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Coaches are the drivers for your Team's success.

Here in we have a Head coach (HC), and several Assistant coaches (AC). Assistant coaches are dedicated to a position group like Quarterback or Offensive Linemen, while the HC takes care of the whole Coaching business.

My Coaches display show 50 CP for all types, did I hire Coaches already?

No, you didn't. All the benefits described below are not available to you. Having a Coach at 50% is like having no "advanced Coach", and only advanced Coaches can help you with your team!

What happens if I refuse to use these Coaches?

Your team will perform worse during games, compared to a team that has Coaches. Yes, you might save some money. But you will also miss training progress both for the regular training and the extra training in the Youth Academy. On Youth Pulls you will miss the better selection made by the ACs.

How do I get Coaches?

There is a Coaches market in the Team menu. Just click on the name of the Coach you would like to have in your staff team, and place a bid. Before you can hire ACs, you have to hire an HC first. Be careful, you can never hire ACs better than your HC - the quality of Coaches is measured in Coaching points (CP). You can't hire a coach directly, but rather you have to place a bid on the coach you would like to have on your team. The highest bid after 3 days wins the auction; the coach is transferred overnight to the highest bidding team. The Transfer market is closed each season from day 74 until the season-rollover was finished. The rules for bidding on a coach are similar to bidding on a player, with some exceptions:
1.) You can't bid on ACs without having a HC!
2.) You can't bid on ACs having more CP than your HC!
3.) You can't bid on an AC for a position, if you currently have a bid on another coach for the same position!
4.) You can't bid on ACs if the sum of all ACs already hired and those you bid on is higher than all available CPs (the HC's CPs do not count into this sum)!

Coaching points (CP)

A Coach can have from 51 up to 100 Coaching points. The more CP a coach has, the better he is. Be careful: more CP means higher weekly wages for your coach. A team can hire ACs for a maximum of 550 CP. This means, you can't have CP 100 coaches for each position. Much more you have to choose a path for your team, and you have to hire the coaches that will bring your team forward to win the trophy. For every AC hired, the remaining CPs are split equally to all positions without an AC.

Coaches' consistency

Each coach has consistency. Consistency is measured from one half to 5 in half star steps, where 1 half star means really inconsistent, and 5 means he is really consistent in making decisions. A coach with a half star of consistency can perform up to 10% worse or better than what his CP is. So consistency is like daily form of your coach. Please notice: This factor out of consistency is active for each single event the coach is joining.

Coaches' experience

Each coach has Experience, and experience grows (very slowly) when playing regular games with your coach. In this context: each game that provides ticket income is considered to be a regular game. Experience is one factor to determine the weekly wages of your coach. Please notice: This factor out of experience is active for each single event the coach is joining.
Your coaches will raise their experience every time your team is playing a game.

1.) Coaches earn Experience when they are involved in games. The coaches earn the same amount of Experience, regardless of the type of game. Exceptions: Games without ticket income don't raise Experience (Friendly Cup, Friendlies on Mo/We/Th/Su).

2.) There is no difference between HC and ACs, and positions don't matter in this case

3.) The formula:

New Exp = ((50 - Old Exp) / 100 * 0.5) + Old Exp

This means a Coach earns half a percent of the difference from 50 to his current experience value. Keep in mind, the experience is represented in stars, where each half star represents 5.0 Experience in the database. The maximum amount of experience in the database can be 50, based on this information.

Coaches' age

A Coach will enter the game between the ages of about 35 and 50, and he will think about retiring when he is about 60 or older. However, this is no hard rule. He celebrates his birthday on the season rollover.

Coaches' wages

Wages are calculated based on the coach's experience and on CP. While CP is fixed, experience may grow. On each season rollover the wages are recalculated. An HC will have wages double than a similar AC.

The AC base wages starts from 25,000 and could climb up to around 550,000 (per week), depending on the influencing skills. The factor from one CP level to the next is around 1.065.

The math behind the wages


Another factor is position depending (Positionfactor):

QB 1.2
RB 1.1
FB 1.0
TE 1.0
WR 1.1
OL 0.9
DL 0.9
LB 1.1
CB 1.0
SF 1.0
ST 1.1

The wages are:


You have to add some small randomness to this calculation.

Coaches affect the Training Points in the Youth academy

Your HC gives you a bonus on the Training points you could spread among your youngsters.

trainingpoints=( ( youthacademy level + 1 ) * 5 ) + (HC CP / 2)

No HC translates as HC CP = 0!

For each AC you hire the training points will be raised by 10 percent and the result will be rounded up/down to the next whole number. Then the next AC adds 10% to that result and so on. Please notice: The factors out of consistency and experience are active for the Head coach. The value HC CP in the formula above is lowered/raised be these factors already.

