) selected Alexandros Maragos (WR/L) as target, the receiver of this outer left pass catches the ball, Alexandros Maragos (WR/L) tackled by Etienne Labbe (CB/R), forward progress: 8 yards, New first down (Wishbone vs. 4-4-3) more
8:09 1 and 10 to go on opp 48, Brice Macon (OC) snaps the ball to Ike Leggett (QB), Ike Leggett (QB) selected Alexandros Maragos (WR/L) as target, the receiver of this outer left pass catches the ball, Malik Sawyers (FS/C) made the tackle, forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 4-4-3) more
7:37 1 and 10 to go on opp 36, Brice Macon (OC) snaps the ball to Ike Leggett (QB), Ike Leggett (QB) selected Dejan Nastoski (WR/R) as target, Beniaminio Apulu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Peter Sproß (FB/C) blocks, Malik Sawyers (FS/R) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Andrew Roth (CB/L) tackled him, forward progress: 13 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more
7:06 1 and 10 to go on opp 23, Brice Macon (OC) snaps the ball to Ike Leggett (QB), hands off to Lubor Belić (HB/C), this seems to be a run over the left end, Billy McLean (FS/L) goes for the blitz, Rayhan Sad (TE/R) blocks, Lubor Belić (HB/C) breaks the tackle of Kurt Robertson (OLB/R), he breaks the tackling of Lazar Ognyanov (SS/C), Lubor Belić (HB/C) tackled by Etienne Labbe (CB/R), forward progress: 16 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more
6:33 1 and goal to go on opp 7, Brice Macon (OC) snaps the ball to Ike Leggett (QB), Ike Leggett (QB) selected Dejan Nastoski (WR/R) as target, Beniaminio Apulu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Peter Sproß (FB/C) blocks, Alessandro Borrelli (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, this outer right pass is incomplete, overthrown, no progress (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more
6:25 2 and goal to go on opp 7, Brice Macon (OC) snaps the ball to Ike Leggett (QB), Ike Leggett (QB) selected Dejan Nastoski (WR/R) as target, HansGeorg Ziegler (DE/L) breaks through the line, Peter Sproß (FB/C) blocks, Malik Sawyers (FS/C) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this outer right pass catches the ball, Dejan Nastoski (WR/R) tackled by Andrew Roth (CB/L), forward progress: 6 yards (Wishbone vs. 5-3-3) more
5:51 3 and goal to go on opp 1, Brice Macon (OC) snaps the ball to Ike Leggett (QB), hands off to Markus Coombs (HB/R), this seems to be a run over the center, Beniaminio Apulu (DE/R) breaks through, Markus Coombs (HB/R) tackled by Jake Regan (DT/R), forward progress: no gain (Pro set vs. 4-4-3) more
5:24 Hunter Russouw (K) kicks the ball for the field goal, 18 yard field goal is good
5:22 Hunter Russouw (K) kicks the ball for 58, Mohammad Bolen (KR/R) returns, tackled by Maarifa Fagbure (G/L), this was a 14 yards return, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 21 more
5:16 1 and 10 to go on own 21, Moreno Semenzato (OC) snaps the ball to Nicolò Stanzetti (QB), who hands off to Mohammad Bolen (HB/C), he starts running over the right tackle, Osman Mustafa (DE/L) breaks through, Maarifa Fagbure (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Sherman Schmidt (TE/L) blocks, Monroe Riera (TE/R) blocks, Mohammad Bolen (HB/C) tackled by Abdul Latiff Baarfuß (MLB), forward progress: 5 yards (Big I formation vs. 4-4-3) more
4:47 2 and 5 to go on own 26, Moreno Semenzato (OC) snaps the ball to Nicolò Stanzetti (QB), who hands off to Mohammad Bolen (HB/C), he starts running over the left tackle, Enrico Germani (OLB/L) goes for the blitz, Monroe Riera (TE/R) blocks, Lorne MacNeil (DE/R) brings down Mohammad Bolen (HB/C), nice tackle, forward progress: tackle for loss of 1 yards (Singleback Big vs. 3-3-5) more
4:20 3 and 6 to go on own 25, Moreno Semenzato (OC) snaps the ball to Nicolò Stanzetti (QB), Nicolò Stanzetti (QB) selected Larry Gaskin (WR/R) as target, this outer right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Larry Gaskin (WR/R) tackled by Shen Thun (CB/L), forward progress: 4 yards (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more
3:46 Janusz Hämmisegger (P) punts the ball from own 29 for 46, Markus Coombs (KR/C) is returning the ball, no, the ball was downed, no return
3:46 1 and 10 to go on own 25, Brice Macon (OC) snaps the ball to Ike Leggett (QB), Ike Leggett (QB) selected Dejan Nastoski (WR/R) as target, the receiver of this outer right pass catches the ball, Andrew Roth (CB/L) made the tackle, forward progress: 11 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 4-4-3) more
3:15 1 and 10 to go on own 36, Brice Macon (OC) snaps the ball to Ike Leggett (QB), Lubor Belić (HB/C) gets the ball, he starts running over the right end, Lubor Belić (HB/C) breaks the tackle of Beniaminio Apulu (DE/R), Lubor Belić (HB/C) tackled by Horia Roman (OLB/L), forward progress: 6 yards (I-formation vs. 4-4-3) more
2:46 2 and 4 to go on own 42, Brice Macon (OC) snaps the ball to Ike Leggett (QB), Ike Leggett (QB) selected Dejan Nastoski (WR/R) as target, the pass goes outer right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Dejan Nastoski (WR/R) tackled by Andrew Roth (CB/L), forward progress: 8 yards, New first down (Wishbone vs. 4-4-3) more
2:12 1 and 10 to go on 50, Brice Macon (OC) snaps the ball to Ike Leggett (QB), Lubor Belić (HB/C) gets the ball, this seems to be a run over the left end, Beniaminio Apulu (DE/R) tackles Lubor Belić (HB/C), forward progress: no gain (I-formation vs. 4-4-3) more
1:45 2 and 10 to go on 50, Brice Macon (OC) snaps the ball to Ike Leggett (QB), who hands off to Markus Coombs (HB/R), this seems to be a run over the right end, Kurt Robertson (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Markus Coombs (HB/R) breaks the tackle of Horia Roman (OLB/L), and gets tackled by Lazar Ognyanov (SS/L), forward progress: 11 yards, New first down (Wishbone vs. 3-4-4) more
1:14 1 and 10 to go on opp 39, Kamil Ayasha (OC) snaps the ball to Ike Leggett (QB), Ike Leggett (QB) selected Marques Bolton (WR/L) as target, Edgar Rojas (DE/L) breaks through the line, Peter Sproß (FB/C) blocks, Larry Wooten (FS/L) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this outer left pass catches the ball, Antonio Benítez (CB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 14 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more
0:42 1 and 10 to go on opp 25, Kamil Ayasha (OC) snaps the ball to Ike Leggett (QB), Ike Leggett (QB) selected Marques Bolton (WR/L) as target, Edgar Rojas (DE/L) breaks through the line, Peter Sproß (FB/C) blocks, Lazar Ognyanov (SS/C) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver can not catch this outer left pass, incomplete, no progress (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more
0:34 2 and 10 to go on opp 25, Kamil Ayasha (OC) snaps the ball to Ike Leggett (QB), Markus Coombs (HB/L) gets the ball, he starts running over the left end, Markus Coombs (HB/L) breaks the tackle of Kurt Robertson (OLB/R), there is no SS who could tackle him, Markus Coombs (HB/L) tackled by Antonio Benítez (CB/R), forward progress: 8 yards (Wishbone vs. 3-4-4) more
0:02 3 and 2 to go on opp 17, Kamil Ayasha (OC) snaps the ball to Ike Leggett (QB), hands off to Markus Coombs (HB/C), he starts running over the left end, Markus Coombs (HB/C) tackled by Kurt Robertson (OLB/R), forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 4-4-3) more