Coaches affect the training

Each AC affects the training of those players he is responsible for coaching (defined by the players' position!). Of course this only valid for skills the player is using on his position. You do not need to know exactly how the training is calculated, but in case you are curious, the formula is as follows:

There is an AC coach:
This means that CP > 50 and the value used for AC-CP-Formula = CP - 40
Example: AC has 70 CP. For the training calculation, 30 CP will be used in the calculations.

There is no AC coach:
CP <= 50 and this means the value for AC-CP-Formula = 1

Fitness points = Fitness training percentage out of ((random 25:40 + Teamwork + AC-CP-Formula)/2) / 100

Skill points = The percentage out of (random 25:40 + Teamwork + AC-CP-Formula)/2 / 100

Keep in mind there are variations based on the Experience and Consistency of the coach and his CP!

Coaches affect the game play

In the Front office menu there is a new item "Coaches". There you see bars for each Coach slot. If you add an AC, all slots of not hired coaches get a minus - the maximum for all CP is 550 and can't go above that!

In the engine, a coach you hired makes your players do better, of course he affects only those positions he is in charge of.

A not hired coach slot makes your players perform worse.

The math:
factor=((AC CP + 45 + 1000) / 1100) + (rand(-50,50) / 10000)
This will result in something like +-5%, if the player is playing his position, on the skills the AC is affecting.

This is active for all games your team plays, even if there is no ticket income from it.

Keep in mind the factors for Experience and Consistency of the coach! The overall bonus or minus from having an AC can't be more than around 10% of the previous player-skill-calculation.

The HC has a direct influence on the game play as well. His knowledge about Football will influence the acting of the ACs, and if your HC is less consistent or less experienced, your ACs might act a little bit worse than expected.

Coaches affect the Youth pull

Each AC affects the skills of the Youngsters for the position he is in charge of. If there are players to s e l e c t from where you have ACs for, the skills will be slightly better.

What happens if I fire my HC?

If you fire your HC, all ACs will stay, but the bonus on those positions is not active until you hire a new HC. The minus as a result of not hired ACs is still active.

What happens if I fired my HC, and hire a new HC with less CP than the old one?

All ACs will become active again, but are limited to the CP level of the new HC! The minus as a result of not hired ACs is still at the level it was with the old HC.

Can I hire another AC for a position where I already have an AC?

Yes, this is possible; the Coach market restrictions apply. If you win the auction, your old Coach in that position gets fired to make room for the new one.

Can I fire Coaches?

Yes, of course. Replacing/Firing a coach results in 5 weekly wages penalty, too - except the coach plans to retire. You are not allowed to fire a coach within a period of 45 minutes before a games kickoff, and 15 minutes after the end of a game of your team.

What happens if I replace or fire Coaches?

Replacing or firing Coaches lowers the morale and Team chemistry of the involved players.

Players having less than 40% Morale will get a 5% hit.
Players having less than 80% Morale but more than or equal to 40% Morale will get a 10% hit.
Players having more than or equal to 80% Morale will get a 20% hit.

Players having less than 40% TC will get a 5% hit.
Players having less than 80% TC but more than or equal to 40% TC will get a 10% hit.
Players having more than or equal to 80% TC will get a 20% hit.

How are the factors for Consistency and Experience calculated?

As mentioned earlier, the consistency and experience of the coaches play a role in the calculations. In general, the higher they are the better. You do not need to know exactly how the calculations work. However, if you are curious, the formula is as follows:
EXP = Coaches Experience (each full star represents 10 points here, 3 star Experience = EXP 30)
CON = Coaches Consistency (each full star represents 10 points here, 3 star Consistency = CON 30)
rand = Random Number Generator

Exp-Factor = 1 + ((EXP - 40 ) / 100 / 2)
rand_con=1 + (rand(0 - (55-CON),(55-CON)) / 100 / 5)
EXP-CON-factor=Exp-Factor * rand_con
Final-CP = CP * EXP-CON-factor

The calculation is done once per event. This means, if a coach gets a bonus based on consistency, the actual CP used will be the same for the complete training of all players, or for a complete game. There are no recalculations based on consistency during the same event. These factors are valid for each single event a coach is joining, Training, Training points in the Youth academy, and gameplay.

What happens if my team exceeds the allowed 550 Coaching points?

At each financial updat.e there is check for this. If your team exceeds the limit of 550 CP for your Assistance coaches, a warning will be sent to you. Here are the warnlevels and the financial penalties:

Level 1: 0 $
Level 2: 100.000 $
Level 3: 1.000.000 $
Level 4: 5.000.000 $

Once a team hits level 4, it stays there until it fixes the issue. This means, the penalty applies at each financial update at that point. As soon as a team is fixing the situation, the warnlevel drops to "nothing